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Everything posted by Crash

  1. But to be on the safe side, thats why all the dentists run outa the room when they x-ray your teeth
  2. Travel aorund the earth? free fall? or off into space?
  3. 2). Nuclear binding energy is realeased when the nucleus splits. In hydrogen (fusion) bombs a series of smaller atom bonds are placed around the outside to create enough power for the hydrogen nuclueses to fuse which then self sustains and devistates BTW blike whos the girl?
  4. nicely put, orbitals take on different shapes depending on the sub-level they are in
  5. cool, tis pretty good
  6. Crash

    Live Forever?

    If our bodys didnt fail,would our minds stay as fit as they have always been?
  7. Just wondering if this is the proper structure of copper sulfate here (just as an example) then the actual bond between Cu and the SO4 ion must only be electrostatic through the water yes? If so this is true then for all molecules, FeSO4.10H2O? BaCl2.2H2O Help please this is really bugging me
  8. Crash

    Live Forever?

    well isnt alzimeirs brought on by old age, would other things like this happen? as i see it most people over the age of 80 are getting lesser in the brain to put it nicely i thought our bodys failing were the main reason for death as opposed to our brain???
  9. ohh Grash............will the madness ever end
  10. well he was right for some of it(well he at least cant be proved wrong) but its not the awnser they were looking for
  11. Crash


  12. i dont mind it, but there are some things that have changed for the worst. meh ill get used to it
  13. Impulse = Ft = mv - mu
  14. Need more info, what is the weight of the car. most internal combustion engines are only about 30% efficent so i need more info like is it 1000km straight line etc what revz is the vechile pulling?
  15. So when is the transition gonna be completed?
  16. Surely emotion is brought on by physiological change?
  17. wow, cool i think ill just buy a new monitor, im due for it
  18. i think your stuck in the mud lol ) kk seriously now, i need more info......what level math are you in?
  19. Now that you mention it my monitor does the same thing, anybody know why?
  20. BANG with a bit of "SPLAT" on the side
  21. Yea could damage your lungs.........but then again everything can
  22. In large enough amounts, thats why there was that scare about phones causeing brain cancer cause they microwave your brain
  23. well the mystery of the "ear ring" remains then, never to be solved
  24. Well were al so modest here arent we
  25. Sounds fun, So you mean the time untill the light bulb burns out? So everything else is up to us e.g. the argon gas inside the bulb? what type of glass, Pyrax? .........Left to go make light bulb
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