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About magicalprimate

  • Birthday 06/26/1990

Profile Information

  • Location
    Rushville, Fairfield County, Ohio, U.S.
  • College Major/Degree
    Physics, bachelor's degree begun
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Quantum mechanics, genetics, chemistry.
  • Occupation
    Menial jobs for now. My dream is to be a nanotechnology engineer.


  • Lepton

magicalprimate's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. I would say to first explain the concept of the "probability density function", which if they are in the level you describe, they should at least be able to understand the concept of. Then discuss how the position of the electron around a nucleus is dictated by a probability density function which in turn is dictated by things such as certain quantum numbers, energies, etc.
  2. The first equation was m^1 x (kT)^1/2/(m)^1/2, which is (kT)^1/2(m^1)/[m^1/2]. m^1 divided by m^1/2 is m^1/2, and (kT)^1/2 is multiplied by that in the above to equal (kT^1/2)(m^1/2), and since the square root of a a dimensionless quantity multiplied by the square root of another dimensionless quantity is the same as the square root of both of those things multiplied together, the previous equation is (kT x m)^1/2 which is of course the same as sqrt(mkT)
  3. Hello, sexyscientist.


    I am no expert on anything, but I believe I have a rather well-developed SENSE of science.

  4. I have the tendency to ask, "why?", with the purpose of knowing the mechanism behind observed or apparent things, to an extraordinary degree. It helps me organize my universe systematically. That helps me in science.. But then, I also have a rather creative and completely unscientific side. I can be quite emotional as well. I am a 19 year old male who wants to live to..the fullest. Whatever that exactly means. What is it to live to the "fullest", I wonder? It depends on who you are! For me, I just want to live a socially normal, financially sound life where I can be respected and possibly even loved by others for being who I am: a curious, well-meaning, sometimes naive person that wants nothing more than to be accepted.
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