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cyclops's Achievements

Quark (2/13)
In The Same vein as the guitarist cyclops Met A woman I) I am seeing 20 heads of the man walking ahead of me they call me neuron psycho the whole works what do i do she cried II) bees have diamond eyes with 64 facets each perceiving 64 slices of reality each collated by its brain into a coherent image .{experts to please correct the Data} thou art still as a snow queen when you stir your body and eye move in small increments your eyes take snap shots along 20 different points of perspective your brain will hone in on the center one don't worry have fun with the psychedelic show more the merrier be firm footed in your center stillness ................counseled consoled cyclops. was he right ? or was he Right? ?
Cyclops once played a Trombone, just once. He picked it up, fixed it, br.pr.br.pr.ewed into mouthpiece with vibrating lips. He played for a long time moaning away like a fog-horn. When he slept that night he dreamt that milk was oozing out of the corners of his mouth. Any Psycho-Analysis?! Cyclops own analysis is that the vibrating lips stirred the memory of his childhood, milk-sucking babehood, what an easy way to regain Lost Innocence! After that the sweetest music to cyclops' ears was the playful thrpthrm, thrpthrm issuing out of childrens lips. He played the flute the same way with vibrating lips, not with a blow hole in the mouth. He felt he reached inaudible supersonic sound range. Did he? Any comments, friends?
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HALLUCINATION happened again! a Visitation!! Again it was a piece of cloth, a huge banner actually, i was holding it up by its two top corners with my hands spread apart (in the twilight areas sizes dont matter) letting the cob-webby wobles and waves in the closed eyes settle on the banner with a precision, purpose and focus reported in possession in seances, a transferrance---- the banner started rolling, rippling, billowing, lifting my spirit with it. I soared and dived with it to my mind's fill. It was a great cleanser, liberator, a perfect de-stress at all levels. I was not sleeping, nor dreaming, but in a day-dreaming somnolence, yet aware. What are they? Thought waves? Brain waves? Blood coursing thro' the capillaries in the Eyes and the Brain? The waves were butting against walls so to speak seeking an escape, my mindserved as a conduitfor them to break out, enter the cloth, fan out, fill out and fly. I must have been sub-consciously wondering why cloth again. Then there was this ball bumping around for a long time, it should have lost its momentum long ago, and at one point i saw the ball pushing itself onwards. What else could it have been but my own will? I am sorry i have assumed many things mystical in describing what happened, what else can i do, i am hoping experts will put it all in phenomenological terms, evolve a theory, technique and therapy which will benefit all.
EYE SEE EYE | | Physical Exercises, | Experienced Effects, | Explanations Sought, | To evolve a theory, | technique and therapy If the function of the eye is to see things, the first thing it most see is itself, Cyclops tells himself. The Lashes (upper and lower lids), the corners (nose and ear), Tip of the nose, Mid-Brow. If the eye does not see and feel itself how could it find its own equilibrium, home state for it to function efficiently, argues Cyclops to himself of course. The Eye-Seeing – Eye has a firm foundation, is a launching pad, a frame of reference from which to reach out to things (says Cyclops to himself). The viewers are welcome to contribute their own thoughts, their own natural abilities, their attempts, experiences on the subject. Cyclops
These are a few of the experiences that I have had over the years. I had posted this in the Lounge but perhaps that was not the right place for this. I apologise for the repetition. I am looking for some help and guidance to formulate a theory behind these experiences and to evolve a technique to make these exercises repeatable. If a theory and technique are evolved, this could give legitimacy to these exercises which could benefit the society at large as a de-stress therapy. There is no commercial motive behind this. Experience 1 - BEHEADED I tensed ,flinched inside my head close to the cervical spine. I felt a DISCONNECT between my head and neck. My head buoyed like a ball. It was a supreme de-stress. I could hold it only for moment or two. Experience 2 - RIB CAGE UNBUCKLED I bent to pick up a Sleeping child. I squared my shoulders, expanded my RIB CAGE, took a broad breath, pushed my elbows out, crouched above the child. Something came unbuckled, the two halves of my rib cage separated, the two lungs separated, wind pipe lay open like a broad road, heart lay soft and free in one corner, the breath resonated to the aunomotopic sound of NR.NR.NR…………… The sound was eerie, other worldly, but soft sonorous inducing warmth, security, happiness and subtle strength. The Sleeping child harkened, relaxed, smiled, hugged me snug. What came unbuckled as I squared my shoulders? What was the NR sound? Are there many more sounds in our throat? I recalled that a friend, during extreme emotional and physical stress, whistled through my nostrils like the steam escaping out of a cooker. Experience 3 - FALL WITH WATER RISE WITH THE HILL I had been to a Water Falls. I saw the sheet of Water break up, Scatter into a cluster of water drops. Catching the cluster of Water drops at the top of the Falls I could hold it