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Everything posted by wormholeman

  1. oahhhhh! I understand now. http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/bec/temperature.html
  2. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Brother...
  3. it did pass absulote zero did it not?
  4. I know this because zero dose exist. I can picture it in my mind. Picture a thermometre and put it in an enviroment where the temprature decreases past zero, now picture the red thing on the thermometre as the enviroment temp decreases, the red thing goes down because the temp go's down, zero is on the thermometre, as the temprature go's down in the enviroment it will pass zero. So naturally it was at absolute zero. How long it was at absolute zero depends how fast the temprature in the enviroment decreases. I hope you know what I mean by "red thing"
  5. What's the significance of going to absolute zero anyway? Thats a question by the way.
  6. what I do is read at nice speed that is comfortable to me, if I start reading to fast then I just put it away and dont bother with it. I just scan the words, if I dont understand something I just keep reading, if I do understand im happy. I like it when I read and im able to picture in my head exactly what I read if it's something discribing things places people ect..ect. and I also imagine hearing a voice in my head when i read. like so..
  7. I beleive Nature allows absolute zero. Anything..Because if you have a temp- rature measuring device and when the temprature is lets say 2 degrees above, then if someone where to decrease the temprature then as it passes zero, it would have been at absolute zero for I don't know a nano second or a micro second or probobley even less then that.
  8. wormholeman

    New Idea

    Why dose he think if someone can accellerate to speed light and then be able to live forever? edit:oh..because time is the result of velocity
  9. Thanks Galilao
  10. Only Relativity. I should have rephrased the question. I ment to ask why you (the individual), not people in general, are interested in relativity. edit: Thats why at the beginning of this thread I explained why I am interested in it.
  11. That rain thing is cool, i like it.
  12. I sheeee.
  13. http://www.jupiterscientific.org/sciinfo/jokes/physicsjokes.html
  14. I would like to know why people find relativity interesting. I find relativity interesting because It has a lot to do with fact that its meaning proses to relation. There are so many words in any language that are related to one another. Example: relation, relative, relativity, relationship, relate, and relative. I think that is awsome! But It seems to me that the more it is cut down to size, relative would be more of an accurate definition. That mabey why Einstien chose to call it relativity. Any thoughts?
  15. I am really sorry but I made a mistake. The Einstein quote "Everything should be made simple but not simpler" is my error. It cant be a code ("If I understand you and your able to succeed in what you want me to understand then I will know what your talking about. and simpler as in "None sence".") because he has the word "made" in it. So that would make more sence because science usually has to do with technological advances. it probobley also includes understanding, (Einstein says "(Everything) should be") in the quote. But I feel I owe to say this in this thread for what I believe to be my mistake to resolve any confusion. Marlon ahhh! I give up thiis is getting confusing....
  16. I laughed because swansnot typed, OTOH (I dident know what OTOH means, I just assumed it was an acronem for something.) Then as I read and scrolled down I saw that silkworm swore "WTF", (I know what that means) and wanted to know what OTOH ment, then as I scrolled down more swansnot explained the irony between those two incidence's(there's probobley a better word for it but I'll use that). because this subject is about understanding and it all focuses on the same catagory, understanding it so well made me laugh.
  17. "Originally Posted by swansont Gotta love the irony of not defining what WTF means..." I laughed when I read that. Good one swansont
  18. Hello all! I am Marlon, I am 27 years old. I am an artist, reside in Canada. My interests are science, art, music, internet, website creation, and other things I try to find. I like to converse, think up idea's, work on projects, and try to finish what I start. Nice to meet ya'll also (the ones I were able to read cause there are lots of people on here, was to overwhelmed to read everyones) Peace!!!!! da-ananana BATMAN!
  19. I haven't seen anything like that, but I have seen two shooting stars one after another I think.
  20. -------------->
  21. That is a good example.
  22. This is interesting. If Einstein said "Everything should be made simple but not simpler", why is he guilty of speaking in those terms. When I first read what he said, I thought he was speaking in a kind of code and it stuck with me ever since, I believed what I thought to be true. So I may be at fault with this. I am confused. I don't know..
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