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Everything posted by aman

  1. Don't tell me Edwards your puppet? Actually I'll bet it's for free radicals so your gonna raise hell someday in a sedentary world. Give em hell. Just aman
  2. I appreciate your explanations cus although I used to be king of the hill as far as new chips and equipment at Rockwell, I got away from edge electronics, language, and the net cus I was doing farm electronics. The latest sensors in grain dryers and computer controls besides everything mechanical that can go wrong and need to be fixed. Still three years is the limit for being away and the job market claims your a total loss. Your to far behind. Today its probably one year. It's an active world and I've spent a lot of time catching up. I can use all the help I can get, so thanks. I'm getting there and I've stayed up on a lot of the other fields and have a lot of contacts so maybe we can be patient all around. Just aman:cool:
  3. I like active smilies. Is there a way to animate them so eyes bulge and return. The tongue actually sticks out. Put a long haired, bearded, balding, old fart on there (me). Just;) aman:cool:
  4. My dogs sleep through a commercial but as soon as it's over they need to go out. I guess it happens in animals too. Lord, I'd love to see a whole program. Just aman
  5. You read my post too fast friends. I said I always know who will "answer' the phone. Me. Just for fun Just aman:p
  6. I don't have any arguments as to why all past can't be recorded in each iota of quantum space. Let's open it up and see whats inside. Your young and I'm an old fart. I'll let you do it. Keep on thinking. Just aman:cool:
  7. Our physicists are starting to break the sub-quantum or microcosom barrier by examining high energy collisions of particles and seeing the effects. This barrier is where quantum cryptography operates and yes it cannot be examined without interfering with the message at this time. I think soon we will be able to understand on this lower level what exactly we are looking at and with sub-quantum small energy amounts be able to touch the information and not effect it. But then we would be able to develop sub-quantum real time codes that won't be able to be broken for a while. It's just my opinion but I think in our lifetimes we will know what is smaller than a quark and faster than C. I was blessed to be around some very intelligent, driven, people. There's a lot more of you out there. Did you Know that a lot of the early codes in the fifties was wired into glass and plugged in on each flying mission so it could easily be destroyed and never reassembled. We've come a long ways Just aman
  8. aman


