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Everything posted by amaureo

  1. i don't agree with ur statment "I think have only gotten to where we are due to our great capacity for memory...and language." in my oppinion humans are here because of our ability to adapt and create something out of nothing . . . . . . . now it is imperative that we have great procesing and comunicative capacity, but that only impruves our speed of progres and inventivnes . . . . . . . . anh how cool would it be for us to have ability of telephaty, but for now that is a bit too StarTreky (dont get me wrong, I'm a big fan). And no one knows what the future holds, it is posible that the human mind will evolve and turn into creatures of pure thought, but than again we might eradicate ourselves so there is really no poit of thinking what if, we should concentrate on the NOW
  2. so its kinda obvious I'm new . . . . . . . . I'm from Croatia (if you dont know where this si, whell Google it ) I'm s biology student and am kinda bored at the moment so I decided do find som forum . . . . . . guess what its this one (ps. yea i know i suck at spelling, but its a cruel world out there ) so thats about it, everything else you can find in my profile . . . . . edit//: oh yea I'll try to participate in discusions as much as i can
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