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Everything posted by Rakista

  1. Ok, so you are one of those people who can see nothing as acceptable unless it is part of the status quo? Well that does not require a lot of thought I suppose, must save you a lot of time when you get up in the morning by going, "Well the world is as it is and I can't change anything" Laws can be unjust and must be fought against until they are dismissed and I support any reaction by these children to this unjust arrests the same I would for blacks under curfew in South Africa or Jews under curfew in the Ghettos of Poland. Police may have the "right" to exclusive enforcement of the law by violence but I support the right for humans to live as free men be they under-18, a different race or whatever and that any force used that singles anyone out under the law is unjust and should be fought against.
  2. We were breaking laws we did not create and could not vote on. The only thing in such a situation one can do is direct action and civil disobedience. I would do it all over again. If you are under 18 in the US you are no better than a slave in roman times where your parents can send you to mental hospitals for no reason at all, which is a popular way for rich parents to take vacation in the suburbs from "unruly" kids. I think children have an obligation to defy laws until they have the right to rule themselves. Even up to the point of killing, maiming or destroying the lives of your oppressors if they threaten your physical liberty for extreme amounts of time. I am a completely sane individual yet my parents sent me and my sister (at the same time) to a mental hospital many times during the 5 years they were getting divorced and remarried, mostly due to financial disagreements. I had never hurt anyone or been in a fight or posed any danger to myself or others; my sister did kill some neighborhood cats with other children by putting a raid can taped down and throwing a cat in a garbage can with it. She has a lurid fascination with death. I never participated in such violent things as I was programming on my Apple II/c all day and night without the least bit of adult supervision I had found refuge in programming as I do now. I may of been anti-social and depressed but my parents were coked out 80's partiers who were home increasingly less as there jobs took them to meetings and rewarded vacations around the world. When I was taken to the first mental hospital at the age of 14 along with my sister 12 we were detained in cells without any padding on the floor for up to 12 hours at a time as punishment and "treatment" and held down and administrated narcotics if we screamed long enough. This is without any physical force on our part ever being imparted and merely us disagreeing vehmently with orders to stop writing or drawing when called to a meal or activity time. After 6 months of this I had my first physical reaction to being imprisoned taking a chair and breaking 2 vertabrete and nearly paraylyzing my psychologist after pleeing with him for half of a year to be released to my grandparents who saw my incarceration as an excuse for my jet-setting parents to have children without the responsibility of caring for them. He was a podgy fellow with a swollen diseased liver who had a gait that amounted to a waddle like a seabird. He talked down and around children as if they did not deserve any more humane concern than a POW. I hope the pain in his neck reminds him of me as the 2 years of incarceration I had afterwards where I became increasingly violent towards an institution that regarded me as a subhuman because I was under the age of 18. When I was 16 I caused a concussion on a man who was groping a young girl's breasts as he was restraining her in the lunchroom. I took a plastic tray turned it on its side and bashed it repeatedly at the base of the neck and around the throat until it was black and blue. I knew by than that was the quickest way to take a man down, by concentrating on the throat and back of the neck. I would pry never of learned that if I had not been locked up. They thought about prosecuting me as an adult but after I started writing letters about the sexual and physical abuses they simply released me all of the sudden before I could stir up any more trouble. I have never laid a finger on anyone since than. You know why I wasn't released? Because every time I would go home for weekend visits during those first 6 months my father and mother would conspire against me and tell them that I was unruly in some regard and was not "fixed". My sister released to my grandmother's care became a recluse and suicidal to the point the state institutionalized her in a dirty county hospital for a year as it was decided if she would become a ward of the state. My parents did not go to any of her hearings until it was almost too late. Eventually my mother reclaimed both of us when my father left her for a 19 year old Chili's waitress who took all his money, lol. But those 2 and a half years of my life remind me that children need better protection from police, the state and their parents and any action on there part to fight against such miscarriage of justices is supported by me in full. Since all this trauma I have been largely unaffected by it graduating from college with honors and now in graduate school for the 4th year. My sister is not as lucky as she lives off SSI checks and requires massive help to inspire any action on her part to better her life. I often send her money when she reaches desperate situtations as my parents have not talked to either of us regularly in almost a decade. My point is that children should not be subject to the rule of the parent or the police without the ability to defend themselves. We were specifically sent to Kentucky from Califronia to mental hospitals by the way because at the time California was one of the only states to grant judicial review to mental patients under the age of 18. Other states should adopts similiar statutes to prevent the abuse of the system from people like my parents.
  3. Curfews of any kind that discriminate are wrong and if they don't discriminate there had better be a civil war going on. In AZ they used to round us up 5 a peice in the back of police cars taking us to caged dirt areas so we would break the back windows out of police cars to get air when they were taking us. Costs 150 dollars a peice per window but we were all rich kids, so it did not matter. Cops get what they deserve when they abuse their powers. Police should have no right to do anything unless someone is commiting a crime, if you give them any power they are likely to abuse it and any reaction even violent is justified in such a case. I was arrested pry dozens of times on curfew violations but the family lawyer always got me out. Besides underage smoking, drinking and the like we never were violating any criminal code besides curfew. We were just being harmless kids but were never arrested on anything besides curfew because they were given the right to cage us up like animals when accused of it. One of my friends without an ID card after the age of 18 was picked up one night and taken in. He sued the police dept and won an apology and a few thousand dollars.
  4. I'm a vegetarian and I would suggest you alternate foods as much as possible as diets that lack diversity tend to give you the best and the worst of the food. For example not only will you aquire mercury in a strict fish diet but other fat soluble pollutants such as DDT. I eat leftovers, tofu and miso soup almost every morning. Leftovers can be anything from vegatables to fried brown rice. I usually eat a spinach salad at school as it only costs about 2 dollars from the salad bar. For dinner I am a big fan of the following. 1 small onion 4-5 cloves of garlic (I love garlic) 1 cup brown rice 1/2 cup millet or buckwheat grouts 1/2 cup lentils 1/2 can of corn or large handful of frozen corn 2 tablespoons grapeseed oil (or another high temp oil NOT olive oil if you are going to fry it the next day. It will burn and taste icky.) Spices to taste. I use Fresh Rosemary and Cilantro or Ground hot peppers and Cumin I add other things as I have them, this is pry the largest chunk of calories in my diet. I use a wok which I preheat to about 300 degrees or around when a drop of water will vaporize when it hits the pan. Add the oil in slowly so it does not run up the side of the pan, lol. Saute the onions and garlic than add the rest of ingredients and brown them before adding water to cover. Brind to a boil and turn the wok OFF. Let the rice pick up the water in the fridge or covered on the counter for about 10 minutes. To fry this you need to make sure your mix is cold first. Than add an egg ( I don't eat them usually ) to mix into the cold rice before you add it to hot oil in a wok. If you add it after the egg will be in large clumps.
  5. Sounds like gravastars
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