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Everything posted by aman
If God created man and women then I feel it was done by stirring the soup millions of years earlier and standing back. There's no evidence we just popped up from behind some tree. That's my opinion. Just aman:cool:
My wife went to school here 35 yrs. ago. Then UNO for her masters. I was born in Queens, NY. and raised In Anaheim, Ca. Nebraska has em all beat so we bought a litlle house and property and are in retirement heaven. Good luck here. See ya around Just aman:cool:
Then why'd you pick such a complicated name? If I try to spell it, by the time I finish I forget what I was gonna post. Now I want to tell you something real important TrIVIAL/\b:zzz: :zzz: Oh. where was I? I'll think of it later.:bs: Just aman
If time is actually quantum strobing advancing incrementally in little slices rather than a smooth flow, the strobing effect would have to originate in each pice of matter relative to other pieces. On Earth it looks as though it flows smooth but in the macrocosom we see descrepencies due to distance and different large mass strobing sources. Just for thought. Just aman:lame:
Since a natural tendency for survival would be strength in numbers it would foster socializing and contact which would be a positive evolutionary pressure toward sexual reproduction. Also virus forms were reproducing in hosts and possibly taking stolen RNA from host to host. Maybe it was positive pressure to develop sexes also until it was finally refined. The survival of the species pressure would also push for maximizing genetic exchange. Just food for thought. Just aman
Glad to hear you aren't dead. Makes the conversations kinda one sided. Welcome Just aman
I think all the people on the other side of the planet are upside down. Doesn't that get distracting? When the moon gets down below on the other side, just jump off the world head first and check it out. Just aman
I try to keep it explainable in physics. But I do need to accept a few subjective ideas at first. That we actually exist and our conscious self is a result of our construction There was a relative begining of time for our universe. The universe has order from the microcosom to the macro. Now my opinion is the entire universe is constantly being stored and proccessed so existance will stay flexible relative to our sentience. We have choice. Tomorrow I might build a tower, dig a hole, or shoot my neighbor. All these actions need to be processed somewhere to keep our future following the laws of nature. I kinda favor an idea that in the microcosm level is an incredible amount of memory storage, processing power, energy, and speed. Somebody could call it God. I'm not spouting God or "who" but trying to understand "how". That keeps it physics. Just aman
Since space is slightly compressed near the sun due to gravity, then a mile would seem realitively the same as a mile out near Jupiter but in actuallity be shorter than one near Jupiter. Maybe we are seeing that as space expands farther from the sun we are just seeing the spacecraft going farther to cross the same distance. Just for thought. Just aman
His equations relate electric fields and magnetic fields. His math is pretty well proven and accepted. It's interesting his calculations say electromagnetic waves propogate at the speed of light. Maybe when we break the barrier of the microcosom there might even be faster effects. Just wishful thinking. Centrifugal forces are fun to play with and the math is readily available. Something magical about how a gyroscope spins. If you imply there is a pulsed effect to the universe then I can see precesion but that also needs a logical argument. Connect it all through reason and ingenuity and I'd like to here about it. Just aman
My English teacher in high school got so frustrated with the class she said she "might as well be teaching a classroom full of carrots". I aced the class but found that personally offensive. I think I'd rather be a bacteria. Maybe a venereal disease. Anythings better than a carrot. please please please please. Where'd you get those catagories anyway? Just aman
I have an opinion that brains can be calibrated. Peoples brains were the first scientific instruments. Only the calibrated ones could return after travel with accuate information. A Plains Indian Scout would return and his accuracy would be critical to the tribes survival. Eastern religious orders cranked out monks and eastern science surpasses some aspects of ours now. Discipline and training in ordered, common sense thinking can let each capable mind reach its optimum abilities. Take 10 citizens on a street and let them observe a single confusing event. You will get 10 differing stories as to what happened Maybe one will describe the truth. This individual probably has an incredible degree of self discipline and common sense abilities. Just for thought. Just aman
I was in South America and I was walking back to my finca (ranch) and only dressed in shorts and shoes cus I was near the equater and it was hot. Suddenly there was a big thunderstorm overhead and the rain was freezing. I was thinking of running to my house but something told me to run to the right about a hundred feet and stand against some boulders. They offered no protection but they had been in the sun and I warmed up instantly. The second I was enjoying the warmth, a lightning bolt hit the exact spot I would have been if I had kept heading towards the house. I personally believe there is something more than just all of this. There are plenty more examples I could give because when you live on the edge they seem to happen a lot more often and clearly. Have you ever been in a survival situation? A car crash, hang gliding, plane crash? Reality seems to change for your mind. It slows down. It's all subjective but there is something there, in my opinion Just aman
I scored 50. Did I win? Whel hell It was a bad idea anyway. So you win with a -4. Thanks Halogen Just aman
