Silver, not meaning to nitpick, but I dispute the eixistance of Hawking radiation as a means of black hole deletion on the following grounds (Response to your statement #2):
Hawkings is making two very big mistakes when he describes the evaporation of black holes through particle/antiparticle pairs spontaneously popping into existance.
1) Were these particles to appear in such a fashion at the event horizon, and one escapes while the other is drawn into the black hole, you have a 50/50 chance of the negative particle falling in. Ergo; over any given sequence of these occurances there is mathematically a net loss of ZERO mass, assuming that error 2 is bypassed...
2) When a particle and its antiparticle mutually annihilate, they release energy commensurate to their previous total mass. Which, if a negative particle falls into the black hole, annihilates with a positive particle, creating an equal amount of energy... said energy is STILL unable to escape the black hole. And since E=mc^2, mass = energy, therefore that black hole has actually GAINED mass equal to the mass of the antiparticle.
But wait, you say, that makes no sense, you can't have mass created from nothing! In which case, you yourself admit that the whole concept of spontaneous creation of particle/antiparticle pairs is illogical on its face, and therefore, the black hole STILL isn't evaporating.
No matter how many people try to disprove black holes on a conscious or subconscious level (Even Stephen Hawking's silly little 'If one is left alone for long enough, with nothing paying attention or mass to it, it will eventually go away' theory) they're not going to just disappear. Figuratively or literally.