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Everything posted by aman
You are irrelevant to time. Time travel into the future can be proven by many tests. What happens to you or what you do is not in the scheme of things except to you or others you enhance or damage. Just aman
Ya ain't a hippy cus ya got long hair. I have almost always had hair to my shoulders and was escorted out of the Irvine Love Festival cus I lit a firecracker (too disruptive to all the peace waves). Keep up the original thinkin YT. Just aman
That's the one I watched. It traces a man who has all the risk factors for AIDs and all his friends have died and yet he doesn't have it. They found he has the same pair of genes they think protected people from the plague. In the lab his blood is exposed to 200 times the AIDs virus need for infection along with lots of control blood samples and his blood still remained the only sample free of infection. It's too bad the gene only developed in European blood since the African, Asian, and Indian populations are being devastated by AIDS. Watch the PBS special. It's fascinating and thanks for posting the URL. Just aman
Thanks YT, I'm adding the site to my resource library, and I'm gonna go get lost in it for a while. It's already given me ideas for new threads of thought. With all this available the kids nowdays should all be geniouses. As far as CRT screens, maybe the early ones had a phosphorous compound but have changed because still today we can burn an image in the screen without a screensaver and I imagine the coating is a little more sophisticated. Just aman
I live in Nebraska farm country and would love to zap flies without having to get up. I guess I'd have to paint my walls and ceiling with little black dots so you wouldn't notice the burns Just aman
Thanks YT, I google searched an hour on CRT's and phosphorous glow and couldn't find anything on the tubes inner coating other than it was just there. The only glow they talked about is related to the color when phosphorous burns. At Disneyland in Ca. about 1965, there was a display in Frontierland that had a bunch of rocks piled behind glass. The lights would go out and a UV light came on and the rocks glowed in a half dozen different colors. They named the natural minerals in each rock that caused each color but I dont remember what they were. If you walked into one of the caves where these were mined with a UV light, You'da probably gone blind. I do remember buying a small glowing skull for 75 cents and it did stink like sulphur. Just aman
Scientists have recently identified a gene that when passed on from both parents to children will protect from the plague. It was under extreme evolutionary pressure during the Black Plague and during an investigation in a small town in England where history said most of the population survived or didn't get sick at all, the DNA of the present residents showed about 13% still retained this gene. It is a very positive immune system gene and yet it is getting thinned out in the society. Maybe if there was a gene for psychic ability it would be thinned out also since once your successful and marry into the upper crust, your taking your great genes into the interbred trash pool of rich buttheads. By the way, if you have both anti-plague genes your also immune to aids. It's a great gene and should have incredible pressure for expression but some reason doesn't after hundreds of years. Just aman
To do a wheel I imagine you have precision fusing and charge measurement as your main problems. Doing it would be an art. Does it get packaged as a ball and have all the projectiles fire at the same time in a triple? Do you need to balance the axis of each wheel for success. You got my curiosity in overdrive YT. I see your talking dificulty in getting it to work right but what is the next step, even more difficult in arials. Just aman
Ok, ya got me started on phosporous now. I learn something every day. I found that white phosphorous is very poisonous although I don't know which end product you wound up with. I agree, wash yer hands, but I read some stuff that said the TV phosphorous holds its glow longer than a PC monitor and PC monitors need to be refreshed more often. Is that true? I love glowing stuff. I think we shoulda painted the Lincoln Memorial with glo paint and then turn the lights out every hour for a couple of minutes at night. Awesome. Just aman
Fireworks are eternally fascinating. Just ask people in hell. I can't wait for 3D microprocessor controlled air detonations. They would be damned expensive right now but someday burning up a PC and a laser distance data sensor in one firework will be doable and affordable, Just aman
I woulda asked Spock to point his tri-corder and tell me but I have to agree, YT got an A cus off the top of my head I only scored one out of his three answers. Just aman
I reread my post above and then thought about solid carbon being compressed into a diamond. I guess I have to qualify my argument because under exteme pressures and temperatures, a lot of solids could potentially have their density changed at an elemental level. Just toss it in a black hole. But the general rule, with exeptions, is they are not compressable. Just aman
When the group supports your survival, say as a Shaman there should be a pressure towards that genetic trait being continued and expressed. Still the general population continues to score on the level of statistical chance on tests of psychic abilities. If psychic ability exists and there are as many have seen examples of unexplainable events that are hard to write off as chance, then it has to be argued it is attributable to something else. The end result is it closes an avenue of proof. Just aman
