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Everything posted by bombus

  1. If the LHC at CERN does create mini black hole(s) and in the race between hawking radiation and matter munching the latter wins... How long would it take for the Earth to be destroyed?
  2. Great Whites often just bite and wait for the prey to bleed to death. Humans (if lucky) can swim to shore and get medical help so survive, whereas this is not the case for seals! However, Great Whites (and probably other sharks) do investigate objects with their lips and teeth, which would be fatal to humans. When they strike from below though, they are probably preying! As has been said above, many Great White attacks are probably 'mistakes' by the shark. Humans are too boney and not blubbery enough to make a decent meal.
  3. Wild bore? Are we talking about Pete Doherty?
  4. The question of what is alive becomes difficult when talking about seeds. Some seeds can remain viable for thousands of years but seem 'dead' until a little water is added. There's been a whole load of study over the years to figure out exactly what makes one seed dead, and another still alive. I don't think the answer has been found yet.
  5. Armadillos re-evolved scales in place of fur. Snakes re-evolved limblessness -as did slow worms. Woolly mammoths re-evolved fur from being pacyderms - as did woolly rhinos. Can't think of any others right now. Probably loads of examples though. Not sure about regaining lost limbs though. Evolution tends to go a certain way and develops easier ways of getting the same end result than simply going into a reverse gear.
  6. Northern Ireland is British because the majority want to remain British. The British Govt. would dearly love a united Ireland, but it cannot simply abandon British citizens. As soon as the majority in NI want to join the South it will happen. Of course, NI is a prime example of what not to do, and why Kosovan independance will only bring self sustaining bloodshed. When Ireland had it's vote on independence, it was done county by county, and Ulster (NI) chose to remain British. However, it should never have been done county by county, and should have been done as a nation-wide vote. In those days the British Empire didn't want to give away any territory. The 'troubles' were the end result. Kosovo will go the same way, just far worse. Like I said. independence is an out-dated solution. The rest of Europe is moving closer together and this goes in exactly the opposite direction. I fear this whole issue is done on purpose to inflame the situation, drive further wedges between East and West, and provoke Russia, in the hope that the cold war can be started once more. It was after all the most profitable war ever (not)fought, and ensured the arms industry $$$ galore! Forward to the 1960's!!
  7. USA has already pledged to protect them. That means $$$.
  8. From each according to his ability to each according to his need. Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.
  9. Kosovan independence is the most stupid, dangerous, short-sighted and out-dated solution to the problem one can imagine. It has created an illegal state right in the heart of Europe. A new Israel with all the same problems. Countless dollars will be needed to protect it, as well as countless lives. It could end in nuclear war - no joke.
  10. I thought the plank constant was the mathematical function used to account for the plank length when attempting calculations regarding the sub-atomic realm.
  11. It is the measure of the minimum 'grainyness' of the universe. It is the resolution of reality. Think of pixels on this computer screen. The plank constant is the minimum size of the pixels in our universe. Is that lay enough?
  12. I'll take your word for it! Gave me a bit of a surprise I must say...
  13. I stumbled across this page, looking for something entirely different, and came across an entry for Anti-gravity suits... Go to the following link and scroll down. Its the first entry in the boxes http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/budget/fy2001/dot-e/accessories/01nonmjr.html What on Earth???? Is this proof that the military have been testing out such devices? Does this mean that anti-gravitonic technology does indeed exist? I mean why would the first thing you investigate be a suit? Surely this must have followed a successful craft? Thoughts please!
  14. bombus

    John Titor

    I've seem that. Some people have said that it is optical cable, but it looks to me like a laser lit up by smoke. Optical cables don't light up like that. This, and the photos/design of the time machine are the things that disturb me most. I'd be happy to think it a hoax otherwise, but there is something too utilitarian about the time machine. A good hoax maybe, but there is a tiny crack in my closed mind.
  15. Does this help re entanglement...? The Holographic Universe Michael Talbot (1953-1992), born in Australia, was the author of a number of books highlighting parallels between ancient mysticism and quantum mechanics, and espousing a theoretical model of reality that suggests the physical universe is akin to a giant hologram. mod note: excerpt apparently from "The Holographic Universe" removed
  16. If it's a good one, fine by me. If it's not, why don't we both agree on a solution that benefits us both?
  17. Mmm, that's interesting. I believe, though, that it developed via the evolution of queens having the ability to produce sterile workers, although in terms of Selfish Genes, it caould maybe work both ways.
  18. But the elephants that hannibal used were neither alledgedly, an extinct species (or perhaps sub-species, probably of 'Indian' Elephant). Also, FYI, there was a mammoth alive and well in S. America until 500AD called the Imperial Mammoth. It was hairless though. Hunted to extinction by man presumably.
  19. It depends on the exact meaning of abstract thought, as definitions can often be rather arbitrary and humancentric (for obvious reasons). However, I think it's been proven that chimps, gorillas and orangutans possess the ability to produce abstract thought. Also, pigs, elephants and certainly dolphins. I suppose, therefore, that dogs are capable of a degree of abstract thought. I find it hard to believe that abstract thought occurs at a certain intelligence threshold. I'd guess it occurs on a gradient, although lower intelligences (e.g. ants) would have only a tiny level of the ability, but still maybe some. However, humans may only be able to 'test' for abstract thought above a certain threshold, but that's not quite the same thing.
  20. Yes. If you think about what humans find physically attractive (especially males) they all tend to correlate with neotenic (youthful) features. Having a big brain compared to body size is a neotenic feature, so my guess is that we are actually selecting for big brains without really knowing it. We will end up as skinny baby type things with huge heads. Almost exactly like 'grey' aliens. Perhaps they are actually humans from the far future:D
  21. Quite right! Humans are still evolving due to sexual selection, which is independant of 'environmental' pressures. As a quick example, the peacocks tail has nothing to do with environmental adaptation, only sexual selection! Our 'tail' is our big brain...
  22. You have evolved that ability. Its called a brain, and it can help you to apply camoflage!
  23. Is that why Dentists look down in the mouth:-)
  24. Try this folks, it's great. Apologies if it's already been posted. http://www.nickbostrom.com/existential/risks.html
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