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Everything posted by Star-struck
This forum is comprised mainly of people who care more about demoting others than in partaking, constructitvely, in discussions where their own and others knowledge can be increased. Those of you that are guilty of this will never contribute anything to science or civilization. You will never be demiurgic or do anything original. You will continue to regurgitate other peoples ideas and feel that you are intelligent for doing so. In reality, you are a hampster on a wheel. I pity each of you that your lives are such that you must come here and criticize others so that you may feel worthy. For those that have the ability to think for themselves, keep on keepin' on. Don't let these people deter you. If you stick with them you will only go where they go....no where! I depart realizing that I leave this forum neither better nor worse. I would not be so egocentric. Would you?
No ass, muscles are comprised of particles.
I'm sorry that your life is such that you just can't seem to not be an asshole!
So, could this observance be related to such things as muscle atrophy, and degradation of bone density in very inactive people? Could a general lack of movement limit lifespan whereas the opposite generally increases lifespan?
What techniques or methods do therapists use to guide a session?
I was looking for something a little more focused.
Very intersting, thank you, that is what I was looking for.
Wow, great, yay, you already stated that. Are you a glory-hound or what! Look, if you are too bothered that you have already "stated" it then feel free to abstain. I wouldn't want to put you out any further. I may continue to asks questions that you have already answered in the past, and quite frankly I'm getting tired of your pissiness. Now, with regards to these particles who's lifespans are known and predictable, when they are moving with velocity are their lifespans lengthened or shortened in relation to their established lifespan?
Or he can do it here and you can choose to ignore it vice let it ruin your day. Thanks, Intel, for trying to get us back on track. I'm interested in learning more on the particle accelerator results that back up the twins paradox. Can anyone speak on that briefly?
Forgive me if I don't use the proper clinical terms here....Scenario: Someone suffers a traumatic event as a child. The person's mind has suppressed the event. There is an underlying and subconscious anger in that person, stemming from the event, but which can't be expressed in a manner related to the event because the event is being suppressed. What techniques could said person use to associate their anger with the event in order to express and expel the anger?
I implore you not to react to me based on your frustration with PD. Let Peter go on his course. He harms no one. Who knows where his journey will take him. This forum seems to be populated more with curious layman than by qualified scientists. You could likely spend a lot of time being irritated by people's posts if you wanted to so waste your energy.
First of all, my reply never inferred anything about arrogance. Just wanted to point that out so that we know who first made this a character issue. You assume, and wrongly so, that I don't bother to take time and effort to read and understand. I most certainly do read and try to understand. That is what brought about the questions. I will likely be able to answer my own questions, and satisfy my own doubts, with yet more reading . But it is also nice to post here so that people can help along the way. That is what this FORUM is all about: People communicating in hopes of furthering their understanding. Different people may take different routes in order to increase their understanding of things. That someone else's route is different than yours, even vastly so, doesn't make their journey any less credible or important. The proof is in the pudding. In this instance, it is not the journey but arriving at the destination that counts. Don't be so quick to discount someone's ideas. Often times, the most direct route is not the best path to a destination. Many breakthroughs have come on the heels of unorthodox thinking. Also, failure still furthers the effort. Sometimes, knowing which way NOT to go can be just as important as knowing which way to go. Such important facts can be gleaned from failed attempts. The fact that you are annoyed that people continue to state things which you disagree with, and who's discrepancies you've pointed out countless times already, displays arrogance. If someone posts something that you disagree with, and you feel obliged to "set them straight" with facts, that's one thing. That is being helpful. Becoming insulting with comments like, "you didn't actually know what was going on," only serves to demote people. Acting this way, when people may not understand what you are saying or choose to disagree, is arrogant. You could choose, once you have set the facts straight once, to feel that you have done all you can for that person and abstain. You choose instead to become insulting and condescending. The golden rule...if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all. Now, getting back to the orignal issue (and if you are not to bothered to be helpful), you mentioned that operation of a particle accelerator yields proof of the twins paradox. Could you expound on this for me, please? I'm interested. Do accelerated particles show either a prolongation or decrease in lifespan or something?
Universal Solution for Heroin Addiction
Star-struck replied to Hitman47's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
Oh, right then, sorry. -
Why is it that a couple of individuals here seem more intent on informing people of how little they know vice participating constructively in this forum?
