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Everything posted by jazzoff

  1. In DNA fingerprinting, DNA fragments cut by endonucleases are placed in small depressions (our teacher calls them wells) in an AGAROSE GEL. I heard that agarose is made of seaweed. Why is agarose used instead of other materials? Does it have any special properties? I can't really find them in books. Hope you have the answer.
  2. Thanks guys! You rock.
  3. Thanks guys.
  4. hi, guys. years ago, there was this friend of mine who said that we can't cut glass with an ordinary scissors in air, but we can in water. He tried cutting it in air; it didn't work. So he prepared a little tank (that kind of tank where you keep your turtles) and filled it 3/4 of tap water. Then he got a piece of glass (he claimed it was from a broken window) and immersed it in water. His other hand held on the scissors, submerged it in water, and started cutting it. But I wasn't sure if the cut was smooth or rough. Is it really possible that glass acn be cut in water?
  5. Hey, guys, i am just a beginner, and hope you will bear with me for a while. Are fungi prokaryotes? What makes prokaryotes...PROKARYOTES?
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