Well basically I have a program that just uses an equation to calculate the Coefficient of Power. And I can change the blade pitch as a value in the program and I can change the speed.
I've read lots of ways of doing speed control, blade control or using both speed and blade control to get the best power achievable foe a given wind speed. The model actually works and that's all fine. I just dont get how in practice how one achives speed control when the blades are fixed. Basically when I google what I am doing, I get websites that dont go into detail because they are for novices, they just specify that you can control speed or pitch or both, and then I get papers that dont explain at all because they target audience of the papers is other engineers. So while I get how one could change the pitch to influence the speed, I dont know what they do for speed control. I have heard its done on the generator side but I have no idea what ideas are out there. is there a breaking mechanism they can use with brake pads? or can you adjust things on a generator so that it resists some of the torque coming from the rotor?