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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Have you ever considered the idea that M.I.T. is a pretentious elitist society where the politics of their educational system dishonor the adoption of female students into their school, only to make up with a ridiculous online, free education, open-source directory? Have you ever considered that there may be better places overseas than M.I.T. who would be willing to enroll you into their school? Have you considered a plan where you do under-graduate work for one year and a half and then enroll into somewhere, such as Harvard, for another semester, thus allowing you to say you earned your degree from Harvard?
  2. Have you thought about the games that will work on Linux? Have you had any experience with Linux? Do you understand Linux? Is Linux simply an OS that interests you, but you have no experience in? Did you want to choose GNU/Linux to save money on building cost? Have you thought about reading through a Red Hat Linux book?
  3. When someone has Portable firefox on a Jump-Drive, with settings to delete history, cookies, etc. what type of traces do they leave behind in the computer console after shutting down PFF and removing the jumpdrive? What possibilities, using computer forensics, are there to finding out the where abouts and obtained information that someone using Portable Firefox has come across? Are there possible ways for someone to find out what websites someone has visited with PFF? If PFF loads into RAM, wouldn't the traces of history and whereabouts be deleted and lost once the computer console is shut down?
  4. Morpheus

    voluntary work

    Do electrons themselves have a factor where they, like people, are lazy? Do we as people have electrons? Do electrons ever stop working? Do electrons like less resistance? Do people like less resistance? If an electron had a choice to do less work, would it? If people had a choice to do less work, would they? Do electrons and people both take the path of less resistance?
  5. What is a scientist? Is there an empirical way to proving someone is a scientist? Is someone a scientist if they are a beginner or expert? Is a scientist a beginner who is learning science? Is a scientist an expert in the field of science? Is a scientist one who simply likes science? What is a scientist?
  6. Would you feel better if gas prices were lower? Would you feel better if you were in control? Would you feel better to retrieve money? Would you like to feel that?
  7. When there are people who want change, does there become a change? Do people have interests in solar technology? Will people change to the system? Will this system be for good? When people understand something do they usually accept it? When people are interested in something do they overlook it? Will people recognize the ability to change when they can? Will people move to bio-fuel? Do they understand it? If people will invest their time understanding why won't they accept it? If people don't understand economics do they understand? If people understand it, why haven't they invested in it? If people haven't changed to it, why complain? Why do people complain when there are alternatives? Why not just do something about it? Why complain?
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