yes it migth be a simple question (or not) but im 15 and not som damn brainy astronom
well, thise has bugged me some time, why dose it realy do that, why dose the earth spin araund the sun?
usealy you just get the answer "gravity!" but if i understand it rigth gravity would make the eart crash into the sun, but it spinns making centrifugal force or what its calld creating a midstate of not geting flung oute into the nothingnes and not crashing into the sun. (lagom is da shitz^^)
but iv never got the question why dose the earth spin to startwhite? why did it start?
so can anyone answer it and put me oute of my missery (and yeah im 15 so dumb it down abit )
oh and sorry for the spelling and grammar and what not, think i got dyclexi or somethign whene it comes to that :/