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About cosmaximus

  • Birthday August 19

Profile Information

  • Location
    new york
  • Interests
    programing(learning) reading about science, watching liverpool fc
  • College Major/Degree
    queens college
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    student interested in astronomy and computer sciences
  • Occupation


  • Lepton

cosmaximus's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. makes sense to me honestly but also black holes dont expand so how could it absorb particles because black holes slowly die so the particles must be sent somewhere else. its possible that a black hole just organizes particles into groups and confines them... sounds kinda stupid but hell who knows its a possibility
  2. haha i give u a high five i love the word choice you used never say impossible you might be sitting there one day when something brand new comes to ur mind where u never thought of it before anything can happen in life everything is unpredictable
  3. i think this is very interesting it juts goes to show how all the animals around us are a lot smarter then we give credit to. who knows what can happen in the future any one of them can evolve to out level animals just seem to keep getting smarter and smarter as do humans ( since we are animals too) so maybe its just a way for them to keep the intellectual ratio even to ours? maybe the animals are actually gaining intelligence at the same rate we are as we evolve so do they
  4. that's interesting that meteorite must have been pretty big to have survived the atmosphere obviously larger then the average one. but how does he know that's the one that hit him and not just some random rock? i guess if he got testing done on it he could find out but its hardly seems worth it
  5. it was recently discovered that dogs can learn about 300 words on average but they don't not have the ability to speak them so a dog has the average brain capacity of a 2 year old in language but the interesting thing is that they are able to do math at a 6 year old level. i just thought it would be interesting to point that out due to the fact that us being able to talk and form words isn't much more then dogs barking because its all about the pitch and the formation i always wonder are dogs able to communicate in a pitch in which humans can not hear?
  6. you know i heard a lot about this but what difference is in the m&mS other the food coloring ? i never actually thought the candy shell was any different other then colors
  7. i would recommend finding a part time internship that's what i plan on doing while i start my college in the fall part time is great because u still learn a lot it keeps your mind active and also it still leaves free time for u to have fun!
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