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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Well Microsoft still stole Macs ideas
  2. You disgusting bigot.......
  3. Coffee, the one and only. ever since i started givin up cigarettes i have increased my coffee intake to about 5 coffees a day, (two are first thing in the morning) After a night bingeing i usually have quite a few "V" drinks which are another of those energy drinks and really useful
  4. Force of habbit......and bad tradition, Microsoft was the first out (with their ideas stolen from Mac )
  5. In a diatomic compound does that make one of the elements a electrophile and the other a nucleophile? What causes this property is it to do with electron affinity and shielding? How do you tell which atoms a electrophile/nucleophile in a compound?
  6. wtf? you mean whether the other atom in a compound attracts the electrons or the protons?
  7. Can anyone explain what is and the difference between an electrophile and a nucleophile?
  8. Yes, i know some aswell but that dosent mean i dont want to know more, anarchist cookbook and other such things give info (most wrong) but its still interesting to know ... especially since chem is my major
  9. So where will you share the molecualr synths YT?.....how good can ya get? making fulminates or pressurised molecualr synths?
  10. Easiest way to get around it is to start at something you understand and build up from there...... ANyway are you looking for a lamens book? http://www.magicmountain.com .... Breif history of time? Or the documenteries "the elegant universe" of which i personally recommend to every one into physics or not....its got cool graphics of stuff..
  11. although 1.7 isnt held as hard fact......it varys. especially depending on which country and the quality of teaching on what figure your given..... Pauling's opnion is only held in high regard because he came up with the "pauling scale for electronegavity"
  12. Titrate KMnO4 against Gylecrol, theres some fire works.... Should be about 50mL to 50mL;)
  13. Skye you gotta get Banana Phone, and when banana phone meets Badgers....its classic
  14. So the alchol with regards to the triangle bit, stops the normal functioning of the brain, and by doing this helps us fall asleep better?
  15. NaCl = continuos although it is just stated to be NaCl
  16. Crash

    Define Life

    Actually i thought death was easier to define than life....as for the philosophical version death is heaven/hell....etc I see death as the cease of all response from an organism or the loss of the MRSGREN points YT had gonna go get a dictionary
  17. Sleep must be atleast something to do with tiredness as you sleep alot better after exercise than yu do after a boring day...... And this may seem stupid or obvious, but why do you get to sleep alot better when drunk or under some sort of influence?
  18. No im quite sure i do want to know, is it cause of the damage it does to your brain? opps i missed the link.... Heres a site with a coule of ideas on what sleep is about. Also i read that sleep kill syou quicker that water from complete withdrawl http://www.thesleepsite.com/
  19. Crash

    Define Life

    I think life from a scientific point of view is the opposite of death, so deifne death ivert it and budda bing you have the meaning of life
  20. Yea thats what i was thinking, it wouldnt of been to hard, mainly that amount of mirrors....depending on how expensive they were
  21. Well with all the theorys about Dreams being connected to your life in some way, im sure that they are....but just how is weird. It could be as you said "help us to prepare ourselves for the future occaisions of sex or for that matter any of the lifes problems??? Or could just be a way of your subconcious trying to tell you soemthing...on that note my girlrfeind has had some weird dreams,(One was about another guy, in which she dated in her dream which made me worry!!) now i really want to know what they mean???? Why dont pot smokers dream as much as non-smokers? for me when i use to smoke (rather reguarly)pot i never can remember dreaming, now i can atleast remember my dreams though..
  22. Whats REM sleep?, i thought you sleept to rest your body, but not your mind
  23. I believe it very well could have been done like that, the only problem was getting the large amount of glass..........
  24. What m/b what cpu? I had my XP1800 o/c but the m/b had a shitty so i dont do it anymore
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