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Everything posted by BobbyJoeCool

  1. Ah... Social pressures... I thought I had beaten society by not conforming to any norm that exists, and here I am, worried about being worth something. My problem, I guess, is that I don't want things to change. I have a certain amount of intellegence, but don't know how to use it. Internet "IQ tests" place me anywhere between 120-197 (I know these numbers are probably wrong, but it's suce a big range that it might be in there ), and I want to do something that is challanging, but no part of my current job that is challanging, gives me any satisfaction at all when I overcome the challange. I'm a college student, but I really don't know why I'm even going to class. I mean, to me it seems pointless, and there's no motivation, and I'm screwing myself because I don't feel motivated at all to get through college because I don't even know why I'm going. My biggest problem though, is that eventually on this line of thought, I end up thinking about skyscraper jumping. Becuase, I end up thinking about how I have no idea what I'm going to do... if I'm not in college, I'll get kicked out of my house and have to pay for everything at once, and I'll be so far in debt, that I'd need a real job to pay it off, but won't be able to afford one because I'd be so far in debt. So, I have to go to college because that's the alternative... why. What purpose is my life serving? What purpopse will it serve. and it goes from there. As for having fun... I don't have friends to have fun with. One of the reasons for this is that I'm a bi-sexual, so most of the guys are like "No... I'm homophobic so stay way from me" And all the girls are like, "You only want to have sex with me so get away from me." And, usually, I'm a REALLY nice REALLY patient guy, who's really easy to get along with, and yet, the only people who ever really talk to me, want to use me for their own evil* purposes. *When I say evil, I mean where it's not intentionally harmful to me, they have no real intrest in me, they want to use me with no thought of what it would do to me. Anyway, as far as depressing rants go... *Hangs head*
  2. The window, I believe I heard has to be within 1°. There is little to no margin for error.
  3. If the shuttle tries to come in too shallow, it will skip off of the atmosphere like a flat rock when thrown just right on a pond. If it comes in too steep, the atomospheric pressure will tear the shuttle to shreds and burn it to smitherines.
  4. I love optimistic people... they make me happy .000000001>.0000000009
  5. I guess I'm just looking for a sence of worth. ANd you're saying I'm not going to find it. awww.... so life is pointless then eh?
  6. 1)I know what you mean, but if you're true friends, and it doesn't work out, the friendship will get stronger, eventually. You can't be afriad of trying. 2)he he... me too. 3)agree completly 4)My major intrests are expressed on this site... Physics and Philosophy that is way above most of my friends heads that I can't talk to them about it. 5)I do have musical talant (both vocal and instrumental)... but other than that... 6)I have a permenant limp in my leg, and it makes it VERY difficult to walk a straight line... however I can march a straight line. 7)Welcome to being a nerd.
  7. I like how you reffer to "The one who thinks slightly further than beer ans sex." As if there is only ONE guy out there that might actually care about being with you instead of wanting to "score" you. EDIT: Hangs head in shame for all decent guys everywhere...
  8. my problem isn't getting stuff done, it's when I realize that I have no idea where my life is going. Actually, I find my classes quite easy!
  9. yea. I've been depressed lately. A lot of times though, the people here cheer me up (or random people off the street) and I can stay that way for days. I just think about how much time/effort I have to spend in getting a Physics Major, and I really don't know what I'm going to do with it. I mean, I'm not sure what I could do with one, and here I am, spending all this time getting one... seems kinda pointless to me. And sometimes, life itself seems kinda pointless. I probably would have ended it a long time ago, if I didn't care about my friends more than myself.
  10. BobbyJoeCool


    I like the style of poetry, but the message is kind of mellow... And, since I'm not a christian (as in I don't really believe in demons/angles/Devil etc..), I can't really fully appreciate it I'm sure. Mostly, you seem to focus on afterlife, and dying. But I still kinda like it.
