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Everything posted by sorcerorston

  1. Well you peublent Ctenocephalides felis, even a elementary level chemists knows that if you heat frozen methane up in the ocean by dropping a atomic bomb on it it will cause a pulsating wave through the ocean. Is that the answer you seek...
  2. The point is many people believe i am capable of delivering their views and creating the laws of this land, that's the point young man. you're the reason why children need to learn creationism in school, so maybe they have a little respect for their elders when they understand that man is not the ultimate judge.
  3. Well young man you have the mind of a Cavia porcellus. You are simply not ready to comprehend all i have said. Take a cue from Herme3. And just so you know I have forgotten more than you will ever know, which is why i'm a congressman and you're not.
  4. You amoeba of a man, trying to explain my intensely deep knowledge to one as yourself (a common soccer hoodlum) is like trying to explain mathmatethics to a dog. The dog will never understand. And you are welcome Herme3. I am glad i can help you.
  5. 1. God exists in our understanding. This means that the concept of God resides as an idea in our minds. 2. God is a possible being, and might exist in reality. He is possible because the concept of God does not bear internal contradictions. 3. If something exists exclusively in our understanding and might have existed in reality then it might have been greater. This simply means that something that exists in reality is perfect (or great). Something that is only a concept in our minds could be greater by actually existing. 4. Suppose (theoretically) that God only exists in our understanding and not in reality. 5. If this were true, then it would be possible for God to be greater then he is (follows from premise #3). 6. This would mean that God is a being in which a greater is possible. 7. This is absurd because God, a being in which none greater is possible, is a being in which a greater is possible. Herein lies the contradiction. 8. Thus it follows that it is false for God to only exist in our understanding. 9. Hence God exists in reality as well as our understanding. Do not be deterred by your quest to search for a higher power dear Herme3. Some people are merely so wrapped in their "science" that they cannot fathom anything that is beyond their comprehension, such as the majesty that is the supreme being. And as for proof do you think that a random act could create the beauty that is a butterfly? The beauty of a symphony that was created by the complexity of the human soul surely cannot be the result of a feeble amino acid? Surely something as primitive as a ape could not have painted the beauty and elegance that is the Mona Lisa? If it is not quantifible by their flawed and incomplete physics or biology or other incomplete sciences they automatically judge it as falsehood. It is the thinking of primitives who cannot see past their own subjective and prejudice minds to see the true grandeur and beauty of the holographic universe that was created by the one true surpeme being. No offense to any in here of course.
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