I really thought this was where I could find some input????
I read a study where 4 generations of rats were bred and the first put thru a maze that led to feeding stations...each generation was tested on its memory of the maze each generation to the 4th knew the exact location of the feeding stations running the maze without ever seeing it previously.....HOW did they know????
I really wanted some input on this subject as I read that each cell contains millions of small bits of ......lack of a better word...Data....that we know nothing about...similar to what science calls junk DNA..........I don't believe we have any junk DNA.....and somewhere in the future they will find out what it really is........but for now I guess I have to put this on the shelf with all my other musings I will check back from time to time in hopes someone will discuss more than dismiss:-p
Hi All
Newbie here!
I would like very much to hear theory and fact Regarding Possible Genetic and/or Cellular memory. This to include passing from generation to generation in human and animal. Could this be possibly why some people believe they have lived in past lives, birds know where to migrate, and the Galapagos animals show no fear of man........Just a few questions I would really like some of your facts, thoughts and theories?
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