REPLY: I think my goal in this important discussion is at least simmular to yours. That is to find ways to reduce and hopefully someday eliminate mankind`s propensity for self destructive behavior.
I do not believe it is NATURAL,or genetically based. I can think of no other species,not one,that has any history ever observed of any of it`s members risking their lives for the fun of it, adrenaline rush, whatever one chooses to call it. Do they at times fight amongst each other ? Yes, but always for an evolutionarily sound reason, such as: mating rights,establishing dominance,expanding or defending territory. Things like that. These sort of events usually do not result in the death of any of the participants and sometimes they do. But these sorts of violent behaviors always have a purpose and are never done for the fun of it. Not truly life threatening behaviors for the thrill of it.
I think there are two reasons this sort of behavior is exhibited by some significant minority of people in our species and that one is the result of the other.
Throughout recorded history mankind has organized itself into groups : clans,tribes,city states,nations and such. What I am discussing here I will call:Cultural evolution. I know I did not coin that phrase. Anyway, in this cultural evolution a sort of natural selection is at work. Those that succeed and propagate do so. A fierce at times competition between the different groups. The groups grew in size and the wars and technologies used to fight them advanced. One of the the successful traits that emerged in this mix of events was the advent of the warrior culture. The dedication the different groups put into creating the best warriors. The methods of training children and young men in particular to develope the necessary skills to be be a good warrior: Strength,courage,fortitude,endurance,loyalty,fidelity. The ability to endure pain,the ability to face extreme danger and fight no matter how fearsome the enemy confronting you or the sheer numbers of foes when vastly outnumbered and to have the ability to stand and fight when stuck in such situations.And the discipline required to manage coordinated manuevers. All these things and more go into making a good warrior or soldier.
Now I will come to my second point in all this. This cultural evolution is the direct cause of much of the mental illness,neurosis that permeates mankind. The Idealization of these traits of warriorism, and the embracement of them by the different groups, that successfully competed against the different groups in this cultural competition.
Those qualities that competed most successfully in this deadly cultural competition are the very qualities that have led to the almost universal neurosis of our species.
Those peaceful Indian tribes that met Columbus on the Island of Hispaniola did not stand a chance against the Spaniards that invaded their Island.
These warrior traits do not come naturally or instinctually. Anyone who has gone through a modern day boot camp can attest to the many times they had to do many,many things they did not feel like doing. The desire to defend one`s self may, but all the crap you endure day in and day out for months on end do not.
Parental treatment of infants and young children is all a part of this cultural war that has been ongoing and endless. A child`s natural need to cry as a way of healing the pains and such all children absorb is denied them. They are trained not to cry. Who among you was NEVER TOLD to quit being a CRYBABY ? This suppressed pain is what is at the heart of neurosis. You end up living in a state of perpetually suppressing pain.
People find many ways of coping with suppressed pain: drugs [ legal prescribed ones or those that are illegal ]. Alcohol,television,obsessive eating, and on and on. This also of course includes THRILL SEEKING AND ADRENALINE RUSHES. Anything and everything our minds can devise to keep all this buried hurt and other feelings we were forced to train ourselves not to feel. There is an answer to all this and it is called PRIMAL THERAPY. ...Dr.Syntax