in my eyes and follow its descent. When I did that, I fell with the Water drops. Swing up the eyes, hold the cluster of drops, follow its descent and fall again with a thud and do it again. After a while I let go the water and shifted my gaze to the adjacent rock face. The hill was RISING! I was profoundly changed, rapt at the happening. I need to know what exactly happened: to evolve a theory and a technique to do it as a therapy. Experience 4 - THE TALLEST MAN - 1002 METERS I climbed a hill 1000 meters high. The cliff top was a bare rock, its three sides falling almost straight to the ground. In my downward vision I saw myself of two meters length, the sheer fall of the cliff down to the ground a 1000 meters. Suddenly I felt the height of the cliff added to my own height. I felt I was 1002 meters tall. What happened next was that I lost interest in anything below my eye level of 1002 Meters: the ground below, the match box houses, the people in it, and their various interactions, even in the food that was down there. I stood transfixed, my eyes seeking the next hill top of equal height, probing the sky and the clouds which were now my world, my home, my being. That a mere change in eye level could bring about a radical change was surprising to me. There ought to be a neuro – psychiatric explanation for it which I hope to find from the members here. On the same occasion, I saw an upstanding rock on the cliff top roughly 2 meters high, rather irregularly shaped as a human. It stood like a sentry over the entire panorama. I felt an empathy, identification with the sentry to the point of letting it talk to me in my own mind, in my own thoughts (A kind of transference, inclusion or what). The sentry’s first utterance in my own conscience and imagination was: “You are leaving me back to my loneliness”. I stood pole-axed. Then the sentry said, what is it you need, you want from the ground, stay here and see that they reach you. It was almost a teasing challenge. I did not know what to do. When in doubt swing back to status quo. I decided I would go down, login, obtain feed back from experts, understand what happened , then decide. Guilty that I was leaving the sentry behind to his own loneliness, I meekly climbed down the Hills. Cyclops.
Cyclops Climbed a hill 1000 meters high. The cliff top was a bare rock, its three sides falling almost straight to the ground. In his downward vision he saw himself of two meters length, the sheer fall of the cliff down to the ground a 1000 meters. Suddenly he felt the height of the cliff added to his own height, he felt he was 1002 meters tall. What happened next was that Cyclops lost interest in anything below his eye level of 1002 Meters: the ground below, the match box houses, the people in it, and their various interactions, even in the food that was down there. He stood transfixed, his eyes seeking the next hill top of equal height, probing the sky and the clouds which were now his world, his home his being. That a mere change in eye level could bring about a radical change was surprising to Cyclops. There ought to be a neuro – psychiatric explanation for it which Cyclops seeks in this August Forum. There was an upstanding rock on the cliff top roughly 2 meters high, rather irregularly shaped as a human. It stood like a sentry over the entire panorama. Cyclops felt an empathy, identification with the sentry to the point of letting it talk to him in his own mind, in his own thoughts (A kind of transference, inclusion or what). The sentry’s first utterance in his own conscience and imagination was: “you are leaving me back to my loneliness”. Cyclops stood pole axed. Then the sentry said, what is it you need, you want from the ground, stay here and see that they reach you. It was almost a teasing challenge. Cyclops did not know what to do. When in doubt swing back to status quo. He decided he would go down, login, obtain feed back from experts, understand what happened , then decide. Guilty he was leaving the sentry behind to his own loneliness the intrepid Cyclops meekly climbed down the Hills.
Cyclops had been to a Water Falls. He saw the sheet of Water break up, Scatter into a cluster of water drops. Catching the cluster of Water drops at the top of the Falls he could hold it in his eyes and follow its descent. When he did that he fell with the Water drops. Swing up the eyes, hold the cluster of drops, follow its descent and fall again himself with a thud and do it again. After a while he let go the water and shifted his gaze to the adjacent rock face. The hill was RISING! Cyclops was profoundly changed, rapt at the happening. He needs to know what exactly happened to evolve a theory, and a technique to do it as a therapy, poetry.
Cyclops bent to pick up a Sleeping child. He squared his shoulders, expanded his RIB CAGE, took a broad breath, pushed his elbows out, crouched above the child. Something came unbuckled, the two halves of his rib cage separated, the two lungs separated, wind pipe lay open like a broad road, heart lay soft and free in one corner, the breath resonated to the aunomotopic sound of NR.NR.NR…………… The sound was eerie, other worldly, but soft sonorous inducing warmth, security, happiness and subtle strength. The Sleeping child harkened, relaxed, smiled, hugged Cyclops snug. What came unbuckled as Cyclops squared his shoulders? What was the NR sound. Are there many more sounds in our throat. Cyclops recalled that a friend, during extreme emotional & physical stress whistled through his nostrils like the steam escaping out of a cooker.
