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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. It says that Swedens fourth biggest city, Linköping, is invalid so I chose the capitol, Stockholm, instead, which is 200 kilometres to the north-northeast.
  2. 1) My Atari 400 2) My go-board and my go-stones and go-bowls in agate.
  3. Thank you for you answers Nothing fun happens then, by looking at your answers
  4. Thank you for the answers
  5. 15/m/Sweden
  6. Maybe you can use a hollow bullet and fill it with a strong acid before shooting?
  7. Like this: http://www.mpi-muelheim.mpg.de/kofo/institut/arbeitsbereiche/boennemann/ferrofluids_e.html
  8. What normal fluids have a charge then?
  9. Sulfates can also be used. These three thermites have a calculated temperature of over 5000 Kelvin Y + MnO2 Nd + PbO2 Nd + I2O5 Remember to protect your eyes against the ultraviolet radiation that is created from thermites.
  10. Oh, sorry for being unclear I mean fluids that can be influenced by magnetic fields.
  11. What is the easiest ways of creating some magnetic fluid without ordering lots of expensive chemicals on the Internet? Is it possible to create out of normal things found in the house or almost any store? I have some iron-powder if that is needed. Thank you in advance Sorry for my bad English :/
  12. What happens if a black hole collides with a white hole? I guess that the black hole will suck in energy that is emitted from the white hole until they collide, but is that everything that happens? And what diffrences would it be if the two holes were linked to each other or not? Sorry for my bad english, but I hope you understand me :/
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