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Everything posted by dr.syntax
REPLY: I don`t know how to copy and paste. I have heard of it but don`t really know what it means. DS Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Rely: Is that what you call it. How about:" Einstein posted in a forum ?" Something I never said. Why would you say that to me as if I somehow thought he had.
REPLY: Those links such as Chrisopher Bjerknes document every statement he makes. The references of from the era this all occured in. All any of you did was to gang up on me. I didn`t see any of you documenting anything. I guess you consider your statements documentation. Bjerknes website is : http://thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=5236 . I never wanted to open this up again,you did or why did you ask me about it when you already knew the answer. You talked about how it had been locked and such so already knew all that but chose to ask me why I had previously held him in low regard. Why would you ask me that when you knew all about. It`s you people trying to create trouble with me and always has been. Your all very clever and come up with some make believe reasons that you are somehow not saying what you actually are saying. ...DR.syntax Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged REPLY: Want a good laugh on me. It shows me you never bother reading the links I supply anyway. That second link discounts those quotes attributed to Einstein. Chew on that a while and see what new fun you can have belittling me. It makes this whole thread based on an unsubstantiated quote. Have fun with that. I`m still laughing about it. I quit caring what any of you think of me. ...Dr.Syntax
REPLY: They can patent the seeds. There have been cases where families have lost their farms over lawsuits claiming the farmers did not buy the seeds if they had even created a seed crop close enough to the patented seed plants that some of their seed crop had been cross polinated by the patented crops and the courts found in favor of the seed producers and the awards were so large the farmers lost ther farms by being forced to pay up. The World has gone insane or always was perhaps. ...Dr.Syntax
I am disgusted with mooeypoo`s continuing attempts at portraying me as a plagiarist. These latest accusations surround a posting of mine where I clearing stated my source of this quote attributed to Albert Einstein. My source was the Philosophy Science Forum and I said so in the original posting. For one thing how can you possibly be plagiarizing by refering to a quote attributed to Einstein in a forum. How can I possibly be guilty of plagiarism by doing that. How am I trying to claim credit for some idea or concept if I am quoting them. I recieved three different postings in that thread by her accusing me of plagiarism. When I attempted to find another source of this quote, I had trouble getting the links to work. Then JillSwift joins in on the fun because at first the links did not work. I had difficulty with the links. One of them I made an error in typing the link. The other just would not work. I checked and rechecked it. I had it right yet it would not work. Has no one else out there, NEVER had trouble getting a link to work. By the way I had them both working in about a half of an hour. The second link which was typed in correctly I got to work by backspacing it out and retypying it in. But why this uproar over a couple links that don`t work. I worked as fast as I could trying different things to get them to work, and managed to get them to work.There are times links simply will not work. Well it may get me kicked out of here again. Mooeypoo has threaten to do that if she catches me " playgarizing again". I read the different threads and I see no demands for some link to every statement a poster makes. Many of the thoughts I express are my reaction to something I read at some website. I post a link to the website. What more am I supposed to do ? Post a seperate link to every person who contributed to the article ? These websites give there own references. I am not claiming I discovered something new. Almost all of this stuff falls into the catagory of general knowledge. That is why it is in an encyclopedia. You would think I was writing a doctoral thesis or something claiming I had made some wonderful new and original discovery. This is not the case and never was. So what,life sucks and then you die. Well I intend to go down fighting. And if the powers that be here at this forum dislike me so much I guess they will contrive some reason for doing so and I`ll be gone. I had previously thought Mooeypoo was at least neutral towards me, I guess I was wrong. I have made my attempts to reach out in friendly ways to many here. I think me and iNow have at least put an end to hostilities,I hope so. I thought the same might be true of JillSwift but this last unwarranted attack regarding links that did not work for about a half an hour seems to indicate otherwise. I don`t understand any of it. I do think my REP points are the record low. It was a minus 86 the last time I checked. Oh well, Whatever, ...Dr.Syntax
The Technological Singularity: all but inevitable?
dr.syntax replied to dr.syntax's topic in Computer Science
....................................................................................................... REPLY: From part of what you posted, I get the feeling you were never in the military. Are you familiar you with the word SNAFU. Such as: I hit a bit of a snafu while installing my new printer. I hope I can get it running properly soon. SNAFU is a word derived from an old military saying, a complaint really, as to the conditions soldiers often found themselves having to deal with. What it means is: SITUATION NORMAL, ALL F,,,ED UP. SNAFU. Promised resupplies that never arrive, artillery or airstrikes that end up landing on freindlies instead of the intended enemy forces, perimeter forces opening fire on some hapless patrol returning and running unexpectedly into their own lines. Some one ordering an artillery strike on say another company of soldiers on the same operation, but on some ridge line where he spots what he thinks are enemy forces, but turn out to another of the companies involved in the same operation. These are all examples of snafus. These sort of things happen all to often when combat operations are taking place. Simple mistakes with sometimes disasterous results. They are not at all uncommon. My point being I myself would not place a high degree of confidence in the military`s ability to carry out complex operations. The more complex and the more people involved in any given task, the more propensity there is for snafus. And the same is true of any organization involved in any endeavor.The fact they happen so often in the military is because of the large numbers of people involved and the difficulties inherant in the tasks assigned them. I would expect private organization to be generally more prone to snafus . I can`t think of anything more complex than creating artificial intelligence. Can you ? In my opinion it was a very bad idea to begin with, but that it has already in a manner of speaking taken on a life of it`s own, so to speak, and there is no turning back. Think of all the snafus that have occurred in the production of all the different computer models that have been marketed and the software that is used by them. You have to go download "patches" for just about any software you buy. These are but some of the reasons myself and many others foresee disaster approaching with the advent of Artificial Intelligence. I am going to post the weblink i used in the original posting. Here it is : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity . This article is not that long of a read. It was compiled from the thoughts and such of many of our most prominent scientists involved in making AI a reality and many concerned about this issue. ...Dr.Syntax -
reply: What is this crap about plagarism . I am trying to provide a link to quote. How can that possibly be construed as plagarism ? By the way those two links now work
reply: Both of those links now work ...ds
REPLY: I did not say that. I gave my source, which is that forum. Here are some other sources as to Einstein and vegetarianism. The first one is: VEGETARIAN QUOTES : At : http://choices.cs.uiuc.edu/~f-kon/vegetarian.html . The quote I used in the Original Post is found there with many others by some note worthy people including L.di Vinci. The second website which is much more informative as to Einstein and vegetarianism is : [ http://www.ivu.org/history/northam20a/einstein.html ]. Hope those links work. ...Dr.Syntax BOTH OF THESE LINKS NOW WORK .......Sorry for any inconvenience ...Dr.Syntax
REPLY: I gave my source in the original post of this thread. It is : The Philosophy Science Forum . It may be in the thread titled: WHY I AM A VEGETARIAN. I am not sure about that. They do provide a intra-forum search engine which could be used to ascertain just where in that forum it is located. Regards, ...Dr.Syntax
REPLY: The ability of prokayotes to transfer DNA material to eukaryotes by means of CONJUGATION was discovered in the 1950s as is discussed in the website article posted in the original posting of this thread. ...DS Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged REPLY:Bacterial CONJUGATION FIRST DISCOVERED IN 1946 BY: Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum. My source is NationMaster.com . They had a long list of reference material and no way for me to know which of their sources came up with this specific information. I have been unable to find out who and when eukaryotic to prokaryotic conjugation was first discovered. ...Dr.Syntax
Evolution of the female breast
dr.syntax replied to Speldosa's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
REPLY: The in some ways unusual form of human females breasts, is thought by some to be a secondary sexual attractant that evolved to resemble the female buttucks. All primates other than humans copulate with the male behind the female, so called doggy style in the common parlance. ...Dr.Syntax -
The Technological Singularity: all but inevitable?
dr.syntax replied to dr.syntax's topic in Computer Science
REPLY:You presume these AI robots are going to have some sort of device inside them that would stop them from harming human beings. I see no reason to presume that . Even if such hardware or programming as you described, would work as you said it would. With all the many people and different organizations working on this project, who is to say what will or will not be incorporated into these AI units ? Different people and organizations from around the world are working on this project, mostly in secret I would assume. The different militaries from around the World are no doubt major players in all this. They are`nt likely to be sharing their most advanced research with anyone. I would think they would be working on such things as soldier or killer robots. Is this not the consistant record as to military research ? Also what is to stop anyone educated in this field, from undoing such safeguards if anyone of them chose to ? And overtime, as these self improving AI units increased their intelligences to unlimited degrees, what may have appeared as a surefire way of preventing them from harming humans, they would soon enough come up with the means of undoing whatever, they decided to undo for any reason they decided they wanted to. They are by definition superhuman, and can understand things in ways we have no way of even conceiving. The same way many mathematicians and physicists can conceive of and work with concepts the vast majority of us people can not do. We simply lack the necessary brain power required to do such work. I place myself firmly among those incapable of doing the work I just alluded to. ...Dr.Syntax -
REPLY: No more than most people. Berjenkes is but one of a very many who have looked into this and written articles that use the historical record of these events to make thier point. It is not my intention to reopen that can of worms. It was that quote by Einstein regarding the importance Einstein placed on vegetarianism that made me see him in a much more positive light. Please read that quote I provided at the top of this thread. He thinks of it as extremely important to the continuation of life itself on Earth. My thinking influenced by his thinking has gotten me at the very beginings of how this sort of awareness might lead to answers to such problems as the rapidly approaching TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY. My subconscious mind is working on this. I have no concepts worked out yet as to why that may be, only that there may be some answer somewhere inside me as to how this may possibly be important. Einstein obviously felt it was important to the survival of mankind from reading that quote. Regards, ...Dr.Syntax
REPLY: Much of what I had read of the work he was most famous for,in particular that 1905 paper, was simply a rewrite of previous author`s writings and ideas including: Lorenz, Henri Poincare and some others I can`t recall at this moment. Some Italian and an Englishman who worked out E=mc2 back around 1875. His name was Tolver Preston. Actually there is a laundry list of his plagarisms provide at: [ http://thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=5236 ]. The man who wrote this history of Einstein`s plagarism is himself Jewish. For mentioning such facts as this I have been accused of being a racist so that is why I noted that. That article I linked to documents the history of all this along with Einstein`s forced admitting to certain specifics is documented here. ...Dr.Syntax
- 41 replies
REPLY: Graphite is an elemental form of carbon. To see an illustration of graphite`s molecular structure of graphite go to: [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphite ].You have to scroll down a short ways to view the models . What is not shown in this diagram is the fact that these hexagonic rings have what is known as aromatic electron structure. A facinating topic in and of itself. ...Dr.Syntax
I have no desire to create a blog, It took me completely by surprise to realize he shared feelings I have had as far back as I can remember. To when I realized what meat was by killing and cleaning fish with my father. Ever after that I knew some animal had suffered and died to provide the meat I was eating. I really don`t have anything more to say about it, at least for now. ...Dr.Syntax
The Technological Singularity: all but inevitable?
dr.syntax replied to dr.syntax's topic in Computer Science
REPLY: In a previous posting in this thread I said I could easily imagine these AI units warring against each other with or without any human input. Yes ,I agree they would become differing and different individuals. They will decide for themselves what is important and like humans that is likely to change just about every day or second or nano second. We will not have the ability to in anyway limit what super human AI robots do or are. Humans will not be deciding what super human AI robots think or do anymore than a mouse would make decisions for you. I expect if you in some way annoyed that AI robot he would treat you as we treat mice that annoy us. We have not blown ourselves up yet but more and more countries now have the capacity to creat these weapons. So how much control of the spread of nuclear weapons technology do we have ? What reason is there to presume we will control this technology and for how long ? and on and on. ...Dr.Syntax -
Where Does Space End? It Must End Somewhere!
dr.syntax replied to Edisonian's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
REPLY:That is exactly what I believe. There was no beginning to time or space and there will never be an end to time or space. All sorts of things may begin and end in time and space, but the two always have been and always will be infinant in both directions so to speak. quite frankly it seems self evident and could not be otherwise. It seemed that way to me as a child and nothing I have learned of has ever in the least little way caused me to question that self evident fact. ...Dr.Syntax -
My opinion of Albert Einstein has not been a good one up until now. I just read a quote by him that changed my opinion of him as a human being, utterly, and for the better. Here is the quote as it was presented in the philosophy science forum : " Our task must be to free ourselves ... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it`s beauty" " Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. " unquote Perhaps there is some hope for we humans after all. Yes I am a vegetarian and reading those words of his meant a lot to me. I am too tired at this time to pursue this issue further. Sincerely, Dr.Syntax
Hello Mr.Skeptic, Is what I think of as partial quotes done by cutting and pasting ? If so I will look into it. I have heard that phrase, but never knew what it meant. Thank you again for your help and kindness. ...Dr.Syntax
The Technological Singularity: all but inevitable?
dr.syntax replied to dr.syntax's topic in Computer Science
REPLY: Just like we have done every thing we can, and a massive effort has been made, to prevent the proliferation of nuclear bomb making capabilities. Throughout history, control of power enhancing technologies have been vigorously attempted, yet, sooner or later the control attempts fail. With the World of today`s worldwide internet and all the other advanced methods of communication, such control endeavors become exponentially more difficult and they never worked for very long in the earlier eras. This AI endeavor is not one Nation`s project. No one knows how many groups are competing to create the first AI units and what their different agendas are, for only one of the many aspects as to why there will not be any way of controlling what this technology will lead to. ...Dr.Syntax -
REPLY: Electromagnetic waves create the medium they move through as they move through it. Go to : http:http://www.bookrags.com/research/waves-wop/ . This is nothing new. There is no aether. ...Dr.Syntax
REPLY: You either did not read what was clearly stated as factual at the website I provided or disagree with it. For what it is worth, that website is an online course in micro-biology. I myself would be very reluctant to reject statements from people teaching an online course such as this. It appeared to me they considered it general knowledge, because no attributions were cited as would be the case if what they were stating as fact; was not generally agreed upon by their contemporaries in that field, Did you read that website ? It is presented as a part of an online course in biology. Not as some theory being kicked around by some biologists. According to them these facts about CONJUGATION have been known about for quite a while now. I`ll reread the part that dates when these discoveries were first made and edit it into this posting. This is directly quoted from the website I provided in the section titled : CONJUGATION QUOTE: " The ability of bacterial cells to transfer DNA between cells that are in physical contact, as a form of DNA exchange between bacteria in the 1950s stunned scientists and lay people alike. It`s obvious anthropomorphic simularity to mamalian gene exchange amused some and shocked others. Since it`s discovery, conjugational exchange exchange of DNA has been shown to be more common and promiscuous than first thought possible. Initially, conjugation was thought to occur only between the same or closely related species, but data has accumulated wich shows that conjugation between bacteria crosses prokaryotic species lines and even occurs between bacteria and some eukaryotic cells. How pervasive this later situation is remains to be determined. " UNQUOTE I want you to know this effort on my part to transcribe and type in this quote was both time consuming and tedious for me. I will not be doing any more of this for anyone who won`t bother to read the websites I provide. ...Dr.Syntax
The Technological Singularity: all but inevitable?
dr.syntax replied to dr.syntax's topic in Computer Science
REPLY: Hello A Tripolation, you seem to be one of the few people who are able to grasp just how and why we humans will never be able to control any true AI entities that emerge. Many people appear to me to be all too prone to wishful thinking when it comes to unpleasant and especially the life threatening to our species, as well as our individual selves, realities surrounding this whole AI issue. For what it is worth you have a kindred spirit in all this, and that of course is me, Dr.Syntax. For so very many obvious reasons any notion that we will in any way control them is nonsense. I`ve explained my reasons in previous posts. The main ones being: there are many human groups working on creating AI. Much of this research is funded and controlled by our military along with other Nation`s militaries. More importantly than even this, once truly sentient AIs emerge they will soon enough outgrow any notions we may try and program into them. Just as you stated : as many adults reject whatever notions their parents may have tried very diligently to instill in them if those notions no longer agree with the way the adult perceives his or her world. And the record is clear and consistant in that once a truly important innovation is achieved by any particular group, that group will eventually lose control of it. The MANHATTAN PROJECT is a good example of this. As is the advent of jet and rocket propulsion. GERMANY,RUSSIA,ENGLAND all had their own independent teams working on all of those endeavors. I could go on but wish to end this posting. Take Care, ...Dr.Syntax -
REPLY: I appreciate your informative answer. Dr.Syntax