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Everything posted by aman

  1. aman


    I 'm Gods gift to women, (in my own mind). intelligent and handsome, (My mom says), and big, and strong, (the truth). I don't mind if they clone my parts but I worry they won't be used ethically. I've carried 100lbs over and over for ten hour days and been saved by my reflexes. I wouldn't want a bunch of me "slaves" made for toil or servicing rich women,(in my own mind). As long as the parts made the world better I'm OK with it. This was a fun question besides important. Hope you'll indulge my playing with it besides answering it. Just aman
  2. If we can reach time into the future relative to C and start caching up to the past at C+ then it may be possible that the past is stored in the C+ realm. Even right here on the microcosom C+ realm. We seem to have to keep the past with us and relative to us to exist in the present. We are only incrementally separated from it. I don't think it would be the actual past but the data of the past. Not interactable but possibly in the future observable right here on Earth. Just for thought. Just aman
  3. Just for thought. If the big bang is relative to an exploding super black hole then why couldn't it still be a black hole and we are just holograms collapsing at different relative speeds towards its center? No proof, I guess I'm confusing things but this way we would definitely have a center. Center is the question. Just aman
  4. Maybe take Kirlien photos of its CPU as it processes? Just aman:confused:
  5. A test for sentience in computers, off the top of my head, might look for that something extra, not programmed. Not meaning to torture sentience but only for purpose of extreme example. If we programmed an AI to the best of our abilities and it had recognition of its own hardware and software. Then we melted an identicle CPU to its own in its sensory range, Would it have extra electrical activity other than what would be expected? That might signify the something extra of sentience. Sorrow or fear? Just for thought. Just aman:cool:
  6. The questions I've seen asked have been by people willing to listen and learn. I think the problems came with censuring the questioners. Then It did get a little ugly at times cus we have youngsters here impatient to learn. Everybody just slow down. this is a great place. I like this place cus I learn more from reading the questions then I do from the original postings. Thats the way it should be. It's in everybodies best interest to tolerate questions. See ya around Zarkov if yer willing to stick around. Just aman:cool:
  7. That gives me a headache just thinking about it.
  8. I guess instead of actually sending a body outside the the universe I should have said picture it in your mind. Just as quantum physicists can't actually send there bodies to observe quantum phenomena I should have emphasized sending your imagination there. That is where we see phenomena we can't actually experience but we still see. Thanks for the correction. All of this is built on seeing it in your head first and then finding valid arguments for or against and going after it if it is logical. Trying to be logical. Just aman
  9. Infrared sensors would probably be the first sensors to develop since an organism would want to stay in a temperature that is not lethal and migrate to a warm temperature when it is cold. Since infrared is at the bottom of the visible spectrum any improvements on that would be beneficial. Just aman
  10. aman


    I listened to some tapes made by some friends of mine back in the 70's in a graveyard. They walked through silently with a tape recorder cranked to maximum and heard nothing. When we listened to the tapes I clearly heard a young boys voice say help me and a womans voice later say I want to tell you my name. It sparked my curiosity. They weren't the voices of my friends. Just for thought. Just aman
  11. Thanks Blike, Those were interesting articles and I'd heard of it before but never seen it's documentation. I'm surprised they didnt claim they "teleported " photons like the articles we read now. As long as they generated the photons and fired them before the phenomena was recorded I'm impressed but not surprised. If they appeared before they were fired I'd be sitting here eating my hat. I know there is a sub microcosom explanation and they try to say it is a wave effect. That is they seem to say the wave effect caused the photons and ahead of them to appear before they got there. I believe it might also be a quantum lens effect but we still haven't cracked the sub-quantum barrier so its just my opinion. Isn't it wonderful to be able to discuss the edge. Maybe we can figure teleportation out right here on our screens with all your young minds. Just for thought. Just aman
  12. I saw a PBS program where a jar full of yeast cells was sealed with two electrodes attached inside. Another jar of yeast cells was set nearby and sugar was added. A signifigant electrical difference was noted in the electrodes in the sealed jar although there was no contact between the yeast. Is this connectivity the signature of life we try to define? Little microconsciences being more than the sum of their biological parts. Something extra. In AI we may have the parts put together but something more than just the sum of the parts must take place for actual life to be created. Thanks Sayonara cus you just triggered this train of thought. I hope I'm riding on tracks and not sand. Just for thought. Just aman
  13. aman


