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Everything posted by jordehwa

  1. i was walking though walmart and seen some 91% Isopropyl Alcohol really cheap so i bought it. Is there any safe experiments i can do with this stuff. thanks
  2. ok then can i buy a more dilute solution of it or should i get sulfuric acid instead
  3. Thanks guys. I was wondering how dangerus is a 30% solution of hydrochloric acid, and what are some safe experiments i can do with it ?
  4. i would like some cool electrolysis experiments i already did salt water what else can i do with electrolysis? And can someone tell me what i made i had salt water and the anode and cathode was copper and the salt water turnd light blue so i dried it on a dish and had white and blue crystals what is the blue stuff? i did the same thing with steel nails and the water turned green after a wile it turned orange i dried that out and it had small orange crystals so what is the orange stuff ?
  5. if someone could give me a list of chemicals to buy for begginner chemist that would be awsome. Just somethings that i can do a buch of cool experiments with. thanks.
  6. WOW ok thanks i wont make it.
  7. ok thanks you guys
  8. i did not make this i wnat to make sure it is safe first so is acetone peroxide safe.
  9. i just want to know what the easiest acid to make is and how to make it .Besides vinegar. thanks.
  10. i am new to chemistry and im looking for some coll experiments to do anything not to dangerus or expenisve thanks bye
  11. Thanks guys. About acid and stuff what are some cool and safe experiments to do and what kind acid is best for safer experiments. Also about the vinegar what are some cool experiments for that. And is it possible to make any kind of acid with eletrolysis. Thanks again
  12. i want to know how to make some acid and i dont want to buy anything expensive to do it. just like a cool acid to do experiments with and stuff not to dangerus though. cause im only using vinegar is there a way to make the vinegar stonger and more acidic
  13. this is my first post so im new here and new to this kind of stuff so anyway i made a solution of sodium chloride, vinger and water. my anode and cathode are copper it was dissolveing the copper wire on the positive end for about 10 mins i kept putting more copper on. and something wierd happend at the negitve end it bubbling up bright yellow and have know idea what that is please tell me thank you.
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