RIB CAGE UNBUCKLED (Physical Exercises, Experienced Effects, Science Explanations Sought) Cyclops bent to pick up a Sleeping child. He squared his shoulders, expanded his RIB CAGE, took a broad breath, pushed his elbows out, crouched above the child. Something came unbuckled, the two halves of his rib cage separated, the two lungs separated, wind pipe lay open like a broad road, heart lay soft and free in one corner, the breath resonated to the aunomotopic sound of NR.NR.NR…………… The sound was eerie, other worldly, but soft sonorous inducing warmth, security, happiness and subtle strength. The Sleeping child harkened, relaxed, smiled, hugged Cyclops snug. What came unbuckled as Cyclops squared his shoulders? What was the NR sound. Are there many more sounds in our throat. Cyclops recalled that a friend, during extreme emotional & physical stress whistled through his nostrils like the steam escaping out of a cooker. Cyclops FALL WITH WATER (Physical Exercises, RISE WITH THE HILL Experienced Effects, Science Explanations Sought) Cyclops had been to a Water Falls. He saw the sheet of Water break up, Scatter into a cluster of water drops. Catching the cluster of Water drops at the top of the Falls he could hold it in his eyes and follow its descent. When he did that he fell with the Water drops. Swing up the eyes, hold the cluster of drops, follow its descent and fall again himself with a thud and do it again. After a while he let go the water and shifted his gaze to the adjacent rock face. The hill was RISING! Cyclops was profoundly changed, rapt at the happening. He needs to know what exactly happened to evolve a theory, and a technique to do it as a therapy, poetry. Cyclops. Sir, THE TALLEST MAN (Physical Exercises, 1002 METERS Experienced Effects, Science Explanations Sought) Cyclops Climbed a hill 1000 meters high. The cliff top was a bare rock, its three sides falling almost straight to the ground. In his downward vision he saw himself of two meters length, the sheer fall of the cliff down to the ground a 1000 meters. Suddenly he felt the height of the cliff added to his own height, he felt he was 1002 meters tall. What happened next was that Cyclops lost interest in anything below his eye level of 1002 Meters: the ground below, the match box houses, the people in it, and their various interactions, even in the food that was down there. He stood transfixed, his eyes seeking the next hill top of equal height, probing the sky and the clouds which were now his world, his home his being. That a mere change in eye level could bring about a radical change was surprising to Cyclops. There ought to be a neuro – psychiatric explanation for it which Cyclops seeks in this August Forum. There was an upstanding rock on the cliff top roughly 2 meters high, rather irregularly shaped as a human. It stood like a sentry over the entire panorama. Cyclops felt an empathy, identification with the sentry to the point of letting it talk to him in his own mind, in his own thoughts (A kind of transference, inclusion or what). The sentry’s first utterance in his own conscience and imagination was: “you are leaving me back to my loneliness”. Cyclops stood pole axed. Then the sentry said, what is it you need, you want from the ground, stay here and see that they reach you. It was almost a teasing challenge. Cyclops did not know what to do. When in doubt swing back to status quo. He decided he would go down, login, obtain feed back from experts, understand what happened , then decide. Guilty he was leaving the sentry behind to his own loneliness the intrepid Cyclops meekly climbed down the Hills. Cyclops.
After a rain wet night cyclops took a walk in the morning........ His neck S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D of its own accord,like a telescope being pulled out,segment by segment,in short smooth stages,up and up in symmetrically coordinated tiny jerks of the neck.He felt he was wearing a collar[meant for spondylitis] and wondered whether all of us should wear a collar all the time.His neck stretched to the full,crown top coming cruising down,eyes swinging between the corners left and right, the swing of the head controlled and steady as not to disturb the centrified poise. He felt he has attained the ideal position of head on neck[thanks to rains] that he searched for long ago in one of his postings on this forum.
Cyclops dozed a little after waking up from sleep at dawn.He didn't want to sink back into oblivion nor did he want to wake up into full activity.Both seemed a waste.How to stay in the middle,keeping both ends together.The clue must be in the physical body right at that moment.his eyelids were not totally closed.He can see through slits in the lower part of his eyes.Scattered lights,trees,buildings were reaching his eyes without his having to look out for details or focus.Those images free floated,eddied as though in a body of water.What could come of it if he maintained his head and eyes just that way and got up and went to work with slit eyes and eddying images.Will he achieve a continuum between sleep and wakefulness and not sink into oblivion nor chase windmills in extroversion.Kindly offer feedback on what a neuro-psychiatric state would it be.
It was a rainy night.Cyclops woke up in his eye.The sheets in his bed billowed,swirled all around him with him snuggling warm and happy in center.He fully woke up to discover he was totally refreshed.
CLENCHED FIST CLENCHED JAW Clenched Fist gains the palm autonomy from the wrist, A Center of Gravity of its own. Clenched Jaw could gain the Head autonomy from neck, A Center of Gravity of its own. Clenched Jaw can take the weight of the Head off the neck, preventing, curing SPONDYLITIS, doing away with Collars. I am clenching my jaw bone joint without gritting my teeth. Stumbled upon it. Tensing it backward, forward, upward, downward subtly. My head feels a sold unit, moves with more purpose, will and in many angles. I need confirmation, clarification, correction from those who are doing it, from experts on the pros and cons, to help iron out the kinks and evolve a theory and a technique. CYCLOPS