You can learn more by looking at your webserver logs and grepping through them for common things like sql commands (union,select,insert) and characters that shouldn't be there. A lot of attacks on a site I run come from vietnamese and chinese proxies, consider blocking them if they aren't your audience. You can also check secunia and milw0rm for vulns; patch to the latest verison of your CMS when updates are available.
If you're running apache have a look at mod_security, it can stop a great deal of attacks if you're too lazy to update your webapps but it is by no means a reason not to patch; only a safety net if you forget.
Proper could should never accept user input like that. Always validate! I would use a regular expression containing the list of pages "home|page1|page2" and compare input to the list.
It's not being executed on the site. If you look at the code, it's telling it to include the contents of "some_really_nasty_script" into the current page, so it gets run on the poor webserver.