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Everything posted by Kyrisch

  1. Yeah! I just realized that! He's got seven claws on his right front paw. That isn't normal, is it?
  2. When I saw THAT, I literally jumped outof my chair. OMFG. That woman needs to get her dog into a movie or something; she could definitely make big bucks on Exorcist II: The Dog that was the Devil.
  3. That's just disgusting, really.
  4. If your kids aren't that computer savvy, all you need to do (assuming you have IE) is set the homepage to the page you want your children to see and then go into the view menu>toolbars>address bar. The address bar will disappear. This way, your children cannot navigate off that site except via links on that site. If you have one of the newer versions of IE, there's also a favourites and search button they can press and perhaps change the site so you might want to hide that, too: View>toolbars>standard buttons. Hope I could help
  5. -You scream at the T.V. while watching your favourite programs [we seriously need a guilty-face smilie ] -You paint your face various colours for any sport-based purpose -Instead of laughing you yell "LOL" and "ROFL" [Oh God, I HATE those people ]
  6. Well as long as this is still up, I'm definitely adding that twat (no name-calling!) Wizdumb to the list
  7. You might want to rethink that
  8. UK police said Monday they were searching for a man wearing just a diaper, who approaches women late at night and asks: "Are there any baby changing facilities around here?"... Source: http://go.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=9377893&src=rss/oddlyEnoughNews People like that should be locked up or shipped far, far away...
  9. Placebo effects have been proven to be startingly real for many disorders and diseases.
  10. AN EXCITING breakthrough in aging has just been discovered -- women who go topless live longer! "According to our research, women can add 10, 20, up to 30 years to their lives, depending on how frequently and for what duration of time they uncover their breasts," states Dr. Andrew Mansfield, director of BRIA -- the Breast Research Institute of America. "And the more they display them out in public, the longer they live."... As to why the female life span becomes extended as a result of a woman's going topless, Dr. Mansfield has a theory: "The positive attention topless women get from men is psychologically such a lift that it affects various physical systems within the body positively as well -- not to mention that going topless often leads to sex, which we all know is life-enhancing in many ways." The survey also revealed advantages to going topless even beyond the benefits of longevity. According to 24-year-old Amy Rantelle, "Since I've started going topless in public more frequently, I've gotten tons of job offers, a great new boyfriend, free restaurant meals, invitations to appear in magazines and on TV -- for great pay, and I've gotten out of five speeding tickets! Plus, it's just plain fun watching people's reactions when they notice my melons on display!" Dr. Mansfield's next study will chart the longevity factors of men who go bottomless. "My wife offered to help with that survey." Source: http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/features/science/61498 My girlfriend SO needs to hear this
  11. No, it's actually very salty, greasy, and fatty.
  12. Do you want fries with those vows? Ken Sinchar and Lori Sherbondy have heard that and every other fast-food joke since they announced plans to marry at a McDonald's drive-thru, where they fell in love four years earlier. Source: http://www.thenewstribune.com/24hour/weird/story/2637770p-11127385c.html McDonalds is the grossest place in the world. I never eat there if I can help it. Marriage and McDonalds just don't go together...
  13. A thousand arms with countless fingers Though no eyes to see where it lingers A bit vague, but let's see if you can get it
  14. We're talking about something with which even the greatest of scientists speculate... The people here can give you their opinions or theories, but you're not going to get hard fact or a direct answer to your question.
  15. The US was the enemy of the terrorist groups that organized and went through with the 9/11 attacks; were those attacks acceptable?
  16. Some may call it a tale of beauty and the beast. But Sam, a 14-year-old pedigreed Chinese crested, and a three-time champ in the World's Ugliest Dog Contest, is the dog of Susie Lockheed's dreams.... Source: http://www.davesdaily.com/out.php?id=8490&url=http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/custom/fringe/sfl-816uglydog,0,4048583.story?track=mostemailedlink It looks like the infamous chupacabra has been found! Seriously though, living with that thing would give me nightmares!
  17. A waitress in Sweden thought her elderly customer was joking when he offered her his Porsche as a tip, but he kept his word and gave her the keys to the car, daily Aftonbladet reported on Thursday.... Source: http://www.davesdaily.com/out.php?id=8598&url=http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=29&art_id=qw1124358300962B235 All the more reason to get into the restaurant biz!
  18. An American man may face charges after he apparently shot his laptop computer in frustration after it kept crashing.... Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2826587.stm I've sometimes felt the same way, but I never... acted on my urges
  19. The magnet in a tube setup is a poorly thought-out "perpetual motion machine" attempt. As with with #3, friction and other things will cause the energy to leave the system and eventually the motion will cease. It's basically like attaching a generator to a pendulum.
  20. Ok... I can't feel anything when it happens. Any suggestions?
  21. Thanks... I'll tell you if I get anywhere with it.
  22. So how did you teach yourself, Yourdad? I'm very interested.
  23. Between noon and three.
  24. Well I was never comparing bisexuality to psychosis at all! And it would have been nicer if you hadn't called my girlfriend a psycho.
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