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Everything posted by verb

  1. How can I find the scale of what temperature water heats up to in relation to the pressure within a unit being reduced or increased?
  2. verb


    Hi all. I cant seem to get my head around this one. I will try and write it as it was explained to me. Is it possible to work out the Probability of e.g Who will win a race based on an individals odds measured against each others, in decimal. i.e 1. 9.9% 2. 32% 3. 19% Their odds are as above. Looking at that, to me the probability of 2 winning is high. But his odds are based on previous form, and the one we expect to win, doesn't always win. Is it possible to work out the probability based on their previous form and that of those on the field around them.
  3. Hi all. I'm trying to do some research for some final coursework that is long over due. I have two questions:- 1. What is the name of the devise that can suck the air/oxegen out of an object?? i.e. a beaker... (For the life of me I cant think) 2. Does this reduce or increase the Atmospheric Pressure inside the object??
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