  11. You have one... pornograph is also called a computer.
  12. Why am I still single... well lets see... where should I start... 1) The only girls that are attracted to me, are the really hot girls that all they know how to do is leech and so therefor I will NOT get involved with. 2) Most of the people I know that I eould ever concider dating, are my underlings at work, and therefor, it's illegal to some extent (and because most of them are minors and I'm twenty in a few days) and because my boss would kill me. 3) Most decent girls find me weird, unatractive, and perverted. 4) I don't want to spend money, or time trying to get a girl to talk to me about her problems. 5) I dated a girl once... I hated it will a bloody passion. 6) I dated a guy once (actually at the same time as the girl, except this relationship was going on before AND after the one with the girl)... I hated it even more. 7) I can't make small talk. (Never can find a good topic to talk about.) 8) Most of the girls who have the type of personality that I would go for AND put up with me for long enough to get to know me to know that I'm an alright kind of guy, are uber-Christian... And those people, with their trying to prove their faith REALLY PISS ME OFF! 9) Most girls, with their "no matter what you do, I'm going to find fault in the way you do it," REALLY piss me off... 10) Come to think of it, most guys piss me off because they go out and get drunk to forget their problems only to have their problems get worse because they don't spend their time trying to oductively solve their problems. 11) Most people are stupid. 12) Oh yea... I tend to rant... Anyway... I feel like I'm going to be single for a very long time... Now I'm depressed. And for anyone who wants to make fun of me because I'm bi-sexual, please go ahead. I've heard it all. Just for the record, I'm still a virgin on every account. No one has ever even kissed me. I will happily ignore any insults, and any other comments about my sexual orientation. I am comfortable with myself, and other people making fun of me for it. Trust me, I get it a lot... especially from my uber-Christian friends who want me to go to heaven with them and are convinced that I won't because I like guys too.
  13. I had an experience like this once... At the time, I couldn't explain it. But now I know that since I had never known what a real friend was (everyone wanted to use me for my brain my whole life, imagine that. Especially since I was 18 at the time this happened), that the feeling that someone really cared overwhelmed me. For a while, I was "saved." But I realized what happened later, and the whole thing now is kinda a bad thing, because Creationists took advantage of me when I was in a weak situation, and tried to convert me to their ways of evil. So, every time someone invites me to a Church, or starts talking about how they're praying for me or whatnot, I feel the presence of evil, and shudder. And that's my testimony. I would like to thank this site for completing the process of bringing me back to the light of the truth.
  14. so when it says "moved" sometimes it means deleted (or inaccessable)?
  15. Actually, it gives me a message saying... I don't know if it helps but this is the page the top one that has been moved (currently) in the GD board gives me.. Link
  16. wtf!? I'd be a little suspicious by the fine print. "All sales final..."
  17. Lol. You're joking I hope... I voted SG-1. I just like it. I don't like the newer episodes... I loved O'Neil. He was funny, and a great leader.
  18. When a thread gets "moved." Is it at all possible to say where it's moved to? Like, instead of a thread saying "Moved:" Could it say "Moved to ________:" Or making the link still take you to the thread, wherever it gets moved to? Or is there a way to do this that I haven't found.
  19. I object to being called a geek. I prefer super-nerd.
  20. Fullback lines up between the Halfback and Quarterback. Generally, the Fullback takes the ball when the team NEEDS 1-2 yards, and no more, because the fullback can "power" through the battle at the line enough to push forward for a couple yards. Otherwise, he's usually the lead blocker for the Halfback. Sometimes he runs receiving routes... as for the numbers, "Can't help ya sundance." Probably there's some system, but when I played in 8th grade, we had to memorize a playbook (which wasn't easy).
  21. It's a good guess, as far as it goes, but Kyrisch was right when he said "Time" It's the the chapter in the book The Hobbit Riddles in the Dark. My favorite "riddle" in that chaper is "What have I got in my pocket?"
  22. I figured someone would get it from that. I love that book.
  23. We need to try this sometime. A breed it for a pet...
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