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Everything posted by Cornelius

  1. Yeah, I guess that's just to let out the steam and allow yourself some breathing and "seeing" room.
  2. The problem with people of today is, they're expecting to be able to explain any subject matter. This seems to not be their fault, as it is actually in part due to the rise of the communications and technology age of the 21st century. It is a time where people expect to be able to explain everthing and anything scientifically, in this case the origin of life. Yet, there's a block in the road...how did that first atom come into existence? No, it cannot be proven (at least in this time period), just like the existence of God. Faith my friends, not science. Humans think they are the most powerful beings in existence, true or not, this inherited egotistical manner needs to be brushed aside, as there are possibilities out there...ie: aliens, God. Sounds a bit far-fetched, but so does the idea that we humans evolved from a microprotein or cell of some sort.
  3. Right on. There are so many conspiracies that people have made, interesting stories, but extremely far-fetched, almost tall tales. It should also be noted that if you compare two or more subject matters for a long period of time many, many comparisons can be made, thus forming "conspiracies."
  4. Interesting enough, on the history channel it had a special on the subject matter of God. They also said it was possible that humans created the idea of a God to give oppressed people hope for the future (in the case of the documentary, exiled people). However that statement is just as valid as saying humans evolved from bacteria.
  5. This is ultimately the basis of what most scientists predict in their famous "Big Bang theory." Since they cannot prove how the first atom came into existence, they simply state that it was just there to begin with. But see, this is the problem with evolution and creation. None of them can be proven. Creationists follow their faith in God and entrust that he created the universes and so on. In addition, evolutionists won't be able to prove their case, unless they prove me wrong but there seems to be no scientific way to prove how and when that first atom came into being. Imagine time traveling in the past (if this is even possible) and going all the way back to the beginning of time. What happens when you get to that point in time? Since there was no universe and only one atom, what environment would your body be in? Would it just be empty space you're floating in? What would it look like? To me, this is just an impossible situation to envision and is based around faith, much like believing in God.
  6. Since we're on the topic of war. There's a conspiracy about how all wars are started by the organization known as the Illuminati, or the one government that works behind-the-scenes and someday plans to control the whole world, under the name of evil (haha). Well according to this theory, the Illuminati (filthy rich) supports both sides in a war and make sure that a certain side wins in order to create new plans of somesort to further advance their conquest of world domination. If you're interested (really really interested, because this is sort of a long read), then feel free to check this website out: http://www.trueconspiracies.com/
  7. More conspiracies..or are they?... 1. Roosevelt knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor and let the Japanese bomb Hawaii so that the US could enter the war. 2. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were based on revenge for Pearl Harbor, rather than to end the war.
  8. I sure hope not because I have a PS2, which means Lucifer is after me
  9. Christians are told that God created Himself. You can say He was aware of His own existence before His physical shape came into being.
  10. In order to answer this question, we must imagine what life would be like with no evolution. Or simply put, would there be life? Evolution means progress. Today, in terms of industry, each new machine that is made is an innovation, something that is stronger, faster, sipmly better than its predecessor. This is what separates one company from another, success-wise. Now let's view natural evolution, in terms of life. If animals never progressed, they would be outdated compared to its predators. Is this a problem? No, natural evolution is unnecessary. Natural selection does promote the diversity of species, yet evolution does not bring the animals towards anything. No goal, unless you consider survival a goal. Evolution does promote the "survival of the fittest" motto, but as one species advances, its predator ultimately advances as well. The ratio remains the same. If the deer becomes built to run faster, then the lion develops stronger legs to be able to keep up. That's nature, one evolutionary step leads to another evolutionary step, utterly useless, only bringing about diversity and a new view on life. Call it progress, or change, but this is a case where change is seemingly not for the better.
  11. Support for Creationism - Biblical artifacts & architecture have been found ex) tunnels, scriptures, Noah's Ark - Scientists even agree that there was a man named Jesus who claimed he was the messiah, that walked the Earth However, one thing the bible does not explain is dinosaurs...the word is not even mentioned in the books, and we seem to know dinosaurs are in fact a reality.
  12. Bill Gates = Satan http://egomania.nu/gates.html
  13. Another simple way to view entropy: Things become disordered over time. ex) The walls in your house get older as time goes by, it does not last forever. It can almost be seen as the inevitable deterioration of a system.
  14. Hmm interesting.. I guess if you are really concerned about your health, you should consider exercising to wash away the bacteria naturally or possibly visiting a local sauna, to do the same.
  15. As Einstein once stated, "as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."
  16. So according to your "number theory", you're saying that in the beginning there was absolutely nothing..then all of a sudden planets started popping up out of nowhere?
  17. I would also suggest giving your local librarian a visit and asking her if the library holds any simple textbooks based on the subject. In this case, even children's books would be appropriate, as you are only looking for the main points, not the history from A-Z.
  18. Your theory only explains the creation of our galaxy, the milky way. I understand your statement that the universe is infinite. Your "number theory" is quite interesting, yet it fails to explain how those "numbers" came into existence. Were they just automatically there? How were those previous galaxies created, thus exploding and forming a chain reaction that produced the milky way galaxy?
  19. Quite the contrary. If steam harmed human health, saunas would be condemned and announced utterly useless. The condensed effect you feel in your lungs when you step into a steaming shower is only a temporary effect and is fully revitalized once your body re-enters cooler, more regulated body temperatures. A better example of something condensing the lungs would be smoke, produced from cigarettes. No, steam from the shower cannot accelerate the wrinkling process. This is absurd considering natural steam enhances the body's physical features by the release of sweat, giving the skin a healthy look. Sweat produced by the high temperature of the "steamed" environment is good because it eliminates bad chemicals from the body. You may have thought the wrinkles on your fingers, after spending some time in the shower, were the bad effects from the steam. This is only temporary and will go away once your body returns to cooler temperature away from the heated environment. Hope this helps your dilemma.
  20. Cornelius

    Lamin A

    To my knowledge, the damaged DNA cannot be effectively repaired in cells with a defected Lamin A at this point. It can only be efficiently repaired in normal cells. I believe all scientists have figured out at this point is that Lamin A is directly related to the aging process and now their main goal is to develop inhibitors which would theoretically disrupt the production of Lamin A, prevent the repair function in cancer cells, therefore bringing premature aging and death. And as you correctly stated, a solution to the elimination of defected Lamin A would bring us a step closer to the cure for cancer.
  21. It is true that humans differ from other animals in terms of intelligence. However, from a biological perspective, humans are classified as animals. Why does this bother people, and why do people take great measures to prove that they are not animals? If you think about it, it is only a classification system anyway. It is a biological classification system designed to classify any living organism it encounters into groups according to the organism's characteristics. Therefore, biologically we are members of the Animalia Kingdom. Animal: 1. Any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well-defined shape and usually limited growth, can move voluntarily, actively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensory and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli: some classification schemes also include protozoa and certain other single-celled eukaryotes that have motility and animal like nutrition modes. 2. Any such living thing other than a human being. Therefore, whether humans are animals or not depends on which definition you use. So next time you hear someone bickering over this issue, tell them that they are arguing over terminology.
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