Hey Everyone,
I'm new to the forums - and have spent the last day reading threads that seemed to be in another language. I'm heading to college for my freshmen year in about 3 weeks to major in Mechanical and Biomedical engineering. I've been extremeley interested in science in school - but have not had the time to pursue it in my free time. Now that I'm finished with my job and have some free time to lounge around and read whatever I want, I'm looking into reading science and math related work. I really enjoy the stuff, but have immersed myself in classical literature for the past few years.
Basically, the point of this thread is for me to ask you who are more experienced than I what books you recommend for someone who is just beginning to realize their enfatuation with science and math. The books I'm looking for should be geared towards physics and mathematics.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.