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Everything posted by Pseudoswallo

  1. I also agreee that too much emphasis is put on global warming, and that it is also used as a catch-all exuse for any change in nature. Also, I do not believe that humans are particularly adaptable, simply that our technology alows us to survive where we normally could not. I have also seen a number of articles showng a graph of the overall temperature on Earth throughout its history, and humans first appeared near the beginning of a plateau, right near the bottom of the chart. So the rise in temperature, while it may exist, has very little to do with us. I shall be sure to post a link if and when I find the articles. Also, I say also too much.
  2. Happy birthday to my favorite anti-creationist sadistic funny person...er... Anyways, I got you a HUGE cocolate bar and a get-out-of-jail-free coupon for emergencies, since Insane_alien took my idea for the dagger thingy. So... hope this year goes well for you, and have a nice life!
  3. I'm vegetarian, and look at that, NOT obese, NOT unhealthy, and NOT cancerous. Aslo, it takes one tenth the land to feed a vegetarien as an "omnivore". So my interest in vegetarianism is strictly health-related. Oh, and enviromental.
  4. hey Thrand, Is Bush vegetarian? Sadam Housain? Hitler? Chimps get selfish and violent when the turn carnovor, so why don't humans? They do. we are a violent and selfish race. And thank you, LucidDreamer. Your theory make a lot of sense. Our HUNTING history, not eating, gave us special creativity to outwit prey. Now, we dont need that stuff, so we get creativity from games like Myst. Pathetic.
  5. I think the question here is should we reaserch in that direction. I say posibly for unmaned space exploration. Otherwise, no. I belive it is possible, and I myself have made simple learning programs (they learn, not the user). And if I'm wrong, gimme a break. I'm just 13. ps.that doesent mean i dont want to hear back from you.
  6. I can see what your saying, Nicholas. Is this the 'observer based effects' part of the theory? Anyway, there are spinnies of trees, mysteriously placed every kilometer. Now, someone in a spinny sees the next, and mesures the distace correctly as 1km. On the train, however, they mesure it, again correctly, as 700m. Tada! And is the dining table at the station or in the train? ps. Those in behind would be red-shifted, and those in front would bllue-shifted
  7. Hi. I meant to put a w on the end of my name. I'm 13, I build robots, and I want to fly. I'm just another cild prodegy who posts on the phisics pages and read book like "cosmic rays, quarks and light theorys"
  8. +++++++++ = Dickinson, Peter sorry about that
  9. I sugest reading "the Flight of Dragons" by ++++++++ if you are interested in this topic. It expains breath weapon, magical blood, and flight in a sientificly possible way. In short: -Dragons are hot air balloons, using H produced when hydocloric acid comes in contact with C (periodic shortform) -Fire is breathed via venting the H, and heated via the method of the bombarier beetle with two cemicals that react to create extream heat outside of the gullet -Wings are modefied ribcage used for propulsion and direction, not lift And goes on to expain everything else you could want to know about dragons. Literaly. I'm not joking. Hope it helps, and I garentee that it will.
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