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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. thank you for your answer i calculated the consumption of this electric compressor before and after being assisted by solar energy, and i've read that a saved electric energy in cooling systems means a reduction of CO2 emission..........to calculate the amount reduced i need this information...........i don't know how the CO2 is produced in the cooling cycle all i know is that there're emission of this gas.... thanks again
  2. the compressor is using an hcfc gas as refrigirant..........means that there will be an emission of CO2 ..... and if we talk about the power source (knowing that the compressor capacity is 4800 kh) then what would be the answer?
  3. good evening everybody the electric scroll compressor used in cooling milk produces a considerable amount of CO2 gas .......knowing that this compressor is using an hcfc gas as refregirant what is the amount of co2 produced per kwh in this case?
  4. Hi everybody i have already posted this question but it seems that i didn't chose the adequate forum so here is it again(i hope i'm not doing a mistake!) I have a question about a solar-assisted cooling system ,used to cool milk The systeme basic components are electric compressors and an absorption machine, When optimizing the compressor cycle, by lowering the temperature in the condensor, an important saving of energy can be made...........this lowering is the result of the introdaction of the absorption machie ............; my question is: how does the lowering of temperature in the condensor influence the electric energy consumption? i mean how could it be calculated? for instance, if the compressor cools a volume of water at 7°C (instead of 9°C) to bring it to 2°C (knowing its capacity (2500kw) efficiency n and perhaps other characteristics) ,what would be the saved energy? i did a simple calculation : Qsaved= Q(9°C to 2°C) - Q(7°C to 2°C) (Q= Cp * m * DT ) i've converted it to kwh and calculated the saved amount ..... :doh:but i didn't take into consideration the compressor motor capacity .;;;;;nor it's efficiency......... i really really need a help (that's not a homework,but a part of a research ) N.B:my studies are focusing on economy , that's why i have little knowledge about electric energy!
  5. Hi everybody I have a question about a solar-assisted cooling system ,used to cool milk The systeme basic components are electric compressors and an absorption machine, When optimizing the compressor cycle, by lowering the temperature in the condensor, an important saving of energy can be made...........this lowering is the result of introducing the absorption machie ............; my question is: how does the lowering of temperature in the condensor influence the electric energy consumption? i mean how could it be calculated? for instance, if the compressor cools a volume of water at 7°C (instead of 9°C) to bring it to 2°C (knowing its capacity (2500kw) efficiency R and perhaps other characteristics) ,what would be the saved energy? i really really need a help i hope i will find it
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