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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. They found a way to extract stem cells from mice embryos, interestingly without harming the actual embryo. It'd be interesting to see what happens to conservative groups when they lose a huge chunk that they normally stand on. http://www.forbes.com/lifestyle/health/feeds/hscout/2005/10/16/hscout528569.html
  2. Kermit


    Yeah, there's the sad life of a highschool nerd. Wasn't really grounded from the comp, it was even worse. Caveman (stepdad) took it away for no apparent reason, the comp i'm using now is a gift from a family friend that i'm keeping hidden from the bastard.
  3. I typed this up at random. My opinion on theoretical sciences. Probably belongs under humor. Don't shoot me. "Move over, botany! Screw you, quantum mechanics! There's a new red corvette in town.. yes, that's right, the wonderful new science of HYPOTHETICS!!! Wow, watch what it could do! We can prove stuff exist just because we say they exist, say that the moon is green, and even BREATHE NITROGEN! WOW! SHOW US MORE! Wow, listen to these TESTIMONIES: "Well, ever since I started teaching hypothetics to my highschool science class.. well, I guess my life just hasn't been complete, I mean, at one point I was thinking about ending my.." LIFE! Your life depends on hypothetics! Just think of all the stuff mankind can do with HYPOTHETICS! - Make charm quarks into REAL charming British gentlemen! - Make cloth out of SUPERSTRINGS! - Prove there's exactly 354 universes without even making ANY observations! "WOW! Hypothetics rocks! everyone thinks i'm so cool now! Thanks to you, hypothetics, I could fly to the moon... AND BACK!" - Timmy, Age 5. Paid advertiser Hypothetics. LEARN IT NOW."
  4. Let's say that I have an imaginary planet with the same mass as earth, and it's completely smooth. No indentations, no obtrusions, nothing, just a large rocky ball. And now let's say around this planet, for some reason I build a huge ring around it, and once I finish building it, I remove the supports that hold it up. The ring is equidistant at every point from the planet at exactly 1 kilometer above the surface. What does the ring do, then? Collapse, remain stable, start to turn, or just stay still?
  5. If you go and the terrorists blow you up again, you aren't exactly winning..
  6. One of our options could be Soylent Green. No, seriously. But one thing we could do is put more of our budget into space programs and make a serious effort to make a colony on the moon, on a space station, or Mars (pfft, like that'll ever happen. Sure, it'll take a while, but it'll be worth it. Or we can just raze down all those small houses and build apartment buildings instead. We might be horizontally limited in our building, but we can keep building bigger and bigger buildings vertically.
  7. Have them all kill eachother off. That way, you can have the stronger males (or the smarter ones, depending on how wars will be fought in the future) will get the women. Then we have a stronger human race. Sounds like eugenics, yes, but at least it isn't state regulated or mandatory. And we can keep the lottery idea so that we have the occaisional oddball getting a woman, so there's variation in the genepool.
  8. Kermit


    Haha, wow. Nice responses, guys. Especially Dak's, though I was expecting Dak to involve arsenic or home made bows and arrows somewhere. xD I see you live in Long Island, ecoli. Which part? Just out of curiosity.
  9. Kermit


    There's this guy I know named Prince. He's this pompous, elitist jackass who constantly finds the time to annoy me. He has everything. Money, my ex girlfriend, etc.. It's the second thing that really pisses me off. He recently gets my old girlfriend and starts rubbing it in my face. I have no clue as to why she'd go out with him, he's quite a chauvinistic arse. I'm trying to resist the urge to leave a 3 inch deep footprint on his face. Any suggestions as to how I can bring him down verbally?
  10. How funny. I just found these forums completely at random. And I mean random. Not by search engine or word of mouth or anything. Just random. I love it. Haha. But, um.. yeah. Oh, and I finally got a new computer, you guys will see me on more.
  11. Kermit

    Aw man.

    Well, um. Don't expect to see me on for a while.. damn caveman (what I call my stepdad) took the computer for no reason, so i'm pretty much limited to the local internet cafe. I'll probably have to work for around five months to save up and buy a kickass computer. Until then.. see ya.
  12. Prostate cancer relates to my tonsils in what way?...
  13. Uh, I think so. But there's probably more to it. As far as I know, there's also a lot of probability involved.
  14. As far as I know, there's only three things I can make crystals out of with at home with cheap stuff: - Epsom salt - Table salt - Sugar Any other things I can use? Preferrably something cheap and readily available.
  15. In John Emsley's "Nature's Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide To The Elements," a book i've read over and over, i've noticed this paragraph: "The reason for gold's imperviousness to oxidation and corrosion lies in the remarkable grip it has over its outermoust electron, the one that is available for chemical bonding. It does this by virture of the large positive charge of the gold nucleus (+79) which exerts a gravitational effect on its electrons, causing them to move at a speed approaching the speed of light. This increases their mass, making them move closer to the nucleus." Is the gold nucleus the only one that has this property, or are there others?
  16. Well, YT, I did eat imitation crab meat. Maybe that was what caused it?
  17. Wow, i'm speechless.
  18. I remember around a month ago I woke up, and the oddest thing happened. The entire underside of both of my arms were covered with hives, and it seemed that the entire day I had constant attacks of narcolepsy. I pretty much couldn't leave my bed without spontaneously falling asleep. And the times that I did manage to get up and stand, I felt as if though all my blood was rushing downward, and for some reason I felt quite cold. What exactly happened to me?
  19. To all Microsoft products, i'll just say this: http://www.microsuck.com/ Next computer i'm getting is definately going to be a Linux. Microsoft is nothing but a bunch of rushed products with so many security holes that they can only justifty with free updates to you, the consumer, who they're screwing with for even more money. Watch Bill Gates suddenly nuke my house from several hundred miles away now.
  20. I'm not planning on making a weapon to kill people with. In fact i'm not going to use it as a weapon, rather as something to shoot at trees out of boredom. Heck, the arrows are going to be blunt.
  21. This is exactly like the "Why not make the whole plane out of the black box material?" problem. They probably have considered it but somehow can't.
  22. They honestly need to set a restriction on the use of "scientifically proven!" by those outside scientific research. I'm sick and tired of hearing new "wonder cures" on the TV that have absolutely no scientific basis at all and are probably just sugar pills marketed to the morons. Also: - Germanium was "scientifically proven" to be a cure-all and prevent cancers and such by some crazy Japanese guy. Subsequently the FDA disproved it and even found it detrimental in large quantities in the body. - Jews were "scientificially proven" by the Nazis to be inferior and were subsequently murdered. - Nitrous oxide in tablet form is "scientifically proven" to somehow produce weight loss and increase healing rates when all it does is make you feel lightheaded and in large quantities is dangerous. - Creationism was "scientifically proven" until Sayonara came along. I can't stand the phrase and I can't stand how people actually think that every single thing around them, no matter how farfetched, is "scientifically proven". I swear, i'm going to be a hermit when i'm older.
  23. From what i've read, certain foods can trigger acne. Greasy foods, mainly. Sometimes chocolate. Or you could just rub grease all over your face and not wash it off.
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