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Posts posted by aman

  1. If we sped up the moons spin so its rotation reached near its escape velocity, then we could easily land on it and take off using hardly any fuel since we'd be weightless at the equator. Also mining would be simpler.

    We just need to wind a big cable around the equator like a toy top and anchor it to a passing asteroid. Pull that string and watch that moon spin.

    Just aman

  2. An easy way to intuitively visualize an extra dimension is to see a flat screen TV which is 3 D because it has electronics and a wall behind it. Imagine you put your hand in the screen and pull out your hand and a beer. Your hand enters the screen but doesn't protrude out the back of the TV in our dimension. The volume of the room is greater since you can go from the room into the TV and return. It's kinda like a bubble or hemmeroid in space time.

    Just aman

  3. Back in high school I knew a girl with a nail biting to the nub personality. She experimented one night with a drug (stimulant) and wound up getting goose bumps really bad. She locked herself in the bathroom for two hours and popped every goose bump all over her body.

    I guess a stimulant can make small compulsions worse.

    Just aman

  4. I was just curious as my old body wears out if anybody knew if a person could innocently pop a neck spasm and wind up a parapalegic? I crashed my motorcycle a few times and know occaisionally my neck will get stiff. With a little movement and force I can hear a nice pop and get free movement again. I just wondered if people have really messed themselves up that way.

    Just aman

  5. Now that we are on the level of quantum science everything you see happened a long time span before it reached your eye. We have mechanical and biological which in this case are more efficient limits. Soon we should be able to build super eyes through electronics.

    Just aman

  6. The problem with the whole equation is we accept the matter part and the movement of masses and describe them but then we add gravity which we still don't totally understand, and then we have to address the forces of against gravity and also what the hell are neutrinos doing? I think we are a surface reflecting a whole bunch of stuff passing through and we don't have to worry about it collapsing into nothing cus if it does, nobodies gonna be there.

    Just aman

  7. I remember clearly and vividly escape plans, conversations, and other experiences over many months of severe starvation as a political prisoner in South America. I don't think it made me any less aware. Only thinner. If anybody says they are less capable of thought, it is probably because they are as Glider points out spoildley distracted by hunger.

    Just my opinion.

    Just aman

  8. We've had Wolf Spiders in the attic for years and they come out through the ceiling near the lights to feast. Every once in a while they fall down and I put em outside. Maybe that isn't good for them? Do you think I should just keep em in the house like toss them in my brother in laws bedroom or will they be OK in the yard?


  9. When I watched it I jumped to the assumption that the branes would collapse on contact, combine, and then expand but that was not what they portrayed. I think their presentation leaves the authors very unsatisfied also but they step back and say it's not perfect at all but it's an introduction. Just my viewpoint.

    just aman

  10. Another interesting aspect of it is how this idea can pop in the heads of 2 or more individuals at the same time, countries apart. This happened quite a bit between the US and Europe pre 1960, even with the lack of communication devices it seemed some scientists and inventors brains were collaborating. You can see it in researched patent dates and papers.

    I don't believe ideas and future achievements are lost because somebody dies before expressing them. Somebody else will have the same idea or improve on it.

    The sum of intelligence in a group rises kinda exponentially with the addition of a genious. (Qualified with a "Maybe")

    Just aman

  11. The police use UV markers like YT says. I knew of a delivery by the post office back in the 70's that was dusted with powder. The police entered next and under UV illumination saw glow on each of the occupants hands and also a trail to the toilet tank where the contraband was hidden. It's safe and it works.

    Just aman

  12. I think I was 3 or 4 and I took the green roof plank from my Lincoln logs and centered it on the 2" connector log. I put a 2" connector on the end of the plank and stomped on the other end to launch it in orbit. I wound up with a golfball knot on my forehead.

    I still think if you want to keep kids safe, raise them inside a barrel but if you want em to learn, let em play with their toys and get their knocks.

    Just aman

  13. You have very interesting ideas vlamir and I hope you get published. When I read the first post I researched what you had submitted and in physics forums got a better understanding because that seems to be the place where your body of work is.

    Since an electron is not an electron until we interfere and measure it, then the stable design of polytrons seems very possible for its normal existance. The relationships you describe for higher energy levels also falls into place.

    I'm heading over to the dipole of speed to have a look.

    PS. I love to give my opinions but take it for granted that I am probably #250 in line behind the most knowledgable people on this forum. Physics just has always been my personal passion.

    Just aman

  14. A lot of out great advances in science have been made by proving the accepted belief was wrong. We need to keep teaching the accepted beliefs so they are widely known and more people have a chance of proving them wrong.

    I think our major uncertainties are at both ends of the spectrum, the microcosom and macro and they are both fair game for us all once we know the basics.

    The latest beliefs are sometimes wrong and waiting to be proven that way but they need to be looked at to make a proof that is more valid and sometimes easier to reach.

    Its very encouraging to see mathematically supported ideas rather than solely intuitive.

    I'm still trying to get my math back up to par but what I see is very interesting to follow.

    Just aman

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