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Everything posted by jordehwa

  1. i made hole bunch of boric acid but i dont know what to do with it. i already know the green fire experiment, is there any other experiments i can do? maybe making borates?
  2. What about insoluble copper salts like, copper borate, will this make tetraamminecopperborate?
  3. man im sorry i should have thought of that, now i feel stupid:doh: Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedi was thinking about making some but it sounds like pretty bad stuff but i guess i dont know, i have never had a problem with my HCl, have you worked with HBr what do you think. by the way the stuff i could make would not be very concentrated.
  4. Well i know that if you add ammonium hydroxide to copper sulfate it precipitates copper hydroxide, then with excess ammonia it redissolves to form the complex tetraamminecopperIIsulfate. So my question is, is this the same thing that happens with all copper compounds? Will copper chloride make tetraamminecopperIIchloride or copper phosphate make tetraaminecopperIIphosphate? and whats the difference? thank you
  5. Hi I just want you to know that i do have experience working with 31.45% hydrochloric acid, and i know all the dangers, so i just want to know the difference of hydrobromic acid in terms of safety.
  6. hi, I was wondering where can i get some calcium carbide? can i get it at a hardware store? I only need technical grade stuff. i need some so i can make acetylene gas, by the way how many compounds can i make by bubbling the gas through aqueous solutions of ionic compounds?
  7. cool thanks guys.
  8. ok thanks
  9. i tried 3 different teas, earl grey, russian caravan tea, and some green tea i dont remember the name. Remember all these are loose teas not from a tea bag but anyway the earl grey was good at first but after like 5 minutes it was super bitter. The green tea was nasty but i think its because the one i had was not from a normal tea plant. The russian caravan tea makes a really strong cup of tea so i thought it would be too strong to use as a chew, but when i tried it never got too bitter and i had it in my mouth for about 45 mins. If you want you could experiment and tell me what you like by the way i washed the loose tea in cold water just to moisten them.
  10. is cellulose peroxide a real compound? if so can someone tell me some things about it? and how to make it? also can anyone tell me how to make some other cellulose compounds?
  11. let me ask if i did this in a hot plate. how much of the ammonium chloride will decompose?
  12. hi i recently bought some loose black tea, i was wondering if it would be safe to use as a tobacco chew substitute? i do not chew tobacco i know how bad it is, but if i could chew tea i might.
  13. ok thanks I will get some ph paper, but i only lost about 5 ml of the solution for testing. its evaporated about halfway, and i dont see any crystals yet but thats ok. I will weigh it when its all dry, and tell you guys how much i got.
  14. I looked this experiment up the other day, and it said all i have to do is neutralize the acid with the ammonium hydroxide. so i took 40 ml of HCL i had a lot of baking soda to test if the acid was neutral, i put 50 ml of the ammonia and the solution got warm so i let it cool down then i took a drop of the solution, and put it on the soda powder and it fizzed so i put another 50 ml, tested again then more and, tested then more and tested, till i was adding about 5 ml at a time then finaly when i put a drop on the soda it did not do anything so does that mean it worked? now all ineed to do is evaporate it right? Just to let you know i understand why you dont want to tell me, but i do have experience working with hcl and i am very safe. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedcan some please tell me if all i need to do is evaporate the solution?
  15. no problem:cool: I like helping so if you need anything else just ask. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI am thinking about doing this myself now, so may i ask how you made the CuCl2 solution?
  16. citric acid is maid by the mold Aspergillus niger, as this mold feeds on sugar its waist is Co2 and citric acid, just like Co2 and alcohol are the waist of yeast. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedStart a culture of Aspergillus niger. This fungus is very common in nature and specific strains have been developed which have a very high production rate of citric acid. These strains are available wherever science and agricultural supplies are sold. Feed the culture of A. niger simple sugar. This may be sucrose (table sugar) or some medium that contains glucose. The source is typically the most inexpensive source of sugar available, such as hydrolyzed corn starch, corn syrup or molasses. A. niger uses the glucose as food and produces citric acid and carbon dioxide (C02) as waste products. Filter the mold out of the culture once the concentration of citric acid in the culture peaks. The remaining solution will be very high in citric acid Extract the citric acid. Add calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] to the solution. It will combine with the citric acid to form calcium citrate Ca3(C6H5O7)2, a salt that will precipitate out of the solution. The following equation shows this reaction: 3Ca(OH)2 + 2C3H4[COOH]3OH -> Ca3(C6H5O7)2 + 3H2. Regenerate the citric acid with sulfuric acid. The following equation shows this reaction: 3H2SO4 + Ca3(C6H5O7)2 -> 2C3H4[COOH]3OH + 3CaS04. Note the additional product of calcium sulfate (CaSO4).
  17. You could try this, wash the copper with water to get rid of the excessCuCl2, then to get rid of all the water, wash the copper again, but this time in anhydrous ethanol, the alcohol will evaporate off pretty fast if you spread the copper powder on a sheet of paper. once its dry you can store it. I have not tried this it is just a guess sorry if it doesn't work. But i think this should work. That is of course, if you don't have a vacuum oven or a dessicator and argon.
  18. ok thanks I am planning on making some, so does anyone have any tips on how to get a good yield.
  19. No problem im glad to help.
  20. I know this is an old post, but i was wondering, i am 16 and i don't have any elements to trade, but i am trying to start element collection, i am very interested in elements and chemistry. And i guess i was wondering if you had any extras, I would really be thankful and happy if you could donate any elements. You dont have to answer on this post just send me a message if you want. Thanks
  21. take a small amount of the solution and dip a steel nail in for about 10 seconds take it out and see if any copper is on the nail. I have also heard that if you put aluminum foil in CuCl2 that a redish brown solid should precipitate out as the aluminium dissolves, filter it wash it and dry it, it should be very fine copper powder. i have not done this so i am not really sure if it works.
  22. could someone give me some information on Tetramminecopper(II) sulfate? I already read the info from wikpedia and some other sites i just want to know about safety, and after i make and dry it can i redissolve it in water to recrystallize it?, or will it decompose into ammonia and copper sulfate?
  23. hi i am planing on making around 50 or so grams of ammonium chloride from 31.45%HCL and ammonium hydroxide solution from walmart. What would be the best way to do this to get the best yield. also how should i dry the ammonium chloride?, and test it for purity?. i do not have a PH indicator. and i do not know the %of the ammonium hydroxide.
  24. Thanks alot for answering me:-) that helps me alot, i knew it was something like that, but i could not find it, but i just typed in metal reactivity series and found it so thanks for the help.
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