Universal Solution for Heroin Addiction
Star-struck replied to Hitman47's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
I doubt that I am the only person who feels this way. I will admit though, mine may be a more American view, and a right wing one at that. I find it appalling that people, such as junkies and those that are on unemployment, have the audacity to criticize government programs that are there to help them. It is never "enough" for them, nor is it ever convenient enough for them. Programs such as these should be such that people don't want to take part in them for any longer than they absolutely have to. Otherwise, why would anyone ever strive to become independent of them? Programs such as these need to be strict so that people cannot abuse them as has been done in the past. Bottom line, the old cliche'...beggers can't be choosers! -
Very thought provoking. I will have to read this again, and ponder it greatly, before I can draw any conclusions. I do have to agree with you that the "gravitron" theory is a very silly one indeed.
Good "timing", I was just thinking on this. First of all, how do we "know" that the twins paradox is true? If someone ages more slowly during a trip in space why is it more likely to be because "time" itself has slowed rather than effects caused by near light speed travel, weightlessness, etc. That would be like saying that if I drive faster than my twin brother every time I drive then I will age more slowly than him. In that case, we should all strive to drive as fast as we can because we will live longer (assuming speeding doesn't get us killed). In reality, if I drive faster I will just get where I am going faster. A second is still a second, an hour an hour. I may experience more in that amount of "time" but the interval of time has not changed. Time is not something of substance that can slow down or speed up. Time is made up of units of measure and is constant. As for the "experiment" where a clock on a plane realized a 60 billionth of a second discrepancy, more likely the operation of the clock was effected by altitude, speed, or pressurization of the plane's cabin than did "time" slow.
Universal Solution for Heroin Addiction
Star-struck replied to Hitman47's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
I don't think we need to change treatment to cater to the convenience or fragile ego's of junkies. They are not victims. They are where they are because of poor choices. Let it be inconvenient and demoralizing for them. Let them earn it! It's bad enough they leach off the system as it is. My tax money could be better spent! -
Just not with us pesky humans. We are the cockroaches of the universe afteralll
Well then, let's say we supply you with salt-free bread and in return you give us your hyper-drive technology.
Mr. Alien, why don't you just steal our bread?
Why is it that aliens only abduct at night? Many people think that crop circles are navigational aids left by aliens. Why, being that aliens would have to be vastly superior technology wise, would they need crop circles? You can't see them at night anyways
How Can George Bush Represent the People if.......
Star-struck replied to atinymonkey's topic in Politics
Government today is far removed from being representative of it's people. Politicians are not supposed to decide what is right and wrong. They are supposed to act on behalf of their constituency. If their personal view just happens to coincide with the majority opinion of their constituency then great! If not then they should act on behalf of their constituency vice satisfying their own agendas. So what if President Bush doesn't like homosexuality. Who cares what the Pope thinks! God and politics have no place at each other's tables. Religious freedom also means freedom from religion. -
Proposal for an electromagnetic propulsion system
Star-struck replied to Peter Dunn's topic in Other Sciences
Peter, Neodymium, when magnetized, yields the best magnetic performance in terms of strength and duration. I'm not sure of it's atomic structure. Continuing on from your last post, I realized that magnetic propulsion is being used today. Not in spacecraft, mind you, but in roller coasters of all things. There are roller coasters that use a series of electromagnets to achieve their initial acceleration. These electromagnets are able to propel several thousand pounds to speeds in the vicinity of 100mph in around 3 seconds. I wonder if the same type of application would work for catapulting a spacecraft into orbit. A spacecraft would be relatively light if it didn't have to carry it's own propulsion system. Being that all your power would come in only the first few seconds, vice the sustained power of current launch systems, you would likely have to propel the craft to well over 18,000mph so that as it slowed down, during ascent, it would still be able to break free of gravity's pull. I wonder if it would even be possible to generate and store the amount of electricity needed to fuel a system such as this. Maybe a giant quick-discharge capacitor. Let me get back to the magnetic pulse theory for a minute. Assuming that type of propulsion could work to achieve orbit, based on what we know would it also be able to serve as propulsion while in orbit? Do magnets, both permanent and electro, work the same in space or would it solely be a method of achieving orbit? -
Proposal for an electromagnetic propulsion system
Star-struck replied to Peter Dunn's topic in Other Sciences
Peter, another thought provoking thread. Bravo! I think simply turning the electromagnet on and off would in effect achieve phase shifting. You could use a permanent Neodymium magnet for the electromagnet to act upon. Construct the permanent magnet to be caused to spin, as it is repelled by the electromagnet, to generate electric power. I wonder what kind of efficiency you could expect. Taking nuclear propulsion a step further, I wonder if you could utilize the electromagnetic pulse from a series of small and controlled nuclear explosins to power such an electromagnet.