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Everything posted by Kyrisch

  1. Leaving anything in earth's orbit for prolonged periods of time by itself is a risk. There are tons of space junk speeding around up there that are trapped in earth's gavitational pull and are moving at insanely high speeds. A stray bolt moving fast enough has enough power to puncture anything from fuel tanks to airlocks and render the thing useless.
  2. You are correct, feel free to post. I think it sounds better the way I have it; I like the stress on the second syllable of only.
  3. So it would never be traveling at 120 mph because air resistance would act upon the ball from the moment it left the thrower's hand, right?
  4. Thanks for your help.
  5. I bet a lot of you know that the eye has a blind spot. I bet you also knew that the brain fills in the space with what it thinks should go there. Have you ever tested this out? Put your brain to the test! Close your left eye and look directly at the cross-hairs in each image. Pay attention to what happens to the dot on the right! What happens when we change the background colour? Reverse it? How does the brain deal with this? What will your brain do with this?
  6. How do you do it?
  7. And you need to make your adjectives plural... "mis amigos" not "mi amigos".
  8. I'm learning German but I still can't get that simple sentence lol. I think it means this: Do you speak... German here? I speak a little German, and I... good. Am I right? Yeah, German's not my thing. I do Spanish, though. I also have created my own language, like Tolkein. It's awesome.
  9. As far as I understand, the middle ear has air in it, and the squeezing feeling felt when descending into the depths of the ocean or ascending into the sky is caused by an imbalance in the air pressure of the air in the middle ear and the air in the environment. My question is, if you were presently in a smoggy environment and you "equalized", would that smog get trapped in the middle ear and cause damage as soon as the eustachian tube sealed off the middle ear once more?
  10. Has an awesome avatar!
  11. Well since I did answer a riddle, I guess I'll post another along with my first one that no one has figured out yet (I'm guessing this is because I wrote it myself and you can't look up the answer on the internet lol). A thousand legs but naught can stand A thin long neck of colour sand I work only by human hand --------------------------------- A curved snake balancing Atop a single ball Suspended for eternity Not to sway nor to fall It always strikes An inquisitive tone Always preceded, Sometimes followed, But never found alone.
  12. This is a simple forum game. You say something about the person above you in the thread. It can be funny, clever, anything you want. For instance, the next person who posts here would say something about me.
  13. Here, I'll give you guys a hint: 2
  14. Oh wait, I get it... [hide]The Zoo[/hide] A thousand legs but naught can stand A thin long neck of colour sand I work only by human hand
  15. [hide]An Okapi?[/hide] lol
  16. I can't run .exe files on my mac, but from the directions it sounds a little like it works by retinal burn. This happens after you stare at something for awhile, and then you look elsewhere. A negative of what you were staring at will appear in front of your eyes. This is why you see spots after a flashbulb flashes in your eyes.
  17. And do you speak from experience?
  18. It's good you're so trusting! What kind of idiot would dry already dry, un-washed hands?
  19. My mother has been teaching a science class in summer school, and one of the activities she did with her students was making butter from scratch. I postulated that putting a churner inside the container along with the heavy cream while shaking it would speed up the process, but my mother says it has no affect whatsoever. Is there an experiment I can do to test this hypothesis? I'm a bit hung up on how to make the shaking constant, seeing as two different people would shake with a different force as would one person using two different hands.
  20. Why would the button be dirty if everyone who had ever pressed it washed their hands immediately before doing so?
  21. Man goes over Man goes under During war I burn asunder I stand on land I stand on water I span from one shore to another What am I?
  22. From "If you could move faster than light, could you outrun your own image?" lol
  23. I have a good one, would you let me post it?
  24. Please, if you are sure your answer is correct, feel free to post a new riddle in your answer post without waiting for approval.
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