Something that might be of interest to those here... a National Geographic special airing on Sunday the 11th October entitled Dinosaurs Decoded. Here is a synapsis of the show:
With stunning animation, Dinosaurs Decoded brings to life a vision of
dinosaurs unlike any you’ve ever seen before. Groundbreaking work by famed paleontologist Jack Horner, Mark Goodwin, and others reveals
dinosaur underwent extreme transformations as they grew. They sprouted and lost horns and bumps on their skulls. And males shed dull colors for
startlingly bright ones. A young Triceratops or T.rex may have looked so
different from its parents you’d have a hard time recognizing it. Horner is
shaking up his colleagues by suggesting that the transformations were so
dramatic that up to a third of all known dinosaur species may vanish in
cases of mistaken identity; they may simply be misclassified youngsters.
This special for the National Geographic Channel follows Horner and his
colleagues as they uncover new fossils that suggest dinosaurs may have
looked and behaved far differently than we ever believed.
Dinosaurs Decoded is also featured on this National Geographic website.