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Everything posted by aman

  1. I think if you reactivate the brain and it can generate the same fields around it while it processes information then the soul or personaity should be right back where it left off. The person should be there again, just awakened. Just aman
  2. People still can't take a Kirlian photo of a persons head. Since the brain functions electricaly there should be an associated electromagnetic field around a head. I think that might be where the tendency to be struck might be centered. Just aman
  3. Have you seen the list of quality people that were taken in 9/11? Over two thousand. Mostly well educated and disciplined. A lot of educated and common sense people live in the U.S. Thank God they have a majority say in the worlds direction. The military educates a large percentage of us. The armed forces have the extra discipine some of the borderline people need. We're 250 million strong and we have over a million in prison and maybe a million more should be. Thats the result of our education process. Something is radically wrong and I can't figure it out. How do we maximize everyone to their potential? How do we make kids want to know what we know? Just aman
  4. I still like the test at the top. First post has a lot of validity Halogen Fisk has presented the near perfect way to determine ---->:bs:. I think if you don't get a decent score then it's psuedoscience. I've got a few ideas that score under zero and I love discussing them. It still is very hard to discuss serious subjects in a chat room. Scientists can still have a sense of humor and I'm glad you keep it balanced fafalone. Just aman
  5. Since your retinas can only generate signals to your brain at a slow chemical reaction speed and at a limited frequency, then you would process the information faster in near real time but be limited by the parameters of the eye. The cillia in the ear and the eardrum are mechanical and you would still hear the same output a little faster so you might here a different range of frequencies. I think the only real difference is your reflexes might be faster and you could learn faster. Just aman
  6. If you want to build a cyborg with a computer memory and processor then the body would need at least a brain stem but the rest of the brain would be artificial. The connection for control of the body should be made above the brain stem. Piece of cake Just aman
  7. It sounds like your not a target. You must be short..:slaphead: :slaphead: OOP,s There goes an example of my bad social skills. I meant not tall. Just aman
  8. You guys put me in your wills and wind up with tubes sticken out of ya, I'll pull the plug for ya anytime. Just let me know cus I'm reliable. I'd never let a friend down. Yer buddy Just aman
  9. Quote "You obviously haven't done drugs." I'm just trying to say be prepared. Know what your looking for really. I lived in the Yaqui Indian desert and down with the Chocos of the Darien Gap. I've lived with the various tribes in the LLanos and Northern Amazon of South America. Drugs were not for recreation but only to help take one more small step forward. You need to be ready for help with the first stair step and then you have to make it up to the landing by yourself. Organics don't destroy the body. Stay away from the chemicals. I do know LSD is a derivative of ergot and is basically organic but I don't recommend it. I think Peyote, mescaline, and psilocyben ought to be legalized but in special school and discipline enviroments. Only to make the world better. Just my opinion. Just aman
  10. Try yoga and "real meditation". Not the crap thats in a lot of books or just sitting and saying oooooommmm. You have to earn every step you take in the world. There is no quick, easy, gift. It all depends on if you really want the real thing. Good luck. Just aman
  11. The .9999... no matter how far it extends has to move up one decimal place. The ...... is confusing until you realize moving it one digit past the decimial point is also adding a zero in the last place at the infinite end. Then you are subtracting .9999-----0 from .9999-----9 That last 9 tips the value to 1 Just aman
  12. If it is confusing our makeup and mobile then it sounds like the perfect defininition of where a personality might reside if it is inhereted. At least a few clues. maybe stable personalities have less "jumping". Just for thought. Just aman
  13. It's a good creed to see when you start getting old or something nasty creeps up on you. Hell, we live forever. but then we die. Just aman
  14. I've seen two lightning bolts within 200 feet of me in my lifetime. With one I was standing flat against a boulder and another hit a tree. I don't think I repel lightning but there are cases of multiple strikes on people. The conditions of the strikes seemed unusual also. That's why I said if you don't get hit the first time you probably aren't a target. Sure wouldn't want to be a target. Just aman
  15. I have a supposition. The genes we call junk genes which have no relationship to other comparisons of important genes but are individual to each person. They are long strings we can't attach any significance to. I don't believe they do not have a purpose but might have a large effect on who we are expressed as. Just for conjecture. Just aman
  16. Thats a good point but the basics don't change and there is a minimum you can have to move forward in your life. At least literacy. Most won't catch up and will be left behind but they will use the products of the people on the edge. If they can read. Just aman
  17. If lightning missed you then you aren't a target. I say don't ever worry except natural precautions. Go enjoy the show of nature safely. Just aman
  18. An exciting class I had was Mr. Hu cus he paddled bad students back when it was permissable. He actually could teach. I had a teacher who was a drunk and when he came in with a bandaid on his forehead we made fun of how he must have passed out and hit his head on the desk. That was fun for a couple of weeks but most of the class didn't learna a thing. The thrill in algebra was to walk up to the teachers desk and fart as you passed. Every young man in english waited for the teacher in a short skirt on a stool in front of the class to uncross her legs. I myself don't remember what she taught. Somebody in Chemistry tacked a joint on the bulletin board with a tack and for two weeks the thrill was to see if it was still there before it was finally noticed. Why did students search for distractions when learning was offered? Just aman
  19. The closed system they use has laser energy and vibration energy so it doesn't really seem closed to me. Am I wrong? Just aman
  20. Thanks blike. It's inspiring and I'll get back. I'm already coming up with some ideas. It's all explainable with the right minds on it. Just aman
  21. It's way before your time but W.C. Fields said "The best cure for insomnia is to make sure you get plenty of sleep." Just aman :slaphead: Thanks kenel
  22. NASA needs funding. Why aren't they using public relations to broadcast this. Hell, I'd send em a dollar. If it worked. Something is fishy. Just aman
  23. An anology. I have a pound of peanuts = 1lb. Joe owes me a pound of peanuts =1lb. 1lb I have does not equal 1lb I'm owed. That's the first thing that pops in my head but I ain't done yet. This is fun:bravo: Just aman
  24. Maybe we ought to learn to converse with a tree. A no or yes would require maybe a season. Or at least a dolphin. Where are we with that? We've recorded a lot of squeeks Silicon may take a lot longer to communicate with but it also should be able to learn faster. It's a longshot possibility but the best bet is with more organic life forms. Do you think insects could attain sentience in a lower gravity enviroment? Just aman
  25. They never show if there would be a difference in levitation at the poles of the Earth. It still might be a strictly magnetic phenomena related to the Earths field since they can't really get a significant lift out of it. Thanks blike. Its fascinating stuff:bravo: I'm gonna pass it around. Just aman:cool:
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