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Everything posted by Kyrisch

  1. This would be the most amazing example of a simple harmonic oscillator in existence. Neglecting all confounding variables (such as air resistance, the earth's rotation, and the fact that the earth is not perfectly spherical) you would fall, reach maximum velocity at the center of the earth, and then begin to slow down until you reached a 'height' equal to that from which you jumped (in other words, you'd be the same distance from the center of the earth as that from which you started), reach minimum velocity and maximum displacement, and then start again. Wow... I have to say, that made my day. Nothing makes me happier than envisioning the person who has the gall enough to call a handful of respectable, experienced scientists nerds oscillating from one side of the earth to the other. xD
  2. Unfortunately, I fear that Hillary was so successful because of her recognition as a result of her involvement in Bill's presidency. As such, I doubt that any of these women will have enough wind left when the nation is finally ready to elect a female president.
  3. It would be a combination of the two. If your trip is 10 LY, and you travel at 99.99999999% c, then your trip will take, from your frame of reference, 10 years and change. When you return, at that close to the speed of light, [math]\frac{10}{0.00000000002}[/math] years will have passed.
  4. You must have misunderstood what I was saying; I am instead referring to the vacuum energy hypothesised to be caused by virtual particles, sort of like the net attractive force experienced by two metal plates placed extremely close to one another due to the Casimir Effect, not simple phenomena of pressure.
  5. I was trying to explain to a friend of mine why the time it takes for one swing of a pendulum is independent of both the mass on the end and the distance it is drawn back (for small angles, of course) but could not for the life of me remember the derivation of the equation for period of a simple harmonic oscillator [math] T = 2\pi\sqrt{\frac{-x}{a}}[/math]. Could someone help me out with this?
  6. Just a simple question that occurred to me today: if the universe is expanding, why does the distance between the earth and the sun remain unchanged?
  7. I was thinking about the concept of vacuum energy and how little is known about it. I had been giving thought to, similarly, how little is really known about gravity. For instance, the other similar force, electromagnetism ([math]F = \frac{C x_1 x_2} {R^2} [/math] for both forces where [math]C[/math] is the constant and [math]x_1 / x_2 [/math] are the two masses/charges) there is an attractive and a repulsive aspect to it whereas no repulsive aspect of gravity has been yet observed. From the equation, the parallel between charge and mass for the two forces can be drawn. Which lead me to think: From our present understanding, there seems to be a net repulsive force in a vacuum when the mass per unit volume of said vacuum drops below some critical point. As such, perhaps this mysterious force is the 'opposite' aspect of gravity. If there is an attractive force between two bodies with mass, perhaps there is a repulsive force between two bodies of non-mass, or two vacuums.
  8. Kyrisch


    [math] \log_3{(4x^2-9)}^{\log_3{(x+6)}}=3^2[/math] [math] 3^{3^2} = (4x^2 - 9)^{\log_3{(x+6)}} [/math] [math] \log_{4x^2-9}{3^9} = \log_3{(x+6)} [/math] [math] 9\log_{4x^2-9}{3} = \log_3{(x+6)} [/math] [math] 9 \frac{\log_3{3}}{\log_3{(4x^2-9)}} = \log_3{(x+6)} [/math] [math] \frac{9}{\log_3{(4x^2-9)}} = \log_3{(x+6)} [/math] ...is as far as I can get
  9. Kyrisch


    Well [math] 9 = 3^2 [/math] and your log bases are 3... There's a clue . Also, I'm having trouble putting in the log base subscript with LaTeX... how do you do that?
  10. It's called Newton's First Law, forces in equilibrium. [math] F{}{g} = \frac{mv^2}{R}[/math]
  11. Oh, alright. I was a bit confused because he didn't really make any claims, just seemed to refuse the ones proffered and we sort of had a conflict the other day in the post about where space ends and all I just wanted to make sure things were smoothed over and stuff.
  12. How about not play with strong acids... >.<
  13. It's not like we would notice if our solar system was swallowed up. I mean, it would happen pretty damn quickly...
  14. Actually, two point source interference of waves is quite simple, requiring only an abcedarian knowledge of trigonometry and a comprehension of the concept of phase. Nice try though.
  15. It was an analogy because it seemed to me as though you were not understanding the concept. In truth, the molecules absorb the photons, waits a tick, and then re-emits them in exactly the same way, producing that "nice concentrated tight laser beam exactly as it entered". Regardless, [math] \frac{\Delta d}{\Delta t} [/math] remains constant. Edit: iNow, to whom was that post addressed?
  16. I doubt it too, I just don't like how people put so much faith in the one we have when it is so ridiculously flawed.
  17. Yes... And if you take that distance and do [math] \frac{\Delta d}{\Delta t}[/math] you will get the known constant c. The constant is NOT invalidated. ~ Oh and as a side note w00t just used LaTeX editor for the first time and it is f*in awesome xP
  18. Thanks much
  19. Bose-Einstein condensates are incredibly dense. The situation is similar to a ping pong ball falling from an airplane through a dense forest. While it may take longer for the thing to reach the ground because of all the impacts and reflections off of the obstacles, it doesn't invalidate the constant of acceleration due to gravity.
  20. That's not necessarily true. I am not referring to lack of comprehension, I'm referring to different rates of comprehension that will affect timing of tasks among other things which are all used in the computation of the actual score.
  21. Verbally administered IQ tests are still biased because of differences in oral comprehension skills. I, myself, am a visual learner as has been made clear to me multiple times in my education and cannot absorb and comprehend information nearly as quickly when conveyed to me orally.
  22. If I were vegetarian that would be a hearty supplement to my supper.
  23. How do you use it? I think it's really cool and I have no idea how to get it to work. Does it work with tags? I've already looked a bit for another thread as I'm sure this has been covered but I can't find anything. A simple link to an old tutorial should suffice. Thanks
  24. There are many differences between electricity and magnetism versus gravity. First, electric and magnetic fields can produce both attractive and repulsive forces while gravity is only attractive. Things that block electric fields like faraday's cages and such utilise these opposites to create a neutrally charged zone which cannot be done with the strictly attractive force of gravity.
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