It was my impression that the Egyptians dug a foundation area for the pyramid and then flooded it so that they would be able to absolutely level it by the water levels in each corner and on slabs in the middle of the base. Then they drained it and built upwards perfectly level. Do you actually know the composition of the substrate under and around the pyramids. I don't and sorry to say I've never been there but that might be a clue as to whether water around the monuments would be feasable. Just aman:cool:
Our bodies are built to repair themselves and withstand incredible amounts of chemical imbalences or exposures. We evolve from a long history of ingesting all sorts of crap and and I agree that large exposures will be toxic, but our bodies have natural defenses to a lot of damaging elements. The problems of exposures can be diagnosed since they would be chemical specific. Dementia is recorded in history from all sorts of enviroments in the past that were pre-aluminum. How do you explain them? We see new cancers and they sometimes can be diagnosed as chemical exposure specific. This gives an idea of toxic exposure levels of the chemicals but I've never seen them related to aluminum. Maybe you are talking about some new dementia we haven't diagnosed yet. We have more people turning 100yrs now than any time in history and a lot of them are still very lucid and healthy for being so old. How do you explain them? Just aman
Math has always been true for me. In construction, chemistry, biology, and daily life. I can sit here on my hill and measure every tower in the distance with a few simple tools and never touch the tower. Then just for the hell of it I can go physically measure the tower and find out my calculations were true. There are mathematical models for each of the examples you point to and if I had to I could produce the math, even though I'm and an old fart and it's not right on the top of my head at the moment because I thought this was all moot and we would discuss beyond that. These don't seem like logical arguments yet. I can't wait for the bombshell. Just aman:cool:
So you have a little variety in your life. Let's do something really spontaneous. Anybody got a plane. I got some shovels in the barn and we can all fly to Egypt and dig up that tomb under the sphinx. Maybe we can use the shovel handles to break a couple al-kada heads while were there. I can get us close to the Sphinx cus I speak sphincter if I drink their water. This kind of adventure is exactly what everybody here needs. I got a feeling the tomb is there and it's full of really great stuff. C'mon, let's go. Just "Indiana Jones" aman:p Last one on the plane is a weenie:p
I like that you said "opinions" Zarkov. That is tossing it out and asking for questions. Then by discussion the opinons can be judged to either have degrees of merit or seen that they are actually baseless. My opinions are just as vulnerable when I share them here:eek: See you over wherever. Just aman:cool:
I like the ideas of good diet but when coupled with yoga and real meditation, you only need a couple hours sleep at a time and you can nod off anytime you want to. In South America behind rebel lines I slept very restfully but was always snapping to attention instantly at the slightest sense of any danger. Sometimes had to stay awake for five straight days. It was discipline that made it possible. Yoga and meditation or martial arts and meditation helped me. They will fine tune a mind besides the other benefits to the body. Just aman
Judging by the restoration project on the sphinx in a Nat. Geo. Mag. last year it sure looked like the sphinx was never meant to be in standing water for long periods of time. I don't think it would be here if it had. It's just an easily erodable natural formation covered with a veneer and is very unstable. Just aman
It makes sense that biological sentience is a compromise of a lot of factors for the sake of efficiency. We seem for the time being to be at a point where the engine is finished but only two cylinders are firing. That might make us dumber than any other evolved sentience with the same but more finely tuned brain. Also a silicon based lifeform might be able to process near the speed of light. I know that doesn't mean it still can't be dumber than dirt, if you catch my drift. It means it might have the potential to be smarter. Fascinating stuff. Just aman
I'd rather have hair like Ahnold, but what the hell. Here in Nebraska we all wear baseball caps. I've got a picture on my computer and I just started working on linking it but I am a monkey in a room full of full of piano strings and only one is connected to the banana. Thanks fer bein allright. <-- Thats Nebraskan. Just aman
I don't know if Kirlian photography is any kind of science at all really or a phenomena that is useful but hijacked by a bunch of new age knuckleheads. I think there might be some kind of validity to it especially around life. The few valid studies under controls seem to indicate life has an effect. It just might be a tool. Just aman
This is a true, long past, cold war conundrum. A bunch of engineers had a task of figuring out how to dispose of 10 1ton modules under directions of the military. Their paperwork listed them as top secret and the military, afraid of being stormed wanted options of disposal in under ten minutes for the bunch of them. The engineers thought like you are now of blowing them up, dropping them in acid, or filling them with powdered magnesium and burning them. The military wanted the least destructive and most efficient way possible. The engineers worked and searched their brains for weeks. Then one engineer asked what was specifically top secret about these units. Loking it up they saw it was only a small component and a schematic on the inside of a door. Problem solved. They devised a plan where one soldier could destroy each component, collect all the schematics and destroy them in less than three minutes. It pays to look outside the given parameters. Sometimes the answers there. Just for thought;) just aman