    It's just my opinion but the mind uses more energy than aerobics and ruins your appetite so women on keyboards who think are usually cuter than nurses who work hard but a lot of their work is rote tasks. Just want you to know what your giving up fafalone. Plus you'll probably put on a lotta pounds yourself. Surgery and golf can be as bad as cigarettes if your not into research. Just worried about you man. Just aman
  9. I'm up in the northeast corner. We got near nobody living here and 2 stoplights in this tiny town next door to nowhere. I live on a hill and with binoculars I can see nowhere from my house. Don't drive by too fast or you might fall off the world. To bad you don't live outside of town with trees and barns and bugs. Thats the place to grow up. Good schools here though. I read about you guys excelling compared to national avgs. I stay in weekend nights and leave the town to you kids. I may have heard your engine and tires in the distance, thank you very much. Nice to meet you. Just aman;)
  10. Well said. Succinctly and in a nutshell. Common sense, reason, intelligence, and education. Thats a lot to expect but its right to expect. Thanks Just aman
  11. I don't want to be a carrot. :mad:
  12. If a series of these units you described, hundreds or thousands were all connected to a central processing terminal I'm sure they would be able to develop social skills beyond some of the people you meet everyday. Their answering and spontaneous speaking skills would probably put a lot of politicians to shame. Does a politician have sentience anyway? Back to the discussion. If we aso taught it to design its own children better than it was constructed, then it might at some next built stage develop the ability to care that its newest design is built. Kinda scary but then at least it would care about something. We just have to point it in the proper direction. Just aman
  13. The cells you talk about sense heat upon contact which in our early developing world could be to late. Also warm areas might be missed by a matter of degrees which might also be lethal because of starvation. I still think these sensory cells might differentiate into cillia or antenna to extend their range and then progress to longer range sensors. Finally eyes. Makes sense to me. Just aman
  14. Iv'e been doing this since I was a kid. It's just a verifiable talent. We all have it. Just aman
  15. I've done such a variety of things in my life. I learned to appreciate common sense before education because education without common sense is a castle on the sand. It's sad how much damage this has wrought on the world. No common sense or education fills our prisons, with some of the above included. Common sense with limited education keeps the world running and a lot of these people self educate themselves outside of school and in the workplace. To have common sense and also enjoy education is the biggest blessing, but also the curse of seeing that what is going on in the world sucks. This should be the majority and not the minority. Working with groups that have Masters and PHD's is such a joy when your blessed enough to experience it but live in a low rent trailer court for a couple of years and you'll go insane. I lived with the Choco Indians between Panama and Colombia for a while and their common sense kept me alive in some bad situations. I'm less afraid of the jungle than trailer courts or downtown NY or CA or New Orleans, or Atlanta. A lot of the teachers just suck. There isn't enough common sense plus education people to go around. I think this is where we need to start. Just aman
  16. Howdy TrIVIAL/\blue, Welcome. It's just my opinion but If there were no life in the universe then the future would be set in stone. Mathematically you could calculate the future, when a star will explode, when two asteroids will collide and what trajectories their pieces would have and what collisions will happen in the future and so on. A piece of tile could be predicted to crack at exaxtly some time do to natural forces. If you add life to equation, then you add an incredible amount of variables. It's very possible all these variables are actually quantum constants and the future is predetermined and recorded somehow. I prefer (for the sake of my wanting personally to be responsible for my choices) that we have some say in our future. Just for thought. Just aman
  17. A fellow student in my chem class in high school had been drilled in safety but the teacher never showed us one important lesson. The student opened a bottle of clear unlabled liquid and he sniffed it to see what it was. It was very concentrated HCL and he had to go to the hospital with severe burns to his lungs. He coughed for weeks after he got out. The class was full of close calls because chem was required but some of the students should have been on leashes. The teacher was a disaster. I survived. It would be worse with the Gov't in it. Just aman
  18. If I was a carrot in a previous life and I'll be a carrot soon then the circle is complete. I'll be enlightened. Maybe I'll be the next Dali Lama carrot. Nah, I still don't wanna be no %$#$#@ carrot. Trolls brush their teeth with carrots. I'm goin to bed an sleep on it. Just aman
  19. I got here and Zarkov was a troll" I said "cool, How do I get to be one?" Now I find out if I keep posting I'm gonna be a carrot. C'mon fafalone, don't do this to me. I'll sleep on it and get back to the right forum with some suggestions. I just don't want to work my way up to carrot. Just aman
  20. I wonder if assembling an artificial intelligence from part would be almost the same as growing brain tissue in a laboratory and attaching sensory inputs to it. If we had small strands of DNA with only the instructions for the tissue, would it have sentience? What I am getting at is there seems to be incredible amounts of what are called junk genes in between important ones and if you only use the important ones to build the biological unit, would it have structure and no sentience. Would it be like a machine. Maybe our humanity is expressed in the junk genes making us individuals and we might need something extra to add to a computer to make it sentient. Maybe were more than just our expressed parts. Just aman
  21. Usually when my phone rings, before the second ring I know who is going to answer it. That's as close as I can get to precognition but you can sit right here in my house and its verifiable. Just aman
  22. aman


    I've always practiced moderation in all my excesses. I read you kenel with one eye closed. I'm safe. Just aman
  23. If you redirected any incident light back to an observer it would need to appear like the terrain behind it. Kinda difficult. Just aman
  24. What other ways do you suggest that might not evolve into sight? I don't know myself and would appreciate your help. Just aman
  25. I like the way this is going:D ""Serious"" discussion rules when your and adult. Sense of humor inspires. Learning can be a fun experience both ways. Just for thought. Just aman
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