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  • Lepton

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  1. I think the more intelligent something becomes, the less intentional harm that organism would impose upon others. Think about how that which has less intelligence, is always more dangerous and destructive, a universal pattern that seems to hold true with no exceptions; But I consider sociopaths as not truly sentient beings, and often below compassionate intellectuals, as true self-preservation can only be accomplished with the aid of others. Sentient Human Computer Nerd (a non-sociopathic one) = Harmless, does not want to harm others ^ Less intelligent Football Player (brain damage) = Can snap like a gorilla and murder without good justification ^ Frat boys, constantly drinking (Additional brain damage) = Will tie an innocent person to a post and cut open their stomachs ^ Religious people = Crusades killing others ruthlessly ^ Gorillas, chimpanzees = will tear people apart, literally, without torment ^ Bacteria = instinctual destruction ^ Black Holes (AFAIK; most destructive force in the universe) = No intelligence/DNA whatsoever While one may say a person can be smart and evil at the same time, this is true, as more than 10% of the human population consists of psychopaths that live and walk among us, pretending to have emotion to blend in, however, the truest danger, in my opinion, is that which has lesser intelligence. In all history no known genius has been a psychopath. As far as I know, Einstein didn't torture kittens for pleasure, and if someone goes and says hitler was smart, you're totally wrong, he was not. My theories are not intended to hurt anyones feelings; I do believe a person can be intelligent, and religious, and often compassionate and kind, its just that which makes them dangerous is their hindered grasp on reality (due to delusions imposed by religious manipulation), and lack of strong self preservation values. So ultimately, if we encounter intelligent, sentient (non sociopath) aliens, they will only harm humans in self defense, and probably only seek knowledge, ideas in their quest for immortality.
  2. I remember hearing or reading something about people who have had brain damage, and the information that was lost or hindered was moved elsewhere to another part of the brain, (as I understand it, similar to RAID configuration with Hard drives, but instead, with neurons). Is this true? and is it possible? I cant recall if I read an article on it, or if I saw a movie and it had that in there. When 1 neuron (or whatever stores information in the brain) is damaged, or pathways severed, the information is often stored/backed up in another neuron? So here I will present an example of I think happens, and someone please tell me whether this is true/possible: One Neuron has a stored a memory about a cat I had, the pathways to that neuron slowly but eventually go offline. Was the information in that neuron backed up by the surrounding neurons? And if the pathways to that neuron (or a new neuron) are restored, will that information be secure and flow back into the new/original neuron? And also, is information stored between a collection of neurons, or just one? If its a collection of neurons, this leaves open the ability to make an artificial, mechanical, inorganic neuron that performs the same function, and eventually replace each neuron, one by one, as information is secured into the new neurons, while removing the old ones (one by one) and eventually replacing the organic neurons entirely, correct? Creating a more reliable, disease free, semi-immortal brain? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI guess this also falls under the categories, Medical Science/Neuroscience a little bit too
  3. If I am circling earth at the closest speed to the speed of light that a human in a spaceship can achieve, and one year passes for me, say 4 years would have passed on earth, while time hasn't slowed or been manipulated, its all relative, right? I don't know the math on it, but I know its possible to "travel to the future" if you are going extremely fast (at or near the speed of light), and you slow down and go back on earth, more time will have passed on earth than in your space ship
  4. From what I understand Electrons orbit a nucleus, and the only way to stop it is for it to be at absolute zero. So if the electron is in constant motion, and unable to be stopped, wouldnt it be possible to someday harness that motion of the electron, to create a perpetual motion machine? and unlimited energy? So - What's the current reason for the inability to invent something that can harness the motion of the electron? (not the charge of the electron, or magnetic field, or whatever) If an electrons motion can be stopped other than the atom being at absolute zero, how? Even though the motion is very small, with the quintillions of atoms in a grain of sand, you could probably produce enormous amounts of unlimited energy.
  5. Would it likely be possible, if eventually as technology has advanced enough, that a human could turn his/herself into pure energy, and maintain consciousness and sentience, so as to be invulnerable to all or most of the dangers in the universe. As we understand it, our consciousness is a product of the electrochemical signaling between neurons. Now if we replaced each neuron, one at a time, with a non-organic human-made neuron that performs the same action, the data from the old neuron is always stored in multiple places in the brain, correct? So as we take one out at a time, replacing it with a man-made neuron, would our consciousness (who we are) remain the same? Because the information that would be stored in one neuron was stored in multiple places, so that as each neuron is replaced, information would flow back into the artificial neuron, keeping us sentient and conscious? Couldnt a humans consciousness, evolve from cyborg -> android -> pure electrical signals -> to pure energy? Or is there nothing to define one electrical signal to another when we take that next step? Are humans doomed to mortality?
  6. I thought the idiot hippies that opposed nuclear power got a law passed that prevents the creation of new nuclear power plants, and the updating of old ones? Pretty sure I saw a documentary on it.
  7. I was wondering if there is any evidence that any part of ourselves exists in another dimension even after death when our bodies have decayed. I understand that our sentience is likely just mechanical in essence, and I dont expect to have any ability to see, feel, hear, or even think as we do while alive, as our brain is who we are and it functions like a machine, yet it is organic. I would like to know if there is any evidence that we aren't just walking organic machines, or if consciousness could exist in another dimension, but without our attached brain machines, we would be unable to think, feel, hear, etc I have clung to the idea that maybe, after the 100 years or so that a sentient human lives, a piece of that persons consciousness, while severely crippled without the brain machine, remains in another dimension. It really does suck to think that we'll live 100 years, sentient for maybe 90 of those years, and after, we will be non-existent for eternity, I am quite sure that the lack of existence is going to suck really really badly.
  8. Aren't all galaxies headed into the same direction? a 20 degree area in space relative to our location between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela (Dark Flow) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_flow
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