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Everything posted by darkkazier

  1. So basically, you can go back in time as an observer, but nothing else, which makes sense.
  2. if i understood anything that old guy said in the end of the second one i would have chose it, if Neo wasn't obviously ripping off christ in the 3rd one i would have chosen it, but i'll go with the first one.
  3. well as far as your paradox, this might be a good answer for you: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/mg18625044.300
  4. ^^Yeah that's what i was looking for.
  5. It looks like " congressman sorcerorston" has been doing a good rallying job on captial hill. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2005/103/31.0.html
  6. I can't remember where i heard this from but i think it pretty much sums it up: "The difference between generals and terrorists is the difference between winners and losers."
  7. Well, in a team sport strategy stills plays a big part, esp if everyone is super pumped up. Then its all about who has the best gameplan. In something like boxing then yeah, i guess its whomever has the best chemist. Which isn't any than whomever has the best trainer and training equipment.
  8. I have a question, if a nuclear bomb say 100 megaton went off over the ocean, first off would it be too hot to cause a tsunami and secondly would the shockwave be strong enough to push a cloud of Methane but not catch it on fire?
  9. that definately makes more sense to me. but then comes the question of what the nuke would do to the Methane, would it simply burn it when the nuke went off or would the shockwave of the blast force the methane ahead? but i like the idea of a giant Methane cloud heading for the Eastern shore. That will make a very interesting plot, three seemingly unrelated events all planned for one final goal, the destruction of the upepr eastern seaboard. Thanks for al lthe suggestions, now i just need to find out what would happen to Methane if it was hit with the shockwave of a nuclear warhead, and i need ot find out if the shockwave and air current would actually carry the cloud or just destroy it?
  10. I only brought up methane because i read that it was the cause of the biggest extinction event in the history of our planet. So, release the methane from the earth's sea floor first(which i'm sure a terrorist sucide bomber would easily do, then explode the nuke above the oceanand you have a huge firebomb that could cover miles plus a tidal wave hitting the east coast(since their are very large deposits on the atlantic seafloor)?
  11. The U.S. and its allies use countries while they are helpful, and once that usefulness is gone we will discard them, its only a matter of time. Do i think it will end up like Iraq, i don't think so for the simple fact that if this Iraq crap pans out we'd have a bit more influence in the middle east to keep them under much better control. And remember our goal is to stabalize(or purify depending on who you talk to) the Middle east, so we can use Our new state Iraq to launch all sorts of offensives on whomever they pick as a enemy next. So i guess in a way we are insane, simply because of the plan they are following.
  12. Yeah, i was thinking it would just cause it to bubble to the surface and disperse into the atmosphere. But would that affect the ripple from the nuclear explosion? or would it be so hot it'd boil the water away before a tsunami was created, leaving them ethane to freely enter the atmosphere? And for the rude guy, i am writing my book and i want it to be somewhat scientifically sound and make sense. And what better place to look for anwser on a forum dedicated to science?
  13. I have a question that i don't know where it fits really, but i figure this is a good place to start, if a terrorist exploded a nuclear warhead in the ocean in a part of the atlantic that has high deposits of frozen methane on the ocean floor, what would happen? Would a tsunami result from the explosion? I know the methane hydrate on the ocean floor is being touted as some kind of new potential energy source, so would this result in some massive chain reaction explosion? I know methan is a major greenhouse gas, so releasing large amounts would definately alter the climate, but how soon would those effects be felt( its for a book i'm writing in which a terrorist steals a nuclear weapon
  14. Why isn't their a geology section? I have a question about Geology but i don't know where it would go.
  15. He thinks whitey(I.E. a western government) sponsored it.
  16. Heh, we're all gonna turn into giant floating brains...
  17. alright, i should have stated it differently, what i meant was that it just makes it a bit more liekly.
  18. I say make them legal. People already have advantages over others anyway, so if average joe schmo wants to takes the super drug YT2095 makes so he can be a super athlete let him. It's not fair that guy a was born with inferior genes and can't build muscle as fast as super athlete( yeah my best friend doesn't have to work out at all to keep his good shape and he eats whatever he wants, but i have to work out one hour a day every day to stay in shape).
  19. I certainly hope so, considering how long i've been letting SETI run their damn program throgu my computer, hoping for that one "Contact" moment.
  20. http://www.newscientistspace.com/article.ns?id=dn7754 I thought it was interesting to think life could have begun so long ago. I wonder how advanced a alien lifeform that started forming that long ago would be by now?
  21. that's true to a extent, their could still be physics we do not understand that apply to time travel. And your paradox is not a paradox. It's string theory resolves it with parallel universes.
  22. that's just nasty and wrong.
  23. It's certainly good to know their's a version of me out their that is the smartest man in the world
  24. i think we are just one step in the long evolutionary ladder. but if we were wiped out it might give another species the chance needed to evolve to our level of intelligence. Aren't dolphins pretty close as it is?
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