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Everything posted by Weejonnie

  1. Originally Posted by Jones et al In this paper it is proved that the set of prime numbers is exactly the set of positive values of a polynomial of the 25th degree, in 26 variables as the variables range over the nonnegative integers: (k+2){1 – [wz+h+j–q]2 – [(gk+2g+k+1)(h+j)+h–z]2 – [2n+p+q+z–e]2 – [16(k+1)3(k+2)(n+1)2+1–f2]2 – [e3(e+2)(a+1)2+1–o2]2 – [(a2–1)y2+1–x2]2 – [16r2y4(a2–1)+1–u2]2 – [((a+u2(u2–a))2 –1)(n+4dy)2 + 1 – (x+cu)2]2 – [n+l+v–y]2 – [(a2–1)l2+1–m2]2 – [ai+k+1–l–i]2 – [p+l(a–n–1)+b(2an+2a–n2–2n–2)–m]2 – [q+y(a–p–1)+s(2ap+2a–p2–2p–2)–x]2 – [z+pl(a–p)+t(2ap–p2–1)–pm]2} Each positive value of the above polynomial is prime. Also each prime is a value of the above polynomial, for some nonnegative integers a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y, z. Thus the set of prime numbers is identical with the set of positive values of the polynomial. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I may be missing something obvious here but surely this function is the result of multiplying two numbers (k+2) and {} together and hence can't be prime unless (k+2) equals 1 (or {} equals 1.) If we set k+2 = 1 then k=-1 and a cursory examination of the second (larger) section of the formula shows that in most cases 'k' appears close to a '+1) Although the formula is quoted by de sautoy (music of the primes) this fact (+ the incredible coincidence that the number of variables 'just happens' to be the same as the number of characters in the alpahabet) suggests someone is playing a practical joke. Can someone enlighten me?
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