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Everything posted by venominme

  1. I read about creating a toxoid snake venom using equal part dihydrothioctic acid, as described in an immunization experiment. Is this the same thing as α-lipoic acid used in chelation therapy? I am investigating the detoxifying, which has been done with formalin, methylene blue, glutaraldehyde, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, Dihydrothioctic acid, and UV radiation. Is there a commonality to these things that would suggest other chemicals or processes of detoxifying venoms?
  2. My real assumption is that the neurological disorders are simple allergies and the cure is training the defective system to produce the correct IgG. Maybe the disease is actually a defect in the production of one epitope so the key never quite fits the lock? In people who fail to make antibodies that are specific for the part that is different (which becomes the disease) I was proposing using the response generated by the healthy immune system and transferring the successful production of the antibody to the one who is deficient. Maybe by being similar and provoking a correct response, the defective system is trained to recognize the other and respond correctly. I am quite an uneducated amateur herpetologist, so take it for what it’s worth.
  3. I have immunized myself with snake venom that acts as a powerful acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. That is how some venoms work to immobilize prey. Since I am resistant to this biological function, could my “immunity” be beneficial to persons who are afflicted with neurological disorders that begin or also express themselves as the inability to correctly resist acetylcholinesterase inhibitors? Since some of these diseases or immune system defects mimic a very long drawn out snake bite, (same thing is happening within moments or hours in certain envenomations) I am interested in making a connection with any researchers that might be interested in a hyperimmune person, and if the resistance can be transferred to stimulate another immune system to self correct the defect.
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