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Everything posted by Crash

  1. man that sucks about the peasants, who discovered this stuff? is he/she now amputated?
  2. tis is done so( because) DNA dosent leave the cell, (some say its to large to) because it might get destroyed. I think its Ribose not ribo. After the T-RNA comes to meet the RNA they start forming polypeptide chains which eventually leads to proteins or new cells, i forgot what M-RNA does.
  3. great, im off to build a green house now and build some muscles
  4. *sigh* keep wasting your time then, you forgot about photoelectrons in your statement aswell.
  5. Go to the casio website. were did you get the calc if it was from your school then they should have one, i know mine did
  6. Crash


    The book is quite alot older than "now", maybe he was a god amongst men in science though......
  7. k thanks
  8. Well RNA is single stranded and it dosent have Thymaine , instead it has Uracil (U). are the most obvious
  9. holy bajebiz thats a large JPG
  10. i can only say ed84c "you must be able to walk before you can run" Although i was the same at your age, why bother with thermodynamics? it will only confuse you in some matters(unless your a 14 year old in year 13/university student)
  11. hmm is there any way to work out how big your muscles are supposed to be apart from looking at your parents? I heard when Arnie started to bulk up with his training it took him several years to reach his largest possible size (muscle bulk wise) is this possible to have a "limit" to your muscle mass (within reason)
  12. Carbon (14) this dosent cause (much) problems untill it breaks down into N and completly changes the properties of a cell
  13. Do you know if this is possible for all orbitals? another Q) how do you determine which of the electrons is a spin +1/2 and which one is the -1/2 in the bonding pair is it related to the nature of the element or bond in any way?
  14. I cant get that mag in NZ can you find me a link pls?
  15. Well can some kind person explain how sub orbitals hybridise and the explaination behind it, and how the suborbitals take on new shapes to allow for this.
  16. yes tis i murray the demonic skull, muhahahaha, damn that cursed island "la isla del pollo"
  17. i dont like mozilla (personal preference) i use opera because of its sheer speed, due to it being such a small program, MyIE2 is also good
  18. i agree, not in our life time, unless we live to some extreme old age but thats would be a different thread
  19. you mean ligers? i seen then on discovery channel an id love to get a PHD in "or something"
  20. well enough of the "dont culture bacteria" and yes that is YT2095 in his avatar, its him on a mission in russia when he was sent to steal a russian submarine...... i think thats how it went
  21. besides it just aint right
  22. energy is a equivelence of mass, so it sort of can be considered matter even though it has no intrinsic mass E=mc2 dude
  23. yes it is true, happens once in a blue moon <-(long long time)
  24. because at that stage it was "raw" energy not matter, the matter was born out of energy seconds after the big bang happened, as for the reason it exploded.......dont know
  25. yes it will end, everything will gradually slow down and come to a complete equlibrium, An the big bang thing, well "a brief history of time" is the best when it states its irrelevant to think of time "before" the big bang since time is a property of space
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