I was just considering the fact that millions of people play lotto nationwide and the number of winners seems to accurately demonstrate the laws of chance are valid and nobody has an edge. The number of winners should be way skewed if there was a true psychic effect being favored in the population. Just aman
Thanks for the link but I'm dissapointed there weren't any scientific arguments to back it up. I'll look forward to the arguments they present, soon I hope. Just aman
My response was sarcastic since there are plenty of posts already dealing with quantum theory and much more that needs to be researched but just hasn't been touched upon here. Punch it into google to get a general idea if you have no idea and ask some specific questions here if you want to expand your knowledge. Patience fits in also for both of us when waiting for answers cus the people who know stuff usually are busy doing stuff and we gotta apreciate when they can get around to it. Just aman
I searched a little and read how Feynmann proposed in his CPT lectures that anti-matter was mirror image matter travelling bacwards in time. It was interesting. He seemed to be searching by intuitive logic first and proving later just like the rest of us foolish mortals including Einstein. Feynmann proved a lot of what he professed because he was also an excellent mathematician. I'm mostly fascinated where his mind went that is unprovable but only argues logic. He would have loved this forum. Just aman
I heard if you put preparation H on a quantum, it takes the itch away. You have to travel quite a ways from our solar system to put up a base one light week away. If we develop a communications system based on instantaneous electron spin change, then the people on the base would be talking in real time to people a week in the past on Earth. If you had a worm hole to jump back to Earth you would arrive a week befor the message was sent. Just aman
We all have seen that hydraulics use liquids to distribute forces due to the fact that fluids are not compressable. As far as solids go, here is an interesting example of metals surrounded by heat and a balanced powerful external explosion at the same time. small coins The most you can compress a solid is into a sphere but it will never change its density. Just aman
An idea presented often in movies and the series Babylon 5 contend that getting a sample of blood from the best psychic would open the secret to the genetics of psychic phenomena. Now if you consider in the past that Shamans, voodoo priests, and witch doctors may have had some level of psychic abilities and yet their ratio to the general population stayed the same generally throughout history, Then it's pretty hard to relate it to genetics. A genetic expression that advantageous should spread to everybody yet a great majority of people go through life knowing they are normal or have a little curiosity due to the chance coincidences that are bound to happen. Most self proclaimed psychics are delusional or hoaxers. I just argue that if it exists it is a phenomena of the mind and not a product of genetics. Just aman
I was just proposing that given the resources of the universe, the infinities of size (large and small), time, mass or energy, memory, and direction, and imagining an incremental program, the universe could be created and you wouldn't know the difference. This was the way I would do it but I have no idea past that as to any reason. I just hadn't seen any other actual engineering models of how it all might have come about and I put this out as a reference. We're working intuitive first and the math and proof or disproof comes next. I think it would work though and nothing disproves it yet, but that is the argument that gets this sent to psuedoscience. Just aman
I see an argument in the direction of one particle since nothing in the universe actually touches and also the fact that a photon of light can seem to interfere with itself in an experiment until we actually try to observe it or touch it and all we really see are the effects. This could be explained by us never seeing anything at all except effects. It's possible to synthesize effects to match a script while a movie is being produced and the whole movie is on film. A single particle could create on a certain level the experience of its own patterns apparent effects. All it needs is infinite speed, directional changes, energy, and mass, an incremental pattern, and in our case life to realize it. Just for thought. Just aman
I didn't see an additional dimension but an addition of some rotational coordinates. I also don't think your comments help present your ideas, but I'm tempted to judge your character by them. Just aman
I am putting this here in genetics forum only because I wish to discuss evolutionary pressure and not psychic phenomena pro or con. If there was a genetic connection to psychic ability you would have to imagine it would give an individual an advantage to be psychic and so the expression of this gene would probably be expressed in nearly everybody by now. How many people would be alive if they didn't go around that corner, if they ducked before the bullet hit, or if they didn't drive somewhere. It seems psychic ability is not genetic since we still have the same odds of getting killed and that is probably where we would see the greatest influence of its expression. In survival situations. I just feel if there was a genetic connection to psychic abilities then we would see a much stronger expression of it due to natural selection by now. Just aman
That sounds so damn logical. Makes sense to me as a definition for something that is not a drug. I'd send it to that really old nerd that writes dictionaries. Is he still alive? I'll bet he's really boring to talk to. But thanks VM, I agree. Just aman