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Everything posted by Joumana

  1. Human gene is not being expressed when it's inserted in bacterium plasmed. The reasons come from the differences in the gene expression between eukaryotic and prokaryotic. - First difference is in the promoter structure and position. I think this surly will effect the transcription. Prokaryotic promoter has different structure from Eukaryotic one. This will affect the recognition of the transcription factors. The position is also different. Prokaryote promoter locates 10 to 35 nt. - Second difference is in the RNA polymerase. In prokaryote there is only one type of RNA polymerase that does the transcription. While in eukaryotic there is three different RNA polymerases which means they are specialized for certain genes. Prokaryotic RNA will not recognize the special recognition signal in inserted human gene. - Third reason is bacteria (prokaryotic) gene have only exons, with no entrons. Therefore there is no splicing process in bacteria. Human gene has entrons and must be spliced. - Forth reason is some codons in bacteria code for different amino acid that human codons code for. This is my assumptions.
  2. It is a theoretical question. What i was trying to say is we took a human gene and transferred to plasmed. We were expecting this gene gonna give its protein in bacteria, but it is not. I think the key thing here is the differences in gene expression between Eukaryote& prokaryote.
  3. hi all, I've question we have human gene (with its promoter , TE , ....ect ) which code for a certain protein inserted in plasmed of bacteria , but what happen is there was no expressing for this gene !!! ... why???? -I think that may be mRNA degrated before translation by the action of nuclease enzymes. in other words, no capping or cleavage make the mRNA exposed to 3' exonuclease & 5' exonuclease. - OR may be because there is a gene control the splicing for this gene which is not transferred to plasmed. I mean there is other gene may code for protein control splicing in specific way for exons that stop the translation or produce inactive protein. is it possible ?! I hope someone help me in this question . Thank you , Jumana
  4. (hermanntrude) I think, it will interacte with the rubber becuase it's strong oxidaser. you led me to ask more ^^ .. what's the reaction will happen btw them ?? ( sivas ) thank you
  5. Hi, In chemisty lab ,in the expirament of Oxidiation-Reduction titrations| : determination of Oxalate. the equestion is : why is the KMnO4 solution filtred ?? and why should it not be stored in rubber-stoppered bottle ?? Joumana
  6. I've question in molecular .. Could anyone explain to me the idea of " Mapping the nucleus S1" for determining the initiation site at 5' end ??!!! Thank you
  7. you made me carious about your question ... you said: Wikipedia. so there is some expression to some of inactive-X genes that's why the symptoms of such a disease may appear .. I'm waiting the experts answer ur qeus.s ...
  8. Thank you Mr.CharonY & Mr.Jimmydasaint Thank you alot ..
  9. this question l was asked by a doctor ,and the question wasn't based on observing protein under microscope ... ( and we are pre-student ) ... so he just look for the idea about which microscope it's Fluorescence tagging.. (because he was discussing it
  10. Under the microscope there's a protein in the membrane... How will I know weather this protein has been on the membrane since it delivery or has been recycle to the cell and back to the membrane ??? I hope to found an answer ^^ All My Regards JOJO
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