    I'm an example of what a very high IQ, special ed classes since elementary for the gifted, and fifty years of hard living (no drugs other than a lot of pot in college) sounds like. I've got some advice since I've lived through it. Respect it or shine it. It doesn't matter to me cus I'm gonna be a cranky old fart and enjoy my retirement. It's hard to build social skills when everybody else is an idiot. Still they have a lot to teach because an ignorant question can spark incredible insight. Also you can't teach them anything. You can only nudge them. This advice isn't for you fafalone cus you seem to have a handle on it but it's for anybody else here that might need a nudge or might need to learn how to nudge. Keep up the inspiring work. A fan. Just aman
  14. I read the article and it seemed to me they slowed a photon down and even claimed to stop it but I didn't get the impression they had it arrive ahead of itself. Thanks though because it was a fascinating article. Just aman
  15. A definition of teleportation "to me" sounds like moving an original amount of matter from one point and having that original matter arrive undamaged after transport. To electronicaly reproduce the original somewhere else is too complicated in my opinion. That means each electron has to have its proper energy and all the quarks of more complicated structures has to have its energy or rotation or whatever quantum force was evident at the time of transport. The Star Trek teleportation would be awfully difficult under these restraints. Maybe if we understand black holes a little better and learn to create them a little smaller with directional ends we can teleport. This suggestion is long ways in the future but I see bending the time-space and crossing over as the most feasible solution. I just wouldn't want a computer to try and recreate this vessel for my personality Just for thought Just aman
  16. In the real existance I would imagine the smallest slice of time would be when an excited electron drops from its high shell and a photon of light is created. That slice of time when the photon suddenly exists but has not moved. If we find electrons rotate than 1/4 rotation of an electron might be pretty short. If quarks oscillate then a single oscillation is getting pretty small. Like fafalone said, quantum level time doesn't have much meaning. But I can still try to touch it with my imagination. Just for though Just aman
  17. If we someday break the barrier of C+ travel by whatever method, warping space-time, wormholes, or other innovations, then we should be able to reach the edge barrier of the universe. If we travelled far enough out away where we saw the universe as a ball in the distance we could calculate where the center was, but we still wouldn't know if the whole universe had moved in a direction and actually left the vicinity of where the big bang initially happened. I guess I didn't help much but wasn't it fun to go so far from the universe with your mind. Fast trip too and made it back safe. Just for thought Just aman
  18. Thanks fafalone, cus I'm not doing anything other than presenting an idea to explain like you said, a different option to something for which no absolute proven theory stands at the moment. I explained it in the simplest and most concise terms to just get the idea across, If you excuse the spelling. Its just as valid for me to ask for a reason my idea is less valid than anybody elses. A mathematical model is possible but is only guesswork or smoke and mirrors until we break the microcosmic C+ realm. This idea has a lot more arguments and I think one of its best ones is that it still stays valid the closer we get to this realm while others seem to start seeing contradictions or more questions and always need more tweaking to fit. I'll add more soon but I got a bad pump and got to rest more often recently. I'll still be around though. See ya. Just aman
  19. The math will follow but a logical path must be offered first. Einstein did that, so his conclusions seemed valid and were later proved. I am more than willing to be walked through a line of reasoning and must be given the opportunity to judge it on its merits. I feel more secure when stuff makes sense to me and any questions I have can be discussed. I want to reasonably figure things out as much as anybody and I'll put it all out on the table. Some trains of thought don't get very far without tracks to run on. Just aman
  20. I'm arguing with logic, commen sense and personal experience which are all subjective so this is only food for thought. A universe without sentience is absolutely empty. It starts on its path and rocks hit rocks and suns explode and it either goes on like this or it is over. All natural laws followed you could almost calculate it's end from crunching the data of its beginning. If I plant two flowers on a planet the universe is changed. It is no longer predictable. The flowers might die and then it is back to empty, but if they live and populate the planet, there will always be the question as to what is happening on this planet but it is still simple. Now, if sentience evolves the universe's fate itself becomes a question. We evolved brains which are no more than input, process, memory, and output, but it seems sentience is more than a sum of the whole. I feel our minds have a connection with the microcosom beyond quantum physics and we didn't get it by luck. The universe needs us to experience it or it never existed. Life to me seems luck but sentience might have been designed and I can't believe that we are the only ones in the universe to reach this level we're at now. Also I expect us to develop silicon sentience with AI and if we can do it here, I'll bet there is an enviroment somewhere it could happen on its own. just aman
  21. On invisibility a phase shift would be needed. I'll start simple. If you sit in a room and look out a window. It's night and the only illumination is a flourescent light. Due to AC current it strobes at 60 times/sec. A blade passes outside the window at 60Xsec and is syncronized to pass when the strobe is off. You would look out the window and have a clear view but if you stuck your hand out you'd lose it. The blade is out of phase with what you view. Now if time is actually slices incrementally changing rather than a smooth flow then invisiblilty would be to move into the space between the slices or get out of phase. Just food for thought. Nice question though Halogen Fisk. Nice to meet you. Just aman
  22. I had an argument for the existance of many other different forms of life. It is based on our knowledge that we can duplicate the functions of the human mind with all sorts of materials in the lab. We can make logic circuits work where DNA would be destroyed and also memory circuits. We are like a slice on a visible spectrum of life potentials. It only needs time and circumstance and life has the potential to evolve. In all sorts of enviroments. I don't think it is any master DNA but something else that drives the universe to foster sentience. Just my opinion. Just aman
  23. Nice to meet you. I'm 50, happily married with 3 boys out of the house and two dogs at my feet. We got some property in Nebraska to live and die on so my wife and I are content. My wife is a genius and has been everywhere and I've been everywhere else so we always got something to talk about. At least she does. There is not much I haven't done but I'm slowed up with a bad ticker so I will be around to help ween some of the youngsters off of their confrontational ways. I like it here. This place doesn't seem to be starved for ingenuity. See ya around Just aman
  24. I just don't see enough logic in the arguments. Maybe I'm not as bright as some but this is what I believe. The "savage" Incas believed the men were gods not because of the guns or horses but the fact their religion prophesied bearded messengers would come from god. Religion through history has had its failings along with its good points. My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend. But that's a different discussion. I've seen the glyphs down in Central and South America and it was writing but no matter what, it was just writing. If a future civilization sees on a computer disc it doesn't mean we had contact with ball faced beings. I'd like to see the opinion of an expert who can really read that stuff. I appreciate your opinions though. Thanks. Just aman
  25. I can smear some bacon grease on my keyboard and my dog can get published right here. I can even get him is own publishing website as long as I can keep him interested in pressing keys. There are actual valid mathematical proofs that a logical mind can use to make arguments and without them the proposal is just "I think", "maybe", or "I guess" and I'm willing to listen. Up to this point, I've seen a lot more valid arguments by disciplined people in totally different directions than Zarkov backed up by logical thinking, a few analogies, and common sense. It's not the absolute to me. Sorry Zarkov but you should be willing to accept other ideas and not classify them as evil. That is what got the early Christians in trouble and now the Muslims. Just aman
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