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Everything posted by wormholeman

  1. Have you considered the possibility that something can come from nothing, in a time line?
  2. Danny: This is all based on your assumption that the painting would disappear.
  3. And did you not say "No - the only thing travelling into the past is the painting and the note. I dont travel through time at all except in the usual way."
  4. Well!..The past is the past. Why do you think you cant have it on the 21st?
  5. No. you still have the "same" painting that you got on the 15th from the 20th.
  6. It dosen't seem like a poradox to me. We have choices!
  7. I believe what Danny is saying is this: Things only occour once in the future, If for example he sends a painting (on the 20th), to him self in the past (to the 15th) then on that day (the 20th) he nolonger has the painting, there is only the one, and that will be the one he gets on the 15th..Then once it is the 20th day of that month. He wont see him self sending the painting in the time machine because the "painting" not "him" went into the past: Hence: there cant be two paintings sharing the same time period in the time line because all chronological events move forward ..
  8. To be honest, part of believes "saying it" is equally as easy as "doing it"...
  9. Well said!
  10. Your right you did say the only thing that your sending using the time machine is the painting and the note. And now I believe your also right about how life will just go on normally. By Joe! I think you've got it! : )
  11. You said you did go into the past, as you just said in the past..And because you went to the past you will bump into your future self if you look!
  12. yes it make's perfect sence, because your future self sent it on the 20th, you got the painting on the 15th. And there will be two of you because you went into the past.
  13. You sent the painting on the 20th day of the month to the 15th day of the month, so inturn you already have the painting on the 15th day. When you reach the 20th day if you where to look for yourself, you might find your self going into your time machine sending a painting back to the 15th day.
  14. Yea, I totally agree.
  15. I suppose as long as the conductor keeps the wormhole open as it passes through then it should be no problem.
  16. Another cool known fact is, we can actually walk through the fabric of space. And still can be perceived and physically known as a "Objective"--(space).
  17. Your theory Einstein2, probobley is mechanically sound. But wormholes I believe have nothing to do with the speed factor. If only there was a way to hold on while traveling 186,000 miles a second or more.......
  18. Im not here to corrupt your idea, but to say this. I read a quote that said "It's impossible to travel with the speed of light, as one's hat keeps falling off", something along those lines.
  19. Yes! That is precisely what I mean. This negative mass. I dont see how it conforms to this, sounds like a different type of function to mine.
  20. Actually! No. I dont mean that to "increase the size" of a small wormhole to one big one, rather, the city of quantum disfigurations made. I think this would be hard to accept, but I really believe in this. It's like walking through a a piece of fabric that is immensely filled with tiny holes all over its complete stucture, hence: looking at it as a whole, can be percieved as a giant wormhole, (objective)-space is not a fabric ofcourse, but it can be perceived as such amd probobley one of the only ways to understand it.
  21. Ok! good! yea! macroscopic, probobley because of the tremendous amount of energy needed to create them. Yes at a quantum level, and that, control of them would be another factor of experimental expertise. The cool thing about that is, many smaller wormholes (disfigurations) can equal one big one! : )
  22. I can see that your looking at it from a grand prespective. I made a mistake by asking the question "why dose light bend at massive gravity hot objects like our sun?" I ment it as a statement not as a question please pardon that.. I believe you are correct about the "dip". I find It diffcult to imagine, hence: that wormholes, that one large one must exist in order for it to work. I cant execpt that because I believe the amount of power for something like that to be triggered would be humanly impossible (beyond our ability to provide that much energy, at the moment anyway) But, I can imagine a spacial enviroment in which a mulitude of smaller wormholes or as I call it "disfigurations" are triggered by. Danny: Dont offend to my foolish remark, as dealings with things not understood can sway me in a dark place
  23. Also! Why dose light bend at at massive gravity hot objects like our sun? My theory concurs with the prospects of that. (To phase more on the theory, I did explain "technique on expirementing with this would have to be performed".
  24. I will say AGAIN!---Wormholeman said---> "Ok! If the speed of light is constant? What happens when there is a shortcut? It would mean that the light has gotten to a point in space much quicker. And yes I realize the speed of light always travels at 186,000 miles a second." I did not mention anything about a vacuum.. And I already explained how it can be done. And I dont know where or who has tried my theory! Mr. Dream stealer. (sorry to call you that but your reaper was in my line of sight!)
  25. Rasori: I was thinking hypothetically, that If a flame on a match were to exist in outer space (non oxidated) enviroment. Which is ofcourse impossible (in reality). That was an example to give the idea.
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