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Everything posted by DV8 2XL
But of course, but that's a given in our line of work, it's like reading words on a page.
cessna7686 I think we are talking at cross-purposes here. I won't say the skill of reading drawings is passé, but the creation and maintenance of drawing are done in CAD. I am very familiar with P&W tech pubs I have several gas turbine manuals on CD-ROM on the rack in front of me as I write. The drawings in there were executed by CAD; that I can send one to a large-format printer and get a "blueprint" is not really the point now is it?
I would recommend the book by John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar for some interesting and strangely foresighted ideas on the subject. Brunner deals with many different moral issues in the book, including subjects like war (with a bold anti-war message), A.I. but mostly population control and genetic engineering. The book's name comes from a 1965 estimation that by 2010 the worlds population will be 7 billion people, but could still stand shoulder to shoulder on the island of Zanzibar Thirty years on, Brunner's future is close enough to reality to have considerable power for the modern reader.
That may be in other fields, but blueprints are a thing of the past in aerospace. But I agree that in architecture and civil engineering the large-scale format is still in use. But now it's duplicated by xerography, the old Diazo process is gone forever (but I'll aways associate that smell with the drawing office!)
Unfortunately even if the existence of psychic powers were proved that would not in and of itself say anything useful on the subject of QC or modelling intelligence on a machine. Just because a number of writers in the field of parapsychology have invoked QC to explain these things, it does not hold that the converse is necessarily true.
Sure, why do you think that the various boxing commissions won't licence a fight if the boxers' weight difference is too great?
Looks like you are missing the arc suppression capacitors.
Check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf_%28computing%29
Annealed 2024 aluminum rod will bend the way you want. You don't have to heat it and if you don't keep bending it in the same place over and over it will last a good long time.
It's a bit too pat, and tries to explain a bit too much for me to buy into to this. I suspect that it will be placed in the same class as multiverse, and quantum mind theories - interesting but not mainstream. I am also not comfortable with the whiff of religion that comes up occasionally in this work.
It's not the alloy as much as it's the state. Just about any metal is soft in the annealed state, and will do what you ask - until the joint becomes work-hardened, and breaks. For your application you should be looking for a half-inch rod of 2024 aluminium in the T-0 temper.
Very, very cool. Thanks for posting that. I can't wait for that type of interface to be commonplace.
The Peltier cooler link that BhavinB was kind enough to post for you sells cold plates (like hot plates). Go look at it.
Symmetry was broken in the early universe when charge and parity symmetry was violated (CP-violation). Standard Big Bang cosmology tells us that the universe initially contained equal amounts of matter and antimatter: however particles and antiparticles evolved slightly differently. It was found that a particular heavy unstable particle, which is its own antiparticle, decays slightly more often to positrons (e+) than to electrons (e-). How this accounts for the preponderance of matter over antimatter has not been adiquitly explained.
The active component of cedar's odor is an aromatic essential oil called lignen, I believe - a medium sized molecule
I've heard a theory that the reason some famous people (men) make donations to those sperm-banks that advertise that you can have a child by a gold metal athlete, or Nobel prize winner is to have the benefit of 'reasonable doubt' if faced with a paternity suit.
I remember reading of some research years ago on this --- seems its still got legs.
Assuming large zones of antimatter exist, there would have to be some boundary where antimatter atoms from the antimatter galaxies or stars come into contact with normal atoms. In those regions a powerful flux of gamma rays would be produced. This has never been observed despite deployment of very sensitive instruments in space to detect them.
I am wading my way through the first lecture he posted, but I have to take it in small bites. Too bad I have become so jaundiced by the flood of gibberish that I have seen on this topic that I can't stop waiting for the other shoe to drop.
There are all sorts of Peltier coolers on the market. Why re-invent the wheel?
He sez: "Imagine that 'the arrow of time' in the Universe, like gravity on Earth, is pretty much the same everywhere, yet also different everywhere relative to everywhere else. That means that the 'arrow of time' points in different directions in spacetime depending on where you are, so time has a geometry just like space has a geometry. The novel idea that there are an infinite number of time dimensions in the Universe revolutionizes gravitational theory and much of modern science with it. A number of outstanding scientific mysteries are definitively solved, including observations that lead to the concepts of 'dark energy' and 'dark matter'." That's one big claim
No but they are sometimes joined at the hip. Take handling procedures for medical isotopes that you may be breeding for market in the reactor, likely they would combine both safety and security elements.
insane_alien I can't beleve you forgot: Don't swim in the spent fuel pool.
Generally information like that is spread over several manuals, and is most likely considered proprietary information by the owners