I am not sure what mooeypoo is talking about. The most complex, intricate and well thought out design on this planet is the human being. I do not wish to enter into the argument of what we were as that is far from clear. However, what we are is a miracle even by the standards of science today.
One simple example, which mooeypoo hasn't heard of judging by his/her unscientific comment, would be proprioception. Humans can pin point locations in 3 dimensional space with extreme precision. To do this via any manmade process even with our best scientific tools is impossible. Was this a random event in the existence of mankind? The example given by mooeypoo is not really valid because there coud be many reasons for having the same "pipe" delivering various biological fluids. The "birth fluid" and the "waste fluid" passing through that same pipe certainly does not harm the human, and if mooeypoo wants to know what the purpose is, he/she should make some effort and speak to a urologist.
Next, I would like to ask a question. If we were to see an unidentified mechanical object lying on the road, would we at any point in time consider this to be randomly evolved without any specific designer? If the answer to this question is no, then it would be very ridiculous to answer yes for a far more complex biological object.
In summary, what is happening in current science is that theories that have circulated for long enough are now being considered to be fact and it is these theoretical facts (an oxymoron) that are being used to support the new theories that have been discussed in this forum.