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  1. Hello everybody, I'm new here, my name is Teo Braun, I’m not a scientist or something like that, but recently I have become very interested in dark matter, so I did a lot of information digging about the problem and I think I’ve solved the problem. I will try to explain my train of thought the best I can. To solve the problem I didn’t use any theories, just facts and particles we already know. So, we don’t need supersymmetry, string theory, new undiscovered particles nor do we need modified gravity. I just used knowledge we already know and pieced them together. We invented dark matter to solve two problems. Velocities in galaxies and clusters of galaxies, to be more exact the Bullet Cluster (it causes more problems). Dark matter has a few specifications: weakly interacting, heavy, very stable, “goes trough stuff”, couples together and on top of each other, cold, has a tendency to be where ordinary matter is… that’s about it, I may be forgetting something, but most of is here. The dark matter where looking for is in fact the weak force its self. I know this because my logic tells me to. To be more specific the W+, W-, Z bosons. These bad boys don’t meet some of the specifications but here me out. They are very heavy, weakly interacting (obviously) , it’s where ordinary matter is (we can’t have it any other way). It’s very unstable, and for the coupling part and going trough stuff, you will see that we don’t need that to make this work. The W+, W-, Z bosons have a life time of only 3×10^−25 seconds and exist in the short time when a neutron is changing in to a proton and vice versa. So they exist in β+ or β- decays and similar activities. It would be like poking something in space, there would still be some acceleration (extra gravity). At first this must seem insignificant, but the conversion rate goes up whit temperature, to be more exact in stars, or to be even more exact in centers of galaxies, where there is lots and lots and lots of stars and starry activity. In our own Sun 9.2 × 10^37 protons (hydrogen nuclei) are converted into helium nuclei every second (or is that number in half because we are only interest in the ones turning in to neutrons), so we can only imagine what the number in the centers of galaxies are because that’s where most stars and activity are placed. So here is my answer to the galaxies velocity problem, where there is proton-neutron activity there is more mass and gravity. As for the bullet cluster problem, it’s very simple. All of the activity is still happening in galaxies and not the gas in-between (although the gas is pretty hot, it contains pretty stable material) There it is, a simple solution to a simple problem, but I guess it’s a bit chaotic like quantum physics when you try to do the numbers. If I knew how, I would test this idea in a computer model or something but then again I’m not a scientist. I guess you could do something like m=m (known)*(period of existence)/(period of existence + period of nonexistence) and repeat that for every particle. It may not be the whole 5x missing part but maybe just a part of it. Hope it all made sense. Waiting for criticism and replies. What do you think? PS. Sorry if there are